March 9, 2020 at 6:00 PM - Regular Meeting
Agenda |
I. Call to Order
II. Meeting Procedures
III. Approval of General Agenda
IV. Recognitions
V. Donation Presentation
VI. Approval of February 10, 2020 Minutes
VII. Approval of February 24, 2020 Special Called Minutes
VIII. Approval of Monthly Financial Report for January, 2020
IX. Approval of Policies for Review with No Change Recommended - DJC, DJCA, DJCB, DJD
X. Board Attorney Matters
X.A. Litigation Update
X.A.1. PRBOS v. LCSD - appeal time has expired; no appeal; decision is final.
X.A.2. OGMP v. LCSD - appeal time has expired; no appeal; decision is final.
X.B. Small Cell Installation Agreement
X.C. Purchase of Leasehold Interest - Charter Land, LLC
XI. 16th Section Land Manager Matters
XI.A. Approve New 40-Year Residential Lease to Kyrstan Baum
XI.B. Approve New 40-Year Residential Lease to Richard Powell
XI.C. Approve New 40-Year Residential Lease to Baron Estates, LLC
XI.D. Approve to Advertise for Agriculture Bids for 17+ Acres in Purvis
XI.E. Cancel Lease #890 for Loretta Sykes
XII. Superintendent's Report
XIII. Set Next Regular Meeting for April 14, 2020 at Baxterville School Multipurpose beginning at 6:00p.m.
XIV. Consent Agenda Items
XIV.A. Personnel Matters
XIV.A.1. Non-Certified Resignations/Retirements
XIV.A.1.a. Resign - Pamela Newton as Cafeteria Employee at SMS/SHS effective February 10, 2020.
XIV.A.1.b. Resign - Rebecca Saulters as Cafeteria Employee at OG Upper/Lower effective March 13, 2020.
XIV.A.1.c. Retire - Pamela Herrin as Cafeteria Employee at OGMS effective March 31, 2020.
XIV.A.1.d. Retire - David Johnson as Bus Driver at Oak Grove effective end of 2019-2020 school year.
XIV.A.1.e. Retire - Sheila Nightingale as Bus Driver at Oak Grove effective end of 2019-2020 school year.
XIV.A.1.f. Retire - Robin Lott as Assistant Teacher at Baxterville effective end of 2019-2020 school year.
XIV.A.2. Non-Certified Transfers
XIV.A.2.a. Transfer - Danica Knight from Sped Assistant Teacher at Baxterville to IST/Tutor at Baxterville replacing Kimberley Crowe retroactive to February 24, 2020.
XIV.A.2.b. Transfer - Kimberley Crowe from IST/Tutor at Baxterville to Sped Assistant Teacher replacing Danica Knight retroactive to February 24, 2020.
XIV.A.2.c. Transfer - Gary Parker, Jr. from District Grounds Maintenance to Multi-Campus Maintenance at Purvis replacing Casey Cooper retroactive to February 25, 2020.
XIV.A.2.d. Transfer - Cheyenne Gibson from Teacher Assistant to Highly Qualified Pre-K Assistant at Baxterville retroactive to August 1, 2019.
XIV.A.2.e. Transfer - Diane Preston from Teacher Assistant to Highly Qualified Pre-K Assistant at SES retroactive to August 1, 2019.
XIV.A.2.f. Transfer - David Weatherford from District Grounds Maintenance to Maintenance - Multi-campus OGLE/OGUE replacing Brandon Burnett retroactive to March 3, 2020.
XIV.A.3. Non-Certified Recommendations
XIV.A.3.a. Correction - Olivia Bridges as Assistant Teacher at Longleaf effective date changed to January 27, 2020.
XIV.A.3.b. Margarita Housley as Substitute Bus Monitor at Purvis retroactive to February 20, 2020.
XIV.A.3.c. Dulcia Jarvis as Cafeteria Substitute retroactive to February 19, 2020.
XIV.A.3.d. Tyler Abney as Substitute Bus Driver at Purvis retroactive to February 14, 2020.
XIV.A.3.e. Jennifer Fisher as Substitute Cafeteria Employee retroactive to March 5, 2020.
XIV.A.4. Certified Resignations/Retirements
XIV.A.4.a. Resign - Latoya Carter as Teacher at OGHS effective end of 2019-2020 school year.
XIV.A.4.b. Resign - Krishna Patel as Teacher at OGUE effective end of 2019-2020 school year.
XIV.A.4.c. Resign - Danielle Gingell as Speech-Language Pathologist at OGLE effective end of 2019-2020 school year.
XIV.A.4.d. Retire - Cindy Creel as SPL/Sped Teacher at OGLE effective end of 2019-2020 school year.
