August 27, 2018 at 5:30 PM - Special Meeting
Agenda |
1. Call to Order - Establish Quorum
2. Opening Ceremonies - 5:30 PM / Board of Trustees Room
2.A. Pledge of Allegiance
3. Public Hearing - Conduct public hearing for the general public to address the Board regarding adoption of the 2018-2019 JISD School Budget and the JISD Ad-Valorem Tax Rates for Maintenance and Operation and Debt Service needed to support that budget.
4. Public Forum - Opportunity for the General Public or Audience to address the Board regarding topics not listed on the Agenda. Persons attending the meeting must complete a Sign-Up Form (located on the podium at each entrance) and submit to the Board President prior to the meeting being convened.
This Open Forum allows individuals to address the Board on any subject except personnel. (Any personnel concern should be brought directly to the attention of the Superintendent.)
5. Subjects
5.A. Consider Adoption of the 2018-2019 School Budget
5.B. Consider a Resolution to Set the 2018-2019 JISD Maintenance and Operation Ad-Valorem Tax Rate
5.C. Consider a Resolution to Set the 2018-2019 JISD Debt Service Ad-Valorem Tax Rate
5.D. Consider End-of-Year Budget Amendments for the 2017-2018 School Year
5.E. Consider Resolution to Commit and Assign Fund Balance in Accordance With Governmental Accounting Standards
5.F. Consider Johnson County Branch of Hill College/Joshua ISD Tax Rate for 2018-2019
6. Adjourn