October 28, 2024 at 6:00 PM - Regular School Board Meeting
Agenda |
Roll Call; Establishment of Quorum; Call Meeting To Order
Opening Ceremonies
Open Meeting
Proclamation - Head Start Awareness Month
(Alanna Talamantez-Elizondo) |
Del Rio High School Choir Performance
(Ricardo Rios) |
Citizens to Be Heard
Citizens wishing to address the Board will be heard at this time.
Public Hearings - There are no items for this meeting.
Board Members' Report
HB3 Presentation
(Jane M. Villarreal) |
Bilingual/ESL Department Program Presentation
(Karen Shafer) |
Middle School Redesign
(Sandra T. Hernandez) |
Special Education Update
(Monica Luna) |
Facilities & Construction Update
(Hector Chapa) |
Term 1 Attendance/Discipline Report
(Laura Sandate) |
Consent Agenda
Minutes from the Meetings
September 16, 2024 - Regular School Board Meeting
October 8, 2024 - Special Called School Board Meeting
Financial Statements
(Amy Childress) Recommended Action: Approval |
Consideration to approve amendment for all funds as of September 30, 2024. Monthly financial status reports for all funds as of September 30, 2024 are included for information purposes only.
Awarding of Bid/RFP/RFQ Items
(Paula Johnson) Recommended Action: Approval |
Consent C-1: Golf Equipment and Cloth, RFP 25-13
Consent C-2: Contracted Roofing for Cody Wardlaw Gym Renovation, RFP 25-11
Consent C-3: Contracted Plumbing for Cody Wardlaw Gym Renovation, RFP 25-12
Tax Refunds
(Amy Childress) Recommended Action: Approval |
Consideration to approve the Tax Collection Refunds in the amount of $55,160.63 for the month of September 2024.
(Amy Childress) Recommended Action: Approval |
Del Rio Housing Authority - $60.00 - Del Rio High School Mariachi
DRHS Cheer Booster - $910.00 - Del Rio High School Cheer
Ranger Concrete Contractors - $2,500.00 - Del Rio High School Athletics
H's Audio Accessories, LLC - $250.00 - Buena Vista Elementary Choir
Cardwell Water Well Service - $100.00 - Buena Vista Elementary Choir
The Spot & Pro Shop - $150.00 - Dr. Fermin Calderon Elementary
The Spot & Pro Shop - $625.00 - Buena Vista Elementary UIL
Frontera Construction - $500.00 - Del Rio High School Robotics
VFW Post 8552 - $300.00 - Del Rio High School
Cadena Family Practice - Home Depot and Amazon Gift Cards with a total estimated value of $550.00 - Blended Academy
Texas Roadhouse - Two Hundred (200) Certificates with a total estimated value of $2,600.00 - Del Rio High School
Border Federal Credit Union - Donuts and Coffee with a total estimated value of $80.00 - Dr. Fermin Calderon Elementary
Paul Mancha - Ten (10) Del Rio Comic Con Tickets with a total estimated value of $50.00 - Del Rio High School
Alvizo Builders - One (1) Framing Interchange Pro Gun with a total estimated value of $219.00 - CTE Carpentry
T.J. Moore Lumberyard - Semi Truck Full of Lumber with a total estimated value of $3,000.00 - CTE Carpentry
Purchase Order over $25,000.00
Consideration to approve a Purchase Order over $25,000.00 with Amistad Heating and Air Conditioning, LLC in the amount not to exceed $515,000.00 (BID 23-08) (Funding Source: Fund 170 Committed Funds - Operations) for the replacement of HVAC equipment as part of the Cody Wardlaw Renovation Project.
(Hector Chapa) Recommended Action: Approval |
Consideration to approve a Purchase Order over $25,000.00 with Solid IT Networks in the amount not to exceed $28,301.00 (ILQ 24-437, DIR-TSO 4339, Quote 20888) (Funding Source: Fund 199 General Funds - Technology) for the renewal of wireless access points for Del Rio High School, Del Rio Freshman School, and Administrative Offices.
(Manuel Salinas) Recommended Action: Approval |
Contracts over $5,000.00
Consideration to approve a Contract over $5,000.00 with Brenda Oates in the amount not to exceed $7,000.00 (Funding Source: Fund 173 - Special Education, Fund 184 - SHARS Reimbursements and Fund 224 - IDEA Part B Formula) for consultation to the Special Education Department.
(Jane M. Villarreal) Recommended Action: Approval |
Consideration to approve a Contract over $5,000.00 to MT Leadership Consulting in the amount not to exceed $6,700.00 (Funding Source: Fund 255 - Title II Part A Teacher and Principal Training) to support Department Heads/Cluster Leaders taking a more active role in the planning process.
(Jane M. Villarreal) Recommended Action: Approval |
Consideration to approve a Contract over $5,000.00 and a Purchase Order over $25,000.00 with Texas Chillers System in the amount not to exceed $496,103.00 (RFP 25-12) (Funding Source: Fund 199 General Funds - Operations) for the plumbing renovation at the Cody Wardlaw Gymnasium.
(Hector Chapa) Recommended Action: Approval |
Consideration to approve a Contract over $5,000.00 and a Purchase Order over $25,000.00 with AAA Roofing, LLC. in the amount not to exceed $289,685.00 (RFP 25-11) (Funding Source: Fund 170 Committed Funds - Operations) for the roofing overlay at the Cody Wardlaw Gymnasium.
(Hector Chapa) Recommended Action: Approval |
Second Reading and Adoption of Policy Revisions
(Sandra T. Hernandez) Recommended Action: Approval |
Consideration to approve the Second Reading of TASB Localized Policy Manual Update 123 affecting policies:
Quarterly Investment Report
(Amy Childress) Recommended Action: Approval |
Consideration to approve the Quarterly Investment Report as of September 30, 2024.
Administration - There are no items for this meeting.
Curriculum and Instruction - There are no items for this meeting.
Technology and Operations - There are no items for this meeting.
Business and Finance
Discussion and possible action to enter a resolution approving the public sale, pursuant to section 34.05 of the Texas Property Tax Code of certain real properties previously struck off to the Taxing Authorities pursuant to Section 34.01 (c) of the Texas Property Tax Code for delinquent ad valorem taxes assessed and allow the public sale of the properties to the highest bidder.
(Amy Childress) Recommended Action: Approval |
Human Resources - There are no items for this meeting.
Student Services - There are no items for this meeting.
Security - There are no items for this meeting.
Closed Session
Pursuant to 551.074: Personnel Matters and 551.071 Consultations with Attorney
Consideration to approve the Personnel Report to include the following:
Discussion to approve the position of Counselor for Del Rio High School.
Discussion to approve the position of Middle School Principal.
Discussion to approve the position of Counselor for Garfield Elementary.
Reconvene to Open Session
Consideration to approve the Personnel Report to include the following:
(Amy Childress) Recommended Action: Approval
Consideration to approve the position of Counselor for Del Rio High School.
(Amy Childress) Recommended Action: Approval |
Consideration to approve the position of Middle School Principal.
(Amy Childress) Recommended Action: Approval |
Consideration to approve the position of Counselor for Garfield Elementary.
(Amy Childress) Recommended Action: Approval |
Superintendent's Report