October 13, 2015 at 6:00 PM - Regular
Agenda |
I. Call to Order
CALL TO ORDER and an announcement by the president that a notice of the meeting has been posted in a manner required by law, and that a quorum is present.
II. Closed Meeting from 6:00 - 7:00 pm
III. Reconvene from Closed Meeting 7:00 pm
IV. Pledge and Invocation
IV.A. Pledge of Allegiance to the United States and Texas Flags
IV.B. Invocation will be given by Ms. Mindy Evans, Principal, Baker 6th Grade Campus
V. Board Recognitions
V.A. Staff Recognitions
VI. Public Comments
The Board will now hear those who wish to make comments and who have completed and returned the Public Comment Participation Request. This section will be conducted in accordance with the Texas Open Meetings Act and Board Policy. Complaints and concerns, for which other resolution channels are provided, shall be directed through those channels.
VII. Reports
VII.A. Superintendent's Report
VIII. Public Hearing for the District's Financial Integrity Rating System of Texas (FIRST) for the 2013-2014 Fiscal Year
Rhonda Cumbie, Chief Financial Officer
IX. Consent Agenda
IX.A. Determine and Approve any Consent Agenda Items
IX.B. Approve Board Minutes
IX.B.1. Regular Board Meeting, September 8, 2015
IX.C. Receive Principals' Reports
IX.C.1. Bayshore Elementary
IX.C.2. College Park Elementary
IX.C.3. Heritage Elementary
IX.C.4. Jennie Reid Elementary
IX.C.5. La Porte Elementary
IX.C.6. Lomax Elementary
IX.C.7. Rizzuto Elementary
IX.C.8. Baker 6th Grade Campus
IX.C.9. La Porte Junior High
IX.C.10. Lomax Junior High
IX.C.11. La Porte High School
IX.C.12. De Walt Alternative School
IX.D. Approve Employment of Professional Staff
IX.E. Receive Financial Reports for September 2015
IX.F. Approve Budget Amendments for October 2015
IX.G. Receive 2015-2016 District Accountability and Improvement Plan and Campus Accountability and Improvement Plans
IX.H. Approve First Reading of Update to EI (LOCAL) Academic Achievement
IX.I. Approve Purchase of Classroom Sound Systems for New Construction Sites Lomax Elementary, Baker and La Porte High School
IX.J. Approve Purchase of Computer Workstations for Career and Technology Education Program
IX.K. Approve Purchase of Spectator and/or Athlete Seating for La Porte Junior High School
IX.L. Approve Purchase of Mimio Projectors for Lomax Elementary, Baker, and La Porte High School
IX.M. Approve Purchase of Vehicles for La Porte ISD Maintenance Department
IX.N. Approve Purchase of Access Points (AP's) for Wireless Network Access (Wi-Fi)
IX.O. Approve Purchase of Security Cameras for Lomax Elementary, Baker, and La Porte High School
IX.P. Authorize the Superintendent to Act on the Recommendation of our Consulting Firm, AEG, to Extend our Current Electricity Procurement Contract
X. Action and/or Discussion Items
X.A. Approve Purchase of La Porte High School Marching Band Uniforms for the 2016-2017 School Year
X.B. Approve Change Order No. 1 for the 2014 Bond Project for the Heritage Elementary Re-Roof
XI. Action on Closed Session Items
XII. Adjournment