January 16, 2012 at 7:00 PM - Regular Meeting
Agenda |
1. Roll Call, establishment of quorum, and call to order.
2. Pledge of Allegiance and Invocation
Mr. Loeffler
3. Recognition
3.A. Board Appreciation Month- Recognize Board Members for their service to Ingleside I.S.D.
3.B. Football Team
Coach Hesseltine
4. Audience Participation [Policy BED(Local)].
5. Reports and Presentations
5.A. Superintendent's Report
5.A.1. Midwinter January 29 - February 1, 2012
5.A.2. 2012 Winter Governance February 16-18
5.A.3. Study Group - Sinton ISD - January 19, 6-9 PM
5.B. GJM Campus Report
Mr. Bonorden
5.C. Presentation of current tax collections for December 2011
Mr. Simmons
5.D. Check Register for December 2011
Mr. Simmons
6. Consent Agenda Items
6.A. Consider approval of Minutes of the Regular meeting of December 12, 2011 and Special meeting of January 12, 2012
6.B. Investment report for December 2011
Mr. Simmons
6.C. Consider Approval of Financial Reports for December 2011
Mr. Simmons
7. Action Items
7.A. Consider Calling School Board Election for May 12, 2012
• Place I - Brenda Richardson • Place II - Keith Hill • Place III Bobby Dendy
Mr. Mircovich
7.B. Consider approval of Audit Report for year ending 2011
Mr. Simmons
7.C. Update 92 - Second Reading
Mr. Mircovich
7.C.1. DFFA ( Local) Reduction in Force, Financial Exigency
7.C.2. DFFB (Local) Reduction in Force, Program Change
7.C.3. DFFC (Local) Reduction in Force, Continuing Contracts
7.D. Local Policy Second Reading
7.D.1. EOC
7.D.2. EOC Test
7.D.3. EI(Local) Partial Credit
8. Closed Session
8.A. Deliberation concerning accepting resignations received from Paul Omundson, Sammye Cessac and Jessica West Pursuant to Section §551.074 .
9. Return to Open Session and Take Necessary Action on Matters Which the Board May Discuss in Open Session and Upon Which Action May be Taken.
9.A. Accept resignations received from Paul Omundson, Sammye Cessac and Jessica West Pursuant to Texas Government Code §551.074
10. Adjourn