June 25, 2024 at 5:30 PM - Regular Board Meeting
Agenda |
4.A. End of the Year Academic Achievements
The Board will convene in closed session as authorized by the Texas Government Code Chapter §551. |
8.A. Seek the Advice of Attorneys (Texas Government Code §551.071)
8.B. Deliberation Regarding the Appointment, Employment, Evaluation, Reassignment, Duties, Discipline, or Dismissal of a Public Officer or Employee, Including but Not Limited to Action Items Related to the Recommendation to Terminate Certain Continuing Contract Employees for Good Cause, the Recommendation to Terminate Certain Term Contract Employees for Good Cause and the Recommendation to Terminate Certain Probationary Contract Employees for Good Cause (Texas Government Code §551.074)
8.B.1. Executive Director of Maintenance Services
8.B.2. Deputy Superintendent of Learning and Leading
8.C. Security Implementation (Texas Government Code §551.076)
8.D. Real Property (Texas Government Code §551.072)
(Action by the Board of Education in adopting the "Consent Agenda" means that all items appearing herein are adopted by one single motion, unless a member of the Board requests that such item be removed from the "Consent Agenda" and voted upon separately.) |
9.A. Board of Education Meeting Minutes
9.A.1. May 14, 2024 Minutes
9.A.2. May 28, 2024 Minutes
9.B. Governance and Strategic Communications, Toni Cordova, Chief
9.B.1. Approve Ratification of Rental Audio and Visual Equipment and Services for the 2023-2024 High School Graduations at Texas Christian University and Wilkerson Greines
9.C. Administrative Services, Dr. Karen Molinar, Deputy Superintendent
9.C.1. Business and Finance, Carmen Arrieta-Candelaria, Chief Financial Officer
9.C.1.a. Amend THRIVE North Texas Agreement for OD Wyatt's Resiliency Skills Program and Grocery Store
9.C.1.b. Approve Final Budget Amendment for Fiscal Year 2023-2024
Since this decreases fund balance by another $3,748,173, does the 23-24 projected general fund drop by the same amount and, therefore, does the 24-25 proposed general fund balance drop by the same amount?
How many days of operational fund balance does this revision cost the district? Response: Thank you for your question; we inadvertently left out the corresponding increase in revenue for the Teacher Incentive Allotment that corresponds to the additional TIA payouts. We have updated the supporting documentation to reflect this. Discussion: So: therefore, does the 24-25 proposed general fund balance drop by the same amount? How many days of operational fund balance does this revision cost the district? Response: The proposed general fund balance does not drop by the same amount as both the revenue and expenditures are the same, net effect is zero. This revision does not cost the district any operational days. |
9.C.2. Strategic Initiatives and Partnerships, Dr. David Saenz, Chief of Strategic Initiatives and Partnerships
9.C.2.a. Approve Memorandum of Understanding to Provide Educational and Counseling-Related Services to School-Aged Resettled Refugee Students
9.C.2.b. Approve Memorandum of Understanding with Art of Living, Inc.
9.C.2.c. Approve Authorization to Negotiate and Enter into Contracts with Behavior Health Providers
9.C.2.d. Approve Authorization for Fort Worth After School (FWAS) to Enter Requisitions for Provision of Partial-Service Providers for the 2024-2025 School Year
Why is Girls, Inc included in this request when they are also seeking funding in 9.D.3.f?
Response: This board item is for the approval of potential partial service providers to the Fort Worth After - School program. Girls Inc is one of those potential providers. The services are procured on an as needed basis throughout the school year by the individual after-school sites. This item qualifies the providers and makes them eligible to serve if needed. The items is separate from 9.D.3.f because this one is specific to the Fort Worth After School program. The FWAS program is funded by local and grant funds. As such, board item 9.C.2.d. allows us to be in compliance with the grant requirements for procuring service providers to the after school sites. |
9.C.2.e. Approve the Purchase of the School Choice Module for the 2024-25 School Year
Is this more cost effective than having our technology department work on a solution?
