February 20, 2025 at 6:00 PM - Regular Meeting
Agenda |
1. Call to Order [Kenny Cruzan]
2. Prayer [Nikki Yarnall]
3. Pledge of Allegiance and Texas Pledge [NJROTC]
4. Hear Public Comment [Kenny Cruzan]
Hear public comments in open forum. Audience participation at a Board meeting is limited to the portion of the meeting designated to receive public comment in accordance with board policy BED(Local). At all other times during a Board meeting, the audience shall not enter into discussion or debate on matters being considered by the Board, unless requested by the presiding officer. If the speaker is seeking Board resolution of a specific complaint, that concern should be addressed through the District’s grievance policy. At regular Board meetings, the Board shall permit public comment, regardless of whether the topic is an item on the agenda posted with notice of the meeting. At special called meetings, public comment is limited to those items listed on the agenda. Public comment shall occur at the beginning of the meeting. Individuals who wish to participate during the portion of the meeting designated for public comment shall sign up with the presiding officer or designee before the meeting begins as specified in the Board’s procedures on public comment and shall indicate the agenda item or topic, if applicable, on which they wish to address the Board. Except as permitted by Board policy BED(Local) and the Board’s procedures on public comment, an individual’s comments to the Board shall not exceed three minutes per meeting. When necessary for effective meeting management or to accommodate large numbers of individuals wishing to address the Board, the presiding officer may adjust public comment procedures in accordance with BED(Local), including establishing an overall time limit for public comment and adjusting the time allotted to each speaker. However, no individual shall be given less than one minute to make comments.
5. District Celebrations [Dr. Lesley Austin]
5.A. RFHS Essay Winners - Aransas County Day at the State Capitol
5.B. 2025 San Patricio/Aransas County Agriculture & Homemaking Show Exhibitors
6. Board of Trustees' Report [Kenny Cruzan]
6.A. Committee Reports
7. Presentations/Discussions
7.A. Bond 2022 Project Update: Teal Construction and Claycomb Associates [Jamin Welch / Josh Hansen]
7.B. Strategic Plan 2025-2029: Balanced Scorecard, House Bill 3, Superintendent Evaluation Tool [Dr. Lesely Austin]
7.C. 2025-2026 District Calendar Presentation [Molly Adams]
7.D. TASB Policy Update 124 - First Read [Molly Adams]
8. Business Items Requiring Board Action
8.A. Consider/Take possible action to approve Special Education Budget Amendment [Kathy Henderson]
8.B. Consider/Take possible action to approve payment for property insurance renewal with Regional Pool Alliance to bind coverage. [Kathy Henderson]
8.C. Consider/Take possible action to approve the 2025-2026 RFISD District Calendar [Molly Adams]
8.D. Consider/Take possible action to approve Staff Longevity Stipends [Molly Adams]
8.E. Consider/Take possible action to approve the purchase of Live Oak Learning Center Playground Fill Replacement [Mike Nowotny]
8.F. Consider/Take possible action to approve Memorandum of Understanding between Rockport-Fulton ISD and the Rockport-Fulton Education Foundation [Lesley Austin]
8.G. Consider/Take possible action to approve the 2025-2029 Strategic Plan: RFISD Balanced Scorecard [Dr. Lesley Austin]
8.H. Consider/Take possible action to approve House Bill 3 Goals [Dr. Lesley Austin]
8.I. Consider/Take possible action to approve the 2026 Superintendent Evaluation Tool [Dr. Lesley Austin]
8.J. Consider/Take possible action to approve Resolution of Appraisal District Appointees [Dr. Lesley Austin]
8.K. Consider/Take possible action to approve Resolution Regarding Wage Payments during Emergency School Closures [Dr. Lesley Austin]
9. Superintendent's Report [Dr. Lesley Austin]
Information/updates from Administrative Staff
9.A. Central Office Reports
9.A.1. Featured Campus Report - RFHS - Secondary Program Guide [Dr. Jodi Carter]
9.A.2. Teaching & Learning Report [Jessica Robbins]
9.A.3. Business Office Report [Kathy Henderson]
9.A.3.a. 2024-2025 Budget Update
9.A.3.b. 2025-2026 Budget Update
9.A.4. Human Resources Report [Molly Adams]
9.A.5. Athletic Department Report [Eric Soza]
9.A.6. Operations Report [Mike Nowotny]
9.A.6.a. Maintenance and Operations Projects
10. CONSENT AGENDA [Kenny Cruzan]
The Superintendent may consolidate items on the agenda summary for possible group action, or any Board member may suggest group action on items to expedite the Board meeting. A request by any trustee shall remove any item from the suggested and consolidated action list
10.A. Minutes
Consider approval of the minutes for the January 16, 2025 Regular Board Meeting and January 23, 2025 Special Board Meeting.
10.B. Consider/Take possible action to approve Staff Development Waiver 2025-2026
10.C. Consider/Take action to approve HB 3033 Public Information Act (PIA) Request Response
11. Closed Session [Kenny Cruzan]
Adjourn to closed session pursuant to Texas Government Code Section 551.071: Attorney Consultation, 551.074: Personnel, 551.072: Real Estate, 551.076: Safety & Security.
11.A. 551.071 Attorney Consultation
Consider, discuss, and take potential action to approve the hiring of Pearson Legal PC to provide consultation services in connection to property damage to the District’s facilities.
11.B. 551.074 Personnel Matters
Discuss/Consider the appointment, employment, evaluation, reassignment, duties, discipline or dismissal of a public employee or employees, including but not limited to resignation and employment of personnel.
11.C. 551.072 Real Property Deliberations
11.D. 551.076 Safety and Security
12. Reconvene to Open Session [Kenny Cruzan]
Discussion and possible action on closed session items
12.A. 551.071 Attorney Consultation
Consider/Take possible action to approve the hiring of Pearson Legal PC to provide consultation services in connection to property damage to the District’s facilities.
12.B. 551.074 Personnel Matters
Consider/Take possible action to approve Contracts
13. Adjourn [Kenny Cruzan]