October 18, 2012 at 7:30 PM - Regular
Agenda |
I. Call to Order/Establish Quorum
II. Pledge of Allegiance and Prayer
III. Public Forum
IV. Items for Board Action
IV.A. Consider and Approve Minutes
IV.A.1. September 20, 2012
IV.B. Tax Collector's Report
IV.C. Accounts Payable Report
IV.C.1. Investment funds Report
IV.D. Nominate a Person to Serve on the Liberty County Central Appraisal District Review Board
IV.E. Nominate a Person to Serve on the Agricultural Advisory Board for Liberty County Central Appraisal District
IV.F. Consider and Approve FD (Local) Admissions Policy
IV.G. Consider TASB Policy Update 95, Affecting (LOCAL) Policies (See Attached List)
IV.H. Consider and Approve District and Campus Educational Improvement Plans
IV.I. Consider and Approve purchase of Lawnmower
IV.J. Consider and Approve Fence modifications
IV.K. Consider and Approve Addition of Authorized Representative with Lonestar
V. Items for Board Information - Items for information may become action items
V.A. Superintendent/Principal Report
V.A.1. Attendance
V.A.2. Highly Qualified Teacher Report
VI. Executive Session pursuant to the following section of the Texas Governement Code with reference to the Texas Open Meetings Act, Texas Government Code 551.071, 551.074, 551.075, 551.0821 and 551.129 et seq. - (Items discussed may become action items in open session.)
VI.A. Personnel
VI.A.1. Private consultation with Board's attorney on all subject or matter authorized by law
VI.A.1.a. For the purpose of considering the appointment, employment, resignation,
evaluation, reassignment, duties, discipline or dismissal of a public
officer or employee.
VI.B. Report on Student status
VI.C. Consider Substitute Teacher List Additions
VII. Open Session
VII.A. Action, if any, on Executive Session
VII.A.1. Personnel
VII.B. Student Status
VII.C. Consider and Approve additions to Substitute Teacher List
VIII. Adjournment