Response: As part of our ongoing software and hardware optimization process, we made the decision not to renew the School Mint contract (Enrollment and Choices Program). When it comes to improving school enrollment and choices program, our strategy was to ensure the following: 1. Simplify enrollment process and prioritize end user experience: Ensure the system is accessible to all users, across various devices and platforms using Parent Portal (one stop shop for parents). 2. Cost analysis and value: Evaluate total costs, including setup, training, maintenance, and timeline ensuring pricing aligns with expected AROI (Academic Return on Investment) 3. Integration Capabilities: Ensure seamless integration with existing Student Information System. 4. Data security and compliance: Measures to protect sensitive student data and comply with relevant education and privacy regulations. We had 2 options: Focus & Internal Technology Solution. With the above considerations, we were well equipped to navigate with the selection process and ended up with Focus solution. The key parameter that tipped the scale with Focus was one stop solution for our parents and seamless integration with our existing Student Information System. |
9.C.2.f. Approve Renewal of a Technical Assistance Contract for Metro Opportunity High School
Was Big Thought the low bidder to provide these services? If not what is the district's rational for utilizing them as the provider?
Response: This is a renewal from an RFP that was first run about 4 years ago as a part of a redesign and consolidation of Metro Opportunity High School and Middle Level Learning Center. The RFP was launched to find a partner that would provide comprehensive services and expertise in collaboration with FWISD. RFP’s typically have multiple respondents and not all meet the scope of services needed for the intended project. In this case, FWISD was looking for experience and success in working with at-risk youth in settings like Metro Opportunity High School. In addition, we were looking for a partner that would serve at the campus full - time and side-by-side with assigned FWISD staff. We were also looking for a partner that would be able to secure funds and other support from outside groups to help support the effort at Metro. In this case, Big Thought was not the lowest bidder, but they were the bid that met all the needs and scope of the RFP. |
9.D. Learning and Leading Service Networks
9.D.1. Service Network #2, Charles Garcia, Associate Superintendent
9.D.1.a. Approve 2024 Texas Success Initiative Assessment 2.0 Testing Units
9.D.1.b. Approve Purchase of AP Science Instructional Materials
9.D.1.c. Approve Purchase of a 3-Year District Subscription for Digital Teaching and Assessment Software
Since district enrollment is below 70,000 students, should this be revised to accurately show the number of students projected for enrollment in the 24-25 school year and costs revised in conjunction with those numbers?
Response: Thank you for your inquiry regarding our licensing approach in relation to student enrollment. We will use our official enrollment data at the time of purchase to determine the exact number of licenses needed. This ensures we only pay for licenses we will use, aligning our expenditure precisely with our actual student count. Anne Darr: Is the cost of this purchase based on the number of students or the number of teachers or campuses using this platform? Response: The cost is based on the number of students using the platform. |
9.D.1.d. Approve Purchase of State Adopted Mathematics Instructional Materials
Since district enrollment is below 70,000 students, should this be revised to accurately show the number of students projected for enrollment in the 24-25 school year and costs revised in conjunction with those numbers?
