July 18, 2022 at 6:30 PM - Regular School Board Meeting
Agenda |
1. Declare a Quorum and Call to Order
2. Prayer, Pledge of Allegiance and Pledge to the Texas Flag
3. Open Forum
4. Consent Agenda
4.A. Approval of Minutes from Previous Meetings
4.B. Payment of Bills/Financials
5. Reports/Discussion and Information Items:
5.A. Turf and Septic
5.B. Tax Collections - John Banks
6. Business Action Items:
6.A. Consider approval of the revised 2022-23 Academic Calendar
6.B. Discuss and consider approval of 2022-2023 Parent/Student Handbook
6.C. Discuss and consider approval of 2022-2023 Code of Conduct
6.D. Discuss and consider approval of 2022-2023 Employee Handbook
6.E. Discuss and consider approval of 2022-2023 Athletic Handbook
6.F. Discuss and take possible action to approve the future conveyance of an easement subject to a survey and deed conveying the easement.
7. Superintendent's Comments:
8. Closed Session:
8.A. Retirements/Resignations/New Hires
9. Requests for Next Board Meeting Agenda Items
10. Adjournment