June 23, 2020 at 4:00 PM - Regular Meeting
Agenda |
I. Call to Order
CALL TO ORDER and an announcement by the president that a notice of the meeting has been posted in a manner required by law, and that a quorum is present.
II. Closed Meeting from 4:00 to 5:00 PM
III. Reconvene from Closed Meeting 5:00 PM
IV. Pledge and Invocation
IV.A. Pledge of Allegiance to the United States and Texas Flags.
IV.B. Invocation will be given by Dr. Walter Jackson, Superintendent of Schools.
V. Public Comments
The Board will now hear the public comments from those who submitted a Public Comment Registration Form by 4:30 PM. This section will be conducted in accordance with the Texas Open Meetings Act and Board Policy. Complaints and concerns, for which other resolution channels are provided, shall be directed through those channels.
VI. Reports
VI.A. Superintendent's Report
VII. Consent Agenda
VII.A. Determine and Approve any Consent Agenda Items.
VII.B. Approve Board Minutes.
VII.B.1. Called Board Meeting Minutes, June 3, 2020.
VII.B.2. Called Board Meeting Minutes, June 9, 2020.
VII.C. Notice of Employment of Professional Staff.
VII.D. Receive Financial Reports for May 2020.
VII.E. Receive 2019-2020 School Heath Advisory Council (SHAC) Annual Report.
VII.F. Approve Budget Amendment.
VII.G. Approve 2020-2021 Purchases/Encumbrances over $50,000.
VII.H. Approve Agreement for the Purchase of Attendance Credits.
VII.I. Approve Interlocal Contract with Harris County Department of Education (HCDE) for Safe and Secure Schools.
VII.J. Approve Memorandum of Understanding for Harris County Department of Education’s (HCDE) Area I Head Start Program.
VII.K. Approve Partnership Agreement for Communities in Schools Model/Traditional Programs and Crisis Intervention Program.
VII.L. Approve Purchase of Elementary Classroom iPads.
VII.M. Approve Purchase of Replacement Desktop Computers.
VII.N. Approve Resale of Tax Foreclosure Property and Authorize the Board President to Execute a Resale Deed.
VII.O. Approve Three (3) Year Plan/Year Two (2) for Worker’s Compensation Coverage.
VII.P. Approve 2020-2021 Highpoint Interlocal Contract with Harris County Department of Education (HCDE).
VII.Q. Approve Parent Notice Requirements for Students at Risk of Failure.
VII.R. Approve Alternate K and/or 7th Grade Reading Instrument Requirement Waiver.
VII.S. Adopt a Resolution (No. 2020-08) for Investment Officers and List of Authorized Broker/Dealers and a Resolution (No. 2020-09) for Review of Investment Policies and Investment Strategies.
VII.T. Adopt a Resolution (No. 2020-10) for Investment Training Providers.
VIII. Public Hearing to Discuss Budget and Proposed Tax Rate for Fiscal Year 2020-2021.
VIII.A. Presentation of Budget and Proposed Tax Rate for Fiscal Year 2020-2021.
VIII.B. Public Hearing
IX. Action and/or Discussion Items
IX.A. Adopt Budget for the 2020-2021 School Year.
IX.B. Discuss and Consider Approval of Proposed 2020-2021 La Porte ISD Student Code of Conduct.
X. Action on Closed Session Items
XI. Adjournment