Response: Numbers were obtained from student enrollment projections for the 24-25 school year. Anne Darr: Is the cost of this purchase based on the number of students or the number of teachers or campuses using this platform? Response: Yes, the cost is based on the number of students and the number of teachers using the platform. If there are consumables and/or individual licenses, then it is based on the number of students. If there were also additional teacher licenses needed or physical Teacher Editions, then that was based on the number of teachers. |
9.D.2. Service Network #3, Dr. Gracie Guerrero, Associate Superintendent
9.D.2.a. Approve Memorandum of Understanding Between Fort Worth Independent School District and The Center for Transforming Lives
9.D.2.b. Approve Memorandum of Understanding Between Fort Worth Independent School District and Lisa's Little Angels Learning Center
9.D.2.c. Approve Memorandum of Understanding Between Fort Worth Independent School District and YMCA of Metropolitan Fort Worth
9.D.2.d. Approve Ratification for Professional Development for Early Learning Pre-Kindergarten Program
9.D.2.e. Approve Purchase of State Adopted Instructional Materials for the Pre-Kindergarten Program
9.D.3. Service Network #4, Dr. Tamekia Brown, Associate Superintendent
9.D.3.a. Approve Agreement Between Fort Worth Independent School District and Child Care Associates for Child Care Services for the 2024-2025 School Year
9.D.3.c. Approve Purchase of Instructional Training for Dyslexia Teachers to Ensure Instructional Alignment Across the District
9.D.3.d. Approve Purchase of Sign Language Interpreting Services for Deaf and Hard of Hearing Students
9.D.3.e. Approve Payment of MTSS (Multi-Tiered System of Supports) Online Documentation Platform
9.D.3.f. Approve Contract to Provide Mentorship/Programming for FWISD Girls on Social Skills, Mental Health Support, and College and Career Readiness
9.D.3.g. Approve One-Year Renewal with Provider for Student Progress Platform for Academic Management Services
9.D.3.h. Approve Memorandum of Understanding Between Fort Worth Independent School District and Tarrant County Juvenile Services Operating the Lynn W. Ross Juvenile Detention Center for the Term of One Year, Ending with the 2024-2025 School Year
9.D.3.i. Approve Memorandum of Understanding to Purchase Continuation of Training for Dyslexia Teachers (Year 2)
9.D.3.j. Approve Memorandum of Understanding for Children Participating in Preschool Programs
9.D.3.m. Approve Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) Between Cook Children's Medical Center and Fort Worth Independent School District
9.E. Operations, Kellie Spencer, Deputy Superintendent
9.E.1. Technology, Ramesh Krishnamurthy, Chief Information Officer
9.E.1.a. Approve Software Contract Renewal to Support the Data Management System for Students with Disabilities
9.E.1.b. Approve Wireless Cellular Voice, Data and Hotspot Services and Equipment for the 2024-2025 School Year
9.E.1.c. Approve Renewal of Annual Maintenance and Support Services for the Student Information System
9.E.1.d. Approve Renewal of Provider for Plain Old Telephone Service (POTS) and Plexar Lines for 2024-2025 School Year
9.E.1.f. Approve Renewal of Unified Communications Session Management and Long Distance Services for the 2024-2025 School Year
9.E.1.g. Approve Ratification for Renewal of Help Desk Call Center Software
9.E.1.h. Approve Ratification for Renewal of Disaster Recovery Managed Services
9.E.1.i. Approve Ratification Purchase of Renewal Licenses for Wi-Fi Routers for the School Bus Wi-Fi Program and Backup Routers
9.E.1.j. Approve Ratification of Renewal of Microsoft Enrollment for Education Solutions (EES) Program
9.E.2. Operations, Carl Alfred, Senior Officer Operations
9.E.2.a. Approve Purchase of Heating, Ventilation, and Air Conditioning Air Filter Replacement Service
How often are filters being replaced?
Response: Filters are replaced monthly. Discussion: Is this monthly replacement at all district facilities? Response: This includes all FWISD campus buildings. |
9.E.2.b. Approve Rental of Custodial Supplies
9.E.2.c. Approve Cell Service Contract for Use with Global Positioning Systems for District Buses and Vehicles
9.E.2.d. Approve Ratification to Pay (HVAC) Heating, Ventilation, and Air Conditioning Rentals
9.E.2.e. Approve Ratification of (HVAC) Heating, Ventilation, and Air Conditioning Repairs at Wilkerson Greines Activity Center
9.E.2.f. Approve Ratification of Emergency Purchase of Environmental Services at the Family Resource Center Located at J. P. Elder Middle School
9.E.2.g. Approve Gas Line Testing Services and Repairs for Campuses
Anne Darr: Where is the description, quote, cost, funding source, etc. for this agenda item?
