June 10, 2019 at 7:00 PM - Regular Meeting
Agenda |
1. Roll Call, establishment of quorum, and call to order
2. Pledge of Allegiance and Invocation
Mr. Salinas
3. Audience Participation Policy [Policy BED(Local)].
4. May 4, 2019 Board Election:
4.A. Swearing in of board members: Joseph Jones and Trey Repka
4.B. Restructure of the Board
Mr. Mircovich
4.B.1. President
4.B.2. Vice-President
4.B.3. Secretary
5. Reports:
5.A. Superintendent's Report:
5.A.1. Summer Leadership- San Antonio - June 13-15
5.A.2. TASA/TASB Convention - Dallas - September 20 - 22
5.B. Construction update
Albert Soto/Chris Brzozowski
5.C. State Scores
Miss Mircovich
5.D. Review Elementary and Secondary Student Handbook for the 2019-2020 school year
5.E. Faculty and Student Dress Code for the 2019-2020 school year
5.F. Current tax collections for May 2019
5.G. Check Register for May 2019
6. Consent Agenda Items:
6.A. Minutes of the May 13th Board Meetings
6.B. Resolution # 282-06-19 regarding review of the investment program
6.C. Consider Auditor Engagement Letter for the 2017-2018 school audit with Gowland, Strealy, Morales and Co.
6.D. Monthly Investment Report for May 2019
6.E. Financial Reports for May 2019
7. Action Items:
7.A. Consider and approve dates selected for following meetings:
•Goal Setting/Team Building (June 24,25 July 29,31 August 1,2) •Budget Adoption •New Board Member orientation •Superintendent's evaluation
Mr. Mircovich
7.B. Select one delegate and one alternate to attend the Delegate Assembly September 20-22nd in Dallas
7.C. TASB Board of Director's nomination.
7.D. Consideration of the XG project.
Teresa Flores
7.E. Consider adopting Local District Update 113, affecting local policies: BBE(LOCAL): Board Members –Authority BDD (LOCAL): Board Internal Organization – Attorney BJCD(LOCAL): Superintendent Evaluation CI(LOCAL): School Properties Disposal CO(LOCAL): Food And Nutrition Management COA(LOCAL): Food And Nutrition Management – Procurement COB(LOCAL): Food And Nutrition Management - Free And Reduced-Price Meals CRB(LOCAL): Insurance And Annuities Management - Liability Insurance EHBAF(LOCAL): Special Education - Video/Audio Monitoring FNF(LOCAL): Student Rights And Responsibilities - Investigations And Searches
7.F. Consider and approve Local Policy DCE (LOCAL)
Dr. Porter
7.G. Review and approve Depository Contract for Funds of Ingleside Independent School District.
Dr. Porter
7.H. Interlocal Agreement between San Patricio County, Texas and Ingleside Independent School District, Texas
Mr. Mircovich
7.I. Consider and approve the project for resurfacing the parking lot and road between JH and High schools.
Mr. Mircovich
7.J. Approve Strategies for Learning HS Math Innovative Course # N1110030
Dr. Porter
7.K. Consider and approve Budget Amendment
8. Executive Session:
8.A. Review Fast Track contracts offered for the 2019-2020 school year: Probationary Contracts to: Blake Schrader, Stephanie Hudson, Christine Kiss, Salvador Hernandez, Cory Carter
8.B. Review resignations received from: Jill Blankenship, Dylan Gambill, Katie Elrod, Heather Cohea
8.C. Superintendent Evaluation
9. Return to Open Session and Take Action on Matters Which the Board May Discuss in Open Session and Take Action On
10. Adjourn: