September 12, 2016 at 7:00 PM - Regular Meeting
Agenda |
1. Roll Call, establishment of quorum, and call to order
2. Pledge of Allegiance and Invocation
Mr. Snodgrass
3. Audience Participation [Policy BED(Local)]
4. Recognition:
4.A. Cheer Squad
5. Reports:
5.A. Superintendent's Report
5.A.1. TASA/TASB Convention Sept. 23rd.
5.A.2. Foundation Meeting Sept.
5.A.3. CELEBRATIONS: Sheldon, High School, Athletic Department
5.B. Bond Project Update
5.C. Maintenance Report
Ronnie Robles
5.D. Scholarships awarded for the 2015-2016 school year
5.E. Presentation of current tax collections for August 2016
Mr. Simmons
5.F. Presentation of Check Register for August 2016
Mr. Simmons
6. Consent Agenda Items:
6.A. Minutes of:
6.A.1. Regular Meeting of August 8th
6.A.2. Special Meetings August 15th and 29
6.B. Innovative Courses for the 16-17 school year
6.C. Campus Fieldtrip Listing for the 2016-2017 school year
6.D. Resolution # 261-09-16 that recognizes the San Patricio County 4-H Organization as eligible for extracurricular status.
6.E. Investment report
6.F. Financial Report for August 2016
7. Action Items:
7.A. GASB 54 - Resolution # 260-09-16
Mr. Simmons
7.B. Budget Amendments
Mr. Simmons
8. Executive Session:
8.A. Pursuant to Section ยง551.074 deliberation concerning personnel
8.A.1. Probationary Contract offered to Heather Genovese
9. Adjourn