August 27, 2007 at 5:30 PM - Regular
Agenda |
1. Call to order
2. Pledge of Allegiance
3. Welcome
4. Public Comments/Audience Participation
5. Texas Association of School Boards Media Honor Roll Award
6. Minutes
6.A. Regular meeting July 23, 2007
7. Education
7.A. Overnight trips
7.A.1. SkillsUSA, Washington Leadership Training, September 15-19, Washington, DC
7.B. Resolution concerning the Religious Viewpoints Antidiscrimination Act (RVAA).
7.C. Resolution designating 4H activities as approved extra-curricular activities and appointment of a Texas Cooperative Extension Service employee as adjunct MPISD faculty member.
7.D. Change of board meeting dates in December and January.
8. Business
8.A. Financial report for July 2007
8.B. Budget amendments to the FY2007 operating budget
8.C. Adopt an operating budget for the 2008 Fiscal year.
8.D. Adopt an ordinance setting the tax rate for the 2007 tax year.
8.E. Operational Procedures Agreement TIPS (The Inter-local Purchasing System) Employee Benefits Cooperative
9. Reports
9.A. Superintendent's report
9.A.1. First day of school
9.A.2. Construction update
9.B. Library Report
10. Future Meetings
10.A. Regular meeting September 24, 2007
11. Personnel
11.A. Personnel recommendations
12. Adjournment