April 10, 2014 at 9:30 AM - American Indian Parent Committee
Agenda |
1. Introduction
1.1. Sign-In, Call to Order, and Introductions
Attendees will sign-in, the committee chair will call the meeting to order, and attendees will introduce themselves.
1.2. Meeting Agenda
The meeting agenda will be reviewed.
2. Business Items
2.1. Review Meeting Notes
We will review the meeting notes from the previous meeting.
2.2. Grant Update
Success for the Future: Next chance to apply is 2017.
Language Revitalization Grant: Prairie Island is reapplying for this grant Johnson O'Malley Grant: American Indian communities generally apply. Big Read Grant: No update at this time. Federal Demonstration Grants: No update at this time. |
2.3. Pow-Wow on May 16th?
At our last meeting, there was discussion about a possible pow-wow on May 16th from 6-9 pm. Tori was planning to discuss it with the elementary PAC. We will discuss how the event will be advertised.
2.4. American Indian Curriculum Standards
We will discuss how we can ensure that the school district is fulfilling the standards related to American Indian curriculum.
2.5. Professional Development Training for Teachers
Joe sent a message to Dennis Olson at the MDE to find out what professional development training for teachers might be available through his office. Joe will provide an update.
2.6. Drum/Dance Event during Staff Development Training Week
Prairie Island might be willing to host new teachers or all teachers for a drum/dance event during teacher staff development training week. We will discuss options.
2.7. Curriculum Writing
Paul will be providing Karsten and Joe with a proposal to conduct curriculum writing sessions this summer for teachers.
2.8. Dakota Language Immersion Class
Paul mentioned the possibility of starting an Dakota language immersion class in Kindergarten. We will discuss this possibility further.
2.9. Rough Draft of Title VII Grant
Karsten will provide a rough draft of the Title VII grant. After receiving input from from the parent committee, the grant application will be developed and presented for review at our meeting on May 8th.
2.10. Transportation Changes
Karsten will present information about changes to school starting and ending times as well as transportation.
2.11. Principal Selection
Karsten will discuss the plan for selecting a new elementary school principal and high school principal.
2.12. Questions / Suggestions
Members will be given the opportunity to ask questions or make additional suggestions.
3. Upcoming Meetings and Adjournment
3.1. Upcoming Meetings and Topics
The next meeting is currently scheduled for May 8th. All meetings begin at 9:30 am in the Community Education Conference Room. Possible upcoming topics include review of the school district's Title VII application, an update on grants, a possible University of Minnesota project, targeted services programming, Title I programming, special education programming, and Section 504 programming.
3.2. Adjournment
The committee chair will adjourn the meeting.