May 19, 2008 at 7:30 PM - Regular
Agenda |
1. Call the meeting to order
2. Establish quorum
3. Invocation
4. Open forum
5. Retirement Recognition
6. Recognition of 2007-2008 Teacher of the Year
7. Recognition of Collin County Special Ed Coop Annual Awards
8. Consider and approve canvassing the May 10, 2008 Trustee Election returns
9. Oath of Office for newly elected School Board Trustees
10. Reorganization of the School Board Trustees
11. Consent Action Agenda
11.A. Approval of Minutes
11.A.1. Regular Meeting - April 21, 2008
11.B. Business Office Report
11.B.1. Disbursements for the month of April
11.B.2. Financial Report
12. TAKS Testing Preliminary Results
13. Discuss and consider 2008-2009 Elementary School Student Handbook
14. Discuss and consider 2008-2009 Intermediate/Middle School Student Handbook
15. Discuss and consider care and maintenance of facilities
16. Discuss and consider action on any and all matters incidental and construction related items regarding buildings and/or other improvements.
17. Personnel: Closed Session: 551.074
17.A. Personnel
17.A.1. Administrator Contracts
17.A.2. Resignation
18. Superintendent's Comments
18.A. 8th Grade Graduation
18.B. High School Graduation
19. Adjournment.