June 10, 2019 at 5:30 PM - Regular Meeting
Agenda |
1. FY2019 Budget Workshop
2. Executive Session if needed following Workshop
3. Open to the Public 7:00 pm
4. Recognize Student and Staff Achievements
5. Recognize Visitors
6. Approve Board Minutes for May 13, 2019
7. Administer Oath of Office
8. Elect Board Officers
9. Superintendent Communications
9.A. End of Year Enrollment
9.B. Recent and Upcoming Events
10. Appoint Board Representative for Education Foundation
11. Approve Monthly Financials
12. Consideration and action on option agreement for the acquisition of additional undeveloped real property within Section 73, Block 9, BS&F Survey, Randall County, Texas, for the development and construction of a new high school campus, currently designated as “CISD High School No. 3,” and authorizing other matters incident thereto
13. Consideration and action to approve the Standard Form of Agreement between Owner and Contractor as amended by the District, with Western Builders for construction manager at risk services relating to the construction of Canyon ISD New High School #3 (RFP # 19-016)
14. Renew Food Service Contract
15. Approve Chapter 41 Agreement
16. Approve Innovative Courses
17. Approved Special Education Consultant Services
18. Accept Donations
19. Employ Personnel
20. Approve Superintendent Evaluation
21. Approve Superintendent Contract
22. Discuss Purchase, Exchange, Lease or Value of Real Property