February 10, 2025 at 6:00 PM - Regular School Board Meeting
Agenda |
1. Agenda
1.A. Call to Order
1.B. Prayer
1.C. Public Comment
2. Information Items
2.A. Campus Spotlight - High School CTE Presentation
2.B. Board Reporting
2.B.1. Attendance Tracking
2.B.2. Budget Planning Calendar
2.B.3. TAPR (Texas Academic Performance Reporting)
2.C. Intruder Detection Audit Report - Deweyville Elementary
3. Action Items
3.A. Discuss and take possible action to approve Innovative Courses of Study for 2025-2026.
3.B. Discuss and take possible action to approve the 2025-2026 Academic Planning Guide.
3.C. Discuss and take possible action to approve Campus Improvement Plans.
3.D. Policy Update 123:
3.D.1. (LEGAL) policies
3.D.2. (LOCAL) policies -
Discuss and take possible action to add, revise, or delete (LOCAL) policies as offered by TASB Policy Service for consideration and according to the Instruction Sheet for TASB Localized Policy Manual Update 123. |
3.E. Policy Update 124:
3.E.1. (LEGAL) policies
3.E.2. (LOCAL) policies -
Discuss and take possible action to add, revise, or delete (LOCAL) policies as offered by TASB Policy Service for consideration and according to the Instruction Sheet for TASB Localized Policy Manual Update 124. |
3.F. Discuss and take possible action to approve monthly bills, board reports and utilities.
3.G. Discuss and take possible action to approve monthly board meeting minutes.
3.H. Discuss and take possible action to approve donation(s) to Deweyville ISD (if applicable).
3.H.1. Venture Global - Donation for Career and Technical Education
3.I. Discuss and take possible action to approve purchases over $10,000 CH(LOCAL).
3.J. Closed Meeting Texas Government Code Sections: 551.072, 551.074, 551.082, 551.081
3.J.1. Discuss matters related to personnel in accordance with Government Code 551.074
3.J.2. Discuss matters related to security in accordance with Government Codes 551.076 and 551.089
3.J.3. Discuss matters related to students in accordance with Government Code 551.0821
3.K. Reconvene from Closed Session.
3.L. Discuss and take possible action to approve new hires and resignations (if applicable).
3.L.1. Resignation - Jaliene Duhon
3.M. Discuss and take possible action to approve Administrator Contracts.
4. Adjourn