February 11, 2019 at 5:45 PM - Regular Meeting
Agenda |
1. Tour of Transportation Facility at 3201 N 23rd Avenue, Canyon beginning at 5:45 pm
2. Closed Executive Session until 7:00 pm
3. Recognize Student and Staff Achievements
4. Recognize Visitors
5. Approve Board Minutes for January 14, 2019 and January 22, 2019
6. Legislative Update with Anette Carlisle
7. Superintendent Communications
7.A. Enrollment
7.B. Recap of Ambassador Program and TASA Midwinter Conference
7.C. Upcoming Events
7.D. Safety Update
8. Teacher Growth Effectiveness Report
Cameron Rosser with Lisa Hill and Chris Norton
9. Consideration and action on an order calling a General Trustee Election for Places 1, 2, and 7
10. Consideration and action on an order calling a Special Trustee Election for the remaining term for Place 6
11. Approve Monthly Financials
12. Budget Amendment
13. Approve Request for Qualifications for Annual Financial Audit
14. Consideration of management fees under Cooperative Purchasing Contracts per Section 44.0331
15. Consideration and action to approve a Construction Manager At Risk for the construction of two new elementary schools
16. Consideration and action to approve a Construction Manager At Risk the renovation and construction of Kimbrough Stadium, the renovation and construction of the baseball/softball facility, and expansion of the Manufacturing Academy facility
17. Approve contract between Canyon ISD and Braun Intertec
18. Accept Donations
19. Employ Personnel
20. Discuss Purchase, Exchange, Lease or Value of Real Property