April 8, 2019 at 7:00 PM - Regular Meeting
Agenda |
1. Roll Call, establishment of quorum, and call to order:
2. Pledge of Allegiance and Invocation:
Mr. Snyder
3. Recognition:
3.A. Ingleside Fire Department
James Creek
3.B. Powerlifting
Coach Hamrick
3.C. Academic All State
Coach Hamrick
4. Audience Participation [Policy BED(Local)]:
5. Reports :
5.A. Superintendent Report
5.A.1. Summer Leadership - San Antonio - June 13-15
5.A.2. Ingleside ISD Website
5.A.3. Meet the Candidate - April 18th Firehouse, Ingleside on the Bay 6 pm
5.B. New Building update report
Albert Soto/ Chris Brzozowski
5.C. Tax collections
5.D. Check Register
6. Presentation of Board Training Hours
7. Consent Agenda Items:
7.A. March board minutes
7.B. TEKS Certification for the 2019-2020 school year
7.C. Investment report
7.D. Financial Reports
8. Action Items:
8.A. Consider and approve District of Innovation Plan for Ingleside I.S.D.
Miss Mircovich
8.B. Consider and approve 2019-2020 application for waiver of Staff Development Minutes
Dr. Porter
8.C. Consider and approve District Calendar for the 2019-2020 school year.
Dr. Porter
8.D. Consider and approve Specialized Public Finance Inc. as Financial Advisor
Dr. Porter
9. Executive Session: (Tex. Govt. Code Section ยง551.074)
9.A. Review resignations received from: Daniel Clancy and Michelle Hale
9.B. Review and approve recommendations for 2019-2020 Certified Employee contracts.
10. Reconvene:
11. Adjourn: