February 3, 2020 at 6:00 PM - School Board Regular Meeting
Agenda |
1. Introduction
1.1. Call to Order, Roll Call, Pledge of Allegiance, Vision, and Disclosures of Interest
1.2. Meeting Agenda
2. Communications
2.1. Educational Plan
2.2. Recognitions and Upcoming Events
2.3. Public Comment
2.4. School Board Reports
2.5. Administrator Reports
3. Consent Agenda and Donations / Grants
3.1. Consent Agenda: Minutes, Claims and Accounts, Treasurer's Report, Resignation, and New Hires
4. Business Items
4.1. School Board Committee Objectives and Assignments
4.2. Jefferson School Purchase Agreements
4.3. RWHS Graduation Requirements and Program of Studies
4.4. March Board Meetings
4.5. Revised Budget for 2019-20
5. Upcoming Meetings and Adjournment
5.1. Upcoming Meetings and Future Topics
5.2. Adjournment