Response: Documentation has been added to include description, quote, cost, funding source, etc. |
9.E.2.h. Approve Fire Alarm System Replacement at Sagamore Hill Elementary and Worth Heights Elementary
9.E.3. Child Nutrition, Pamela Watson, Executive Director
9.E.3.a. Approve Software Maintenance Services Used by the Child Nutrition Services Department
9.E.4. Facility Planning and Rental, Mike Naughton, Executive Director
9.E.4.a. Approve Authorization to Negotiate and Enter into Various Joint Use Agreements Between the Fort Worth Independent School District and the City of Fort Worth for the Use of Multiple City and District-Owned Properties
9.E.4.b. Approve Interlocal Agreement Between Fort Worth Independent School District and the City of Fort Worth for Mobile Recreation Summer Day Camp and Waive Fees Associated with Operating the Camp
9.E.5. Capital Improvement Program, Kellie Spencer, Deputy Superintendent
9.E.5.a. Approve Authorization to Enter into a Contract with a Construction Manager At Risk for Pre-Construction Services for McLean Middle School Renovations in Conjunction with the 2021 Capital Improvement Program
9.E.5.b. Approve Authorization to Enter into a Contract with a Construction Manager At Risk for the Pre-Construction Services for McLean 6th Grade Center Renovations in Conjunction with the 2021 Capital Improvement Plan
9.E.5.c. Approve the Closeout of the Contract with SDB Contracting Services, and Authorize Final Payment in Conjunction with the 2017 Capital Improvement Program
10.A. Item/Items Removed from Consent Agenda
10.B. Personnel
10.B.1. Executive Director of Maintenance Services
10.B.2. Deputy Superintendent of Learning and Leading
10.C. Administrative Services, Dr. Karen Molinar, Deputy Superintendent
10.C.1. Legal and District Records Management, Lynda Jackson, Senior Counsel
10.C.1.a. Approve Proposed Termination of Certain Probationary Contract Employees for Good Cause Pursuant of Chapter 21 of the Texas Education Code
10.C.1.b. Approve Proposed Termination of Certain Continuing Contract Employees for Good Cause Pursuant to Chapter 21 of the Texas Education Code
10.C.1.c. Approve Proposed Termination of Certain Term Contract Employees for Good Cause Pursuant to Chapter 21 of the Texas Education Code
10.C.1.d. Consider and Take Action to Void the Contract of Certain Employees for Lack of Texas Educator Certificate Pursuant to Chapter 21 of the Texas Education Code
10.C.2. Business and Finance, Carmen Arrieta-Candelaria, Chief Financial Officer
10.C.2.a. Approve Resolution Between Fort Worth Independent School District and TASB Energy Cooperative
10.C.2.b. Approve the Purchase of Property, Boiler and Machinery, Terrorism (Including Active Shooter) Flood, Cyber, Cyber Crime, Fleet, General Liability, and UIL Insurance with Girls Flag Football Policy; Approve Set Aside Reserves to Pay Deductibles
10.C.3. Strategic Initiatives and Partnerships, Dr. David Saenz, Chief of Strategic Initiatives and Partnerships
10.C.3.a. Approval of the 2024-2025 Budget for the Leadership Academy Network/ Texas Wesleyan University Management Team
10.C.3.b. Approve Authorization for Fort Worth After School (FWAS) to Enter Requisitions for Provision of Full-Service Providers for the 2024-2025 School Year
10.D. Learning and Leading Service Networks
10.D.1. Service Network #4, Dr. Tamekia Brown, Associate Superintendent
10.D.1.a. Approve Authorization to Negotiate and Award Contracts for Professional Consulting Services to Support Instructional Excellence and Leadership
10.D.1.b. Approve Contract Renewal for Contracted Student Support Services, Case Management, and Wraparound Services for the 2024-2025 School Year
10.E. Operations, Kellie Spencer, Deputy Superintendent
10.E.1. Operations, Carl Alfred, Senior Officer Operations
10.E.1.a. Approve Lawn Mowing Services for Campuses and Non-Instructional Facilities
10.E.1.b. Approve Purchase of Warehouse Supplies
Anne Darr: Where is the description, cost, vendor, and rationale for this agenda item?
Response: Documentation has been added to include description, quote, cost, funding source, etc. |
10.E.1.c. Approve Purