February 20, 2014 at 6:00 PM - Regular Board Meeting
Agenda |
1. Call to Order (6:00 P.M.)
2. Prayer
3. Pledge-Clay Bourne, Sixth Grade Student
4. Roll Call (Board Members and Administrators)
5. Audience (Special Guests and Visitors)
6. Student and Staff Recognition
6.A. Employee of the Month
6.B. Student of the Month
7. Open Forum
8. Public Hearing-TAPR Report (Misty Betts, Presenter)
9. Reports
9.A. Financial Report (Laronda Graf)
9.B. Superintendent Report (Ben Carson)
9.B.1. Employee Attendance Awards for First Semester
9.B.2. Camp Invention ! Summer Program led by LEISD Educators (Anne Taliaferro, Presenter)
9.B.3. HB5 Student and Community Engagement
9.C. McKinstry Report on Energy Savings to Date
10. Consent Agenda Items
10.A. Consider Minutes from January 16, 2014 Regular and Training Meeting
10.B. Consider Expenditures for January, 2014
10.C. Consider Investment Report
10.D. Consider Transfer Students for 2013-2014
10.E. Interlocal Agreements with Bowie County Sherriff Dept, Texarkana Texas Police and Liberty-Eylau Volunteer Fire Dept
11. Regular Business
11.A. Review and Consider Order Calling Board of Trustees Election for May 10, 2014 and joint election agreement with the City of Texarkana (Ben Carson, Presenter)
11.B. Review and Consider Adoption of Vision, Mission, Core Beliefs and Goals for Liberty-Eylau ISD (Ben Carson, Presenter)
11.C. Review and Consider Joining Successful School Consortium (Ben Carson, Presenter)
11.D. Review and Consider Budget Amendment (Darla Moss, Presenter)
11.E. Review and Consider Early Graduation Plan for Quentin M Hill (Rick Fowler, Presenter)
11.F. Review and Consider Purchase of Truck for Liberty-Eylau ISD (Ben Carson, Presenter)
12. Adjournment to Closed or Executive Session Pursuant to the Texas Open Meetings Act, Texas Government Code Section 551.00 et.seq.
12.A. Discussing or deliberating appointment, employment, evaluation, reassignment, duties, discipline, or dismissal of a public officer or to hear a complaint or charge against an officer or employee (551.074)
12.B. Personnel Recommendations
13. Reconvene in Open Meeting
13.A. Review and Consider Personnel Items (Ben Carson, Presenter)
14. Information Items
15. Adjourn