February 19, 2018 at 6:00 PM - Regular Meeting
Agenda |
1. Call to Order and Announcement by the Board whether a quorum is present, that the meeting has been posted for the time and manner required by law.
2. Pledge of Allegiance and Prayer
3. Public Participation as allowed by BED (LOCAL)
4. Special Presentations
5. Consent Agenda
5.A. Minutes
5.B. Financials
5.C. Donations
5.D. Budget Amendment
6. Closed Session 551.074
6.A. Administrator Contracts
7. Reconvene from executive session for action relative to items covered during executive session.
8. Action Items
8.A. Review and consider extension of administrator contracts
8.B. Review and consider adoption of 2018-2019 School Calendar
8.C. Review and consider the creation of new positions.
9. Discussion
9.A. Discuss the creation of the BRISD Sick Leave Bank as a component of the BRISD Personnel Plan Goal
9.B. Review and discuss changes to BRISD Board Policy DFE (LOCAL) Termination of Employment: Resignation.
9.C. Review and discuss district goals
9.D. Review and discuss process for selecting Construction Manager At-Risk or Construction Manager Agent
10. Superintendent Comments
11. Adjournment