November 16, 2020 at 6:00 PM - Regular School Board Meeting
Agenda |
1. Call to Order. Prayer, Pledge of Allegiance and Pledge to the Texas Flag
2. Establishment of Quorum
3. Open Forum
4. Consent Agenda
4.A. Approval of Minutes from Previous Meetings.
4.B. Payment of Bills/Financials.
5. Informational Items:
5.A. Vacant Property Pictures/ Discuss Recommendations.
5.B. Update on P-Tech Grant Application.
5.C. Texas School Safety and Security Audit.
Robert Sims
6. Discussion/Action Items:
6.A. Discuss and consider approval for Resolution of the Board to Designate Investment Officer.
6.B. Discuss and consider approval for the Resolution Approving the Review of RLISD's Investment Policy and Strategies.
6.C. Discuss and consider approval on a bid for Ag Barn Completion.
6.D. Discuss and consider approval on a bid for Safety and Security (Key Card).
6.E. Discuss and consider approval for updated GPA Board Policy.
Dr. Barton
6.F. Discuss and consider approval for the Resolution Authorizing Sale of Real Property (PEP CENTER) and post notice thereof.
Dr. Barton
6.G. Discuss and consider approval on a bid for annual contract for maintenance of A/C units.
Robert Sims
6.H. Discuss and consider approval for Remote Instruction options for students that are failing or have poor attendance.
6.I. Discuss and consider approval for the 2020 Community Stipend for all employees.
6.J. Discuss and consider approval for Senior Class trip destination.
Coach Amanda Spencer
6.K. Discuss and consider approval to ammend the Rosebud-Lott academic calendar for early release on November 20th.
6.L. Discuss and consider approval for the purchase of ELA curriculum materials.
7. Superintendent's Report
8. Executive Session:
8.A. Superintendent Goals.
8.B. Superintendent Evaluation Form.
9. Requests for Next Board Meeting Agenda Items:
10. Adjournment