XIV.A.4.e. Resign - Tyler Spence as Teacher at OGMS effective end of 2019-2020 school year.
XIV.A.4.f. Resign - Shanika Young as Teacher at OGUE effective end of 2019-2020 school year.
XIV.A.4.g. Resign - Ashley Owens as Teacher at OGLE effective end of 2019-2020 school year.
XIV.A.4.h. Resign - Julie Johnson as Sped Teacher at LES effective end of 2019-2020 school year.
XIV.A.4.i. Resign - Olivia Rhodes as Teacher at OGMS effective end of 2019-2020 school year.
XIV.A.4.j. Resign - Alyssa Farnham as Teacher at LES effective end of 2019-2020 school year.
XIV.A.4.k. Resign - Brittany Norton as Teacher at LES effective end of 2019-2020 school year.
XIV.A.4.l. Resign - Cassia Kennedy as Teacher at OGMS effective end of 2019-2020 school year.
XIV.A.4.m. Resign - John Thames as Assistant Basketball Coach at SHS effective end of 2019-2020 school year.
XIV.A.4.n. Resign - Chelsea Butler as Teacher at LMS effective end of 2019-2020 school year.
XIV.A.4.o. Change - Resignation of Todd Siders as Soccer Coach at SHS from effective March 31, 2020 to effective June 30, 2020.
XIV.A.4.p. Resign - DeNandra Hobbs as Sped Teacher at OGHS effective end of 2019-2020 school year.
XIV.A.4.q. Resign - Charles Brown as Teacher/Coach at LHS effective end of 2019-2020 school year.
XIV.A.4.r. Retire - Gay Magee as Positive Behavior Specialist at LMS/LHS effective end of 2019-2020 school year.
XIV.A.4.s. Resign - Chloe Hodge as Teacher at LES effective end of 2019-2020 school year.
XIV.A.4.t. Resign - Kelly Weathersby as Teacher at OGMS effective end of 2019-2020 school year.
XIV.A.4.u. Retire - Esther O'Steen as Teacher at OGMS effective end of 2019-2020 school year.
XIV.A.4.v. Resign - Rebecca Moore as Teacher at LES effective end of 2019-2020 school year.
XIV.A.5. Certified Transfers
XIV.A.5.a. Transfer - Vicki Brumfield from Assistant Principal to Principal at OGLE effective July 1, 2020.
XIV.A.5.b. Transfer - Kim Yawn from Teacher at OGUE to Interventionist/Instructional Coach at OGUE replacing Denise Touchstone effective July 1, 2020.
XIV.A.6. Certified Recommendations
XIV.A.6.a. Jennifer Powell as Part-time District Psychometrist (new position) retroactive to February 10, 2020.
XIV.A.7. Recommendations for 2020-2021 Certified Staff
XIV.B. Purchases
XIV.B.1. For LHS, 50 Chromebooks at a cost of $9,775.00 from Connections. To be paid from Title I funds. Alternate quote Fire Fly Computers $9,894.50.
XIV.B.2. For Technology, Informacast Renewal at a cost of $6,600.00 from BCI. To be paid from Technology funds.
XIV.B.3. For SHS, 19 Cheer State Championship rings at a cost of $5,939.10 from Balfour. To be paid from school activity funds. Alternate quote Signature Style Jewelry $7,029.05.
XIV.B.4. For Transportation, 5 - 2021 77 Passenger Blue Bird School Buses at a cost of $434,250.00 from Waters. To be paid from district budget. Alternate quote Burroughs Company $452,250.00.
XIV.B.5. For Baxterville, Teacher Toolbox License $2,200.00 and Ready Workbooks $3,614.60 from Curriculum Associates (sole source). To be paid $2,200.00 from district funds and $3,614.60 from Title I funds.
XIV.B.6. For Transportation, Maxxforce 7 engine installed in Bus #51 at a cost of $21,175.17 from Waters International Trucks. To be paid from transportation funds. Alternate quote $25,300.00 from Burroughs Diesel.
XIV.B.7. For Technology, VM Ware at a cost of $7,775.00 from Howard. To be paid from Technology funds. Alternate quote ITSavvy $8,112.71.
XIV.B.8. For SMS, 30 Chromebooks at a cost of $5,850.00 from Gov Connection. To be paid from ATSI 1003a funds & Textbook funds. Alternate quote FireFly Computers $6,146.70.
XIV.B.9. For All Libraries, Follett Lib. License at a cost of $11,214.42 from Follett. To be paid from district funds.
XIV.B.10. For OGHS, 90 Chromebooks & 3 carts at a cost of $18,972.00 from Gov Connection. To be paid from district funds and textbook funds. Alternate quote Howard Tech. $20,040.00.
XIV.B.11. For OGHS, 12 65" Smart TVs with stands at a cost of $8,536.00 from Howard Technology Solutions. To be paid from school activity funds. Alternate quote GHA Tech. $12,123.00.
XIV.B.12. For OGHS, 7 New Line TruTouch 65" LED Displays at a cost of $13,460.00 from Howard Technology. To be paid from district funds. Alternate quote CDW-G $16,100.00.
XIV.B.13. For Police, 2020 Dodge Charger at a cost of $26,600.00 from PineBelt Motors. To be paid from MCops Grant. Alternate quote $26,850.00 from Kiri Auto Group.
XIV.B.14. For OGMS, Cheer Uniforms and Accessories at a cost of $14,631.80 from Varsity. To be paid from school activity funds. Alternate quote Cheer Zone $14,955.22.
XIV.B.15. For OGUE, 10 Promethean ActivPanel Nickel 65", Mini PC for Android & Mobile Stand at a cost of $22,860.00 from Synergetics. To be paid from Title I funds. Alternate quote ITSavvy $26,958.70.
XIV.B.16. For Transportation, 162 tires at a cost of $38,528.00 from Burroughs Companies (state contract #8200044433). To be paid from Transportation funds.
XIV.C. Approval of Accounts Payable Claims, Receipts and Disbursements
XIV.D. Donations
XIV.D.1. To OGHS Baseball, $1,000.00 cash donation from Kevin and Selena Clearman. To be used for baseball field nets.
XIV.D.2. To OGHS Boys Powerlifting, $300.00 cash donation from Jim and Donna Smith. To be used for team expenses.
XIV.D.3. To Longleaf, 3 Promethean boards, stands and materials to hook them up valued at $7,000.00 from Longleaf PTO. To be used to replace boards in classrooms that no longer work.
XIV.D.4. To OGMS STEM Club, $1,000.00 cash donation from Kohler. To be used for STEM Club supplies.
XIV.D.5. To OGHS Baseball, $2,427.00 from Warrior Club. To be used for baseball bats and catcher's gear.
XIV.D.6. To OGHS Boys Soccer, $333.00 from OGHS Booster Club. To be used for soccer banquet.
XIV.D.7. To OGMS Library, Books valued at $3,280.00 from various book publishers. To be used for students to check out.
XIV.E. Fixed Assets Disposal
XIV.F. State Inventory Disposal
XIV.G. ATSI Monthly Reports
XIV.H. Introduction of Change to Policies DK, EBDA & IHF
XIV.I. Introduction of Policies for Review with No Change - DKC, DKD, DN, DO, DP, DPA, DPC, EA, EB, EBC, EBGA
XIV.J. Special Requests
XIV.J.1. The ARC is requesting use of handicapped buses for their program June 3 - July 2, 2020 as in past summers.
XIV.J.2. SES requests permission to outsource 2020-2021 yearbooks to Jostens.
XIV.J.3. OGMS requests permission to use C Studio Photography for 2020-2021 school pictures.
XIV.J.4. SHS requests permission to outsource yearbooks for the 2020-2021 school year to Jostens.
XIV.J.5. SMS requests permission to outsource the 2020-2021 yearbook to Balfour.
XIV.J.6. SMS requests permission to use C Studio for 2020-2021 school pictures.
XIV.J.7. OGMS requests permission to outsource the 2020-2021 yearbook to Balfour.
XIV.J.8. Temple Baptist Church requests permission to use OGHS practice field on Sunday, June 28, 2020 for launching of fireworks.
XIV.J.9. OAE requests permission to explore the AmeriCorp VISTA Program to support the LCSD Early Learning Collaborative
XIV.K. Approval of Private Transportation Contract between LCSD Sped and Alvin Walker for Transportation of student.
XIV.L. Approval of Private Transportation Contract between LCSD Sped and Megan LaBorde Saucier for transportation of student.
XIV.M. Approval of FY21 Title I Programs
XV. Other
XVI. Consider Executive Session
XVI.A. Student Matters
XVI.A.1. Student Transfer
XVI.A.2. Appeal of Hearing Decision
XVI.B. School Property
XVI.C. Personnel Matters
XVI.C.1. Resign - Sarah Case-Price as Speech-Language Pathologist at OGP effective February 19, 2020.
XVI.C.2. Extended Leave Request
XVI.D. Attorney Matters
XVI.D.1. PRBOS - Request regarding Hillsdale
XVI.E. Potential Litigation
XVII. Enter Executive Session
XVIII. Exit Executive Session