June 9, 2014 at 7:00 PM - Regular Meeting
Agenda |
1. Roll Call, establishment of quorum, and call to order
2. Pledge of Allegiance and Invocation
Mr. Loeffler
3. Recognition GOAL 3
3.A. Special Olympics
Mrs. Fisher
3.B. Joe Loeffler -
4. Audience Participation Policy [Policy BED(Local)].
5. Swear in unopposed board members from May 10, 2014 board election.
6. Restructure of the Board
Mr. Mircovich
6.A. President
6.B. Vice-President
6.C. Secretary
7. Reports and Presentations: GOAL 1, 3
7.A. Superintendent's Report:
7.A.1. TASA/TASB - September 26-28 in Dallas
7.A.2. TASA Executive Committee
7.A.3. Lamar University Selection
7.A.4. Joint meeting with the city in July
7.A.5. Set date for Superintendent's Evaluation
7.B. Third Quarterly Drug Testing Report
Miss Mircovich
7.D. Presentation of current tax collections for May 2014
Mr. Mircovich
7.E. Check Register for May 2014
Mr. Mircovich
8. Consent Agenda Items: GOAL 1, 3
8.A. Minutes of the Regular Meeting of May 12, 2014
8.B. Monthly Investment Report for May 2014
8.C. Financial Reports for May 2014
8.D. Resolution # 235-06-14 approving the investment officers, policy, and training for the 2013-2014 school year.
8.E. Consider Auditor Engagement Letter for the 2014-2015 school audit with Gowland, Strealy, Morales and Co.
8.F. Consider and approve overnight summer conference trips for the SADD Youth Leadership group.
Mr. Glover
8.G. Renewal of Membership in Walsh Anderson's Retainer Program
9. Action Items:
9.A. Consider and approve student lunch price increase for the 2014-2015 school year
Ross Schonhoeft
10. Closed Session:
10.A. Consider accepting resignations received to date for the 2014-2015 school year from: Myron Marquardt, Gayle Hamalianen, Joseph Grimes, Jason Allbright, Marka Dredla, Stacy Selby.
10.B. Consider and approve Fast Tract Contracts for the 2014-2015 school year. Probationary Contracts offered to: Maria De La Rosa, Ronnie Landers, Tommy Coulter, Loren Vantries, Dana Kangas, Rose Driver and Deidre Smith. Dual Probationary Contracts offered to: Rosie Morales, Bernard Thomas, Lester Johnson, Blair McDavid and Raymond Alvarado. Term Contract offered to: Miguel Manzano.
10.C. Discuss information concerning the Superintendent's Evaluation Instrument
11. Return to Open Session and Take Action on Matters Which the Board May Discuss in Open Session and Take Action On.
11.A. Consider accepting resignations received to date for the 2014-2015 school year from: Myron Marquardt, Gayle Hamalianen, Joseph Grimes, Jason Allbright, Marka Dredla, Stacy Selby.
11.B. Consider and approve Fast Tract Contracts for the 2014-2015 school year. Probationary Contracts offered to: Maria De La Rosa, Ronnie Landers, Tommy Coulter, Loren Vantries, Dana Kangas, Rose Driver and Deidre Smith. Dual Probationary Contracts offered to: Rosie Morales, Bernard Thomas, Lester Johnson, Blair McDavid and Raymond Alvarado. Term Contract offered to: Miguel Manzano.
12. Adjourn: