June 16, 2022 at 6:30 PM - Regular School Board Meeting
Agenda |
1. Declare a Quorum and Call to Order
2. Prayer, Pledge of Allegiance and Pledge to the Texas Flag
3. Open Forum
4. Consent Agenda
4.A. Approval of Minutes from Previous Meetings
4.B. Payment of Bills/Financials
5. Reports/Discussion and Information Items:
5.A. 2021-2022 EOC and STAAR projections
5.B. Turf and Septic
5.C. Goal Posts/ Change Orders
5.D. Update on Eduhero certifications
5.E. Public Notice Receipt of Federal ESSA Funding: Title I, Title II, Title IV
6. Business Action Items:
6.A. Consider and take possible action on School Closure Resolution due to a main water line break to approve employee pay.
6.B. Consider approval for the 2022-2023 Temple College Dual Credit MOU.
6.C. Discuss and take possible action regarding RLES daycare.
6.D. Review and possible approval of the 2022-2023 Organizational Effectiveness Plan.
6.E. Consider approval of new chromebooks.
6.F. Consider approval of septic system bid.
6.G. Consider approval of welder equipment / supply bid.
6.H. Discuss school safety:
6.H.1. Consider approval for additional guardians.
6.H.2. Consider approval to placing signs regarding armed staff at RLISD.
7. Superintendent's Comments:
8. Closed Session:
8.A. Retirements
8.B. Resignations / Exit Interviews
8.C. Formative Superintendent evaluation and contract.
9. Requests for Next Board Meeting Agenda Items
10. Adjournment