November 18, 2024 at 6:00 PM - Regular School Board Meeting
Agenda |
1. Agenda
1.A. Call to Order
1.B. Prayer
1.C. New Board Trustees elected unopposed November 5, 2024.
1.C.1. Certificate of Election
1.C.2. Statement of Officer
1.C.3. Oath of Office
1.D. Public Comment
2. Information Items
2.A. Campus Spotlight - Food Service
2.A.1. Region 5 ESC Elementary Cafeteria Site Visit
2.B. Deweyville Youth Basketball
2.C. LSCO On-Site Visit
2.D. Texas School Finance Update
2.E. Board Reporting
2.E.1. District Vulnerability Assessment - TEA Results
2.E.2. Safety - HS Doors Update
3. Action Items
3.A. Discuss and take possible action to reorganize the Board of Trustees.
3.B. Discuss and take possible action to approve monthly bills, board reports and utilities.
3.C. Discuss and take possible action to approve monthly board meeting minutes.
3.D. Discuss and take possible action to approve changes to the 2024-2025 Compensation Plan.
3.E. Discuss and take possible action to approve donation(s) to Deweyville ISD (if applicable).
3.E.1. Donation to DES Library in memory of Charlotte McMahon
3.E.2. Donations to DES for Pirate Crew and Good Citizen programs
3.F. Discuss and take possible action to approve purchases over $10,000 CH(LOCAL).
3.G. Closed Meeting Texas Government Code Sections: 551.072, 551.074, 551.082, 551.081
3.G.1. Discuss matters related to personnel in accordance with Government Code 551.074
3.G.1.a. Level III Parent/Student Grievance
3.G.2. Discuss matters related to security in accordance with Government Codes 551.076 and 551.089
3.G.3. Discuss matters related to students in accordance with Government Code 551.0821
3.H. Reconvene from Closed Session.
3.I. Discuss and take possible action to approve new hires and resignations (if applicable).
4. Adjourn