July 14, 2014 at 5:00 PM - Regular
Agenda |
1. Call to Order
President Lowe
Waller ISD Board of Trustees: President-Bryan Lowe, Vice President-Gary Buchanan, Secretary-Ronald Campbell, Trustee-Kim Parmer, Trustee-David Kaminski , Trustee- Joe Landin, and Trustee-Dr. Michael Prince
2. Meeting recessed to closed session in accordance with Sections 551.071-551.087 inclusive, Texas Government Code, Texas Open Meetings Law. BEC (LEGAL)
President Lowe
2.A. Discuss resignations, employment, leaves of absence, and staff transfers
2.B. 551.071 TX. Gov't Code Section: Consultation with Board attorney regarding all matters as authorized by law.
2.C. Safety and Security Audit
3. Open Meeting Reconvened
President Lowe
3.A. Prayer and Pledge of Allegiance to the U.S. & Texas Flag
Prayer: Trustee Parmer, Pledges: Trustee Landin, Alternate: President Lowe
4. Consent Agenda
President Lowe
4.A. Approve Resignations, Employment, Leaves of Absence, and Staff Transfers
4.B. Approve Minutes: May
4.C. Approve Disbursements
4.D. Approve Budget Change Request(s)
4.E. Approve Tax Refund(s) & Reports(s)
4.F. Approve Staffing Request(s)
4.G. Approve MOU with Lone Star College - Tomball: College Prep Math and ELA
4.H. Approve Credit by Exam, TAC 74.24: Approval to Purchase Examinations
4.I. Re-Approve Waller ISD Investment Policy CDA (Local)
4.J. Approve Janitorial Supplies & Equipment and School Bus & Automotive Parts
5. Regular Agenda
President Lowe
5.A. TASB Director Vacancy Region 4, Position B
President Lowe
5.B. Approval of a Bond Order for a Parameter Bond Sale
Mike Marcus
5.B.1. Consider and Approve Order Authorizing the Issuance of Waller Independent School District Unlimited Tax Refunding Bonds, Series 2014; Setting Certain Parameters for the Bonds; Authorizing the Superintendent and/or the Assistant Superintendent for Finance to Approve the Amount , the Interest Rate, Price, Including the Terms Thereof; Authorizing the Redemption Prior to Maturity of Certain Outstanding Bonds; Authorizing the Execution and Delivery of an escrow Agreement and the Subscription and Purchase of Certain Escrowed Securities; and Certain Other Procedures and Provisions Related Thereto
5.C. Set Date to Approve the 2014-2015 Budget-Monday, August 25, 2014
Mike Marcus
5.D. Set Date to Adopt the 2014-2015 Tax Rate - September 8, 2014
Mike Marcus
6. Information Items
President Lowe
6.A. Population Growth and Analysis Update
Dr. Pat Guseman
6.B. 2014-2015 Preliminary Budget Presentation
Mike Marcus
7. Patron Presentations (3 minute limit/patron)
President Lowe
8. Future Board Items
President Lowe
8.A. Approve Student Out of District Transfer List - August
8.B. Approve Waller ISD PDAS Appraisal Calendar and Appraisers - August
8.C. Adopt the 2014/2015 Budget - August
8.D. District Campus Improvement Plans - October
9. Important Dates
Danny Twardowski
9.A. July 21 - 5-8pm Board Teambuilding Workshop
9.B. July 23 - Administrative Workshop
9.C. Waller ISD District Registration Dates at WHS: August 4 (Pre-K Only) 9am - 5pm; August 5 (All Grades) 12pm - 8pm; and August 6 (All Grades) 9am - 5pm
9.D. August 11 - New Staff Reports to Work
9.E. August 11 - Regular Called Board Meeting
9.F. August 15 - All Staff Returns to Work
9.G. August 15 - Convocation WHS Auditorium at 1:30PM
9.H. August 25 - First Day of School
9.I. September 26-28 TASA/TASB Convention - Kay Bailey Hutchison Convention Center, Dallas
10. Adjourn
President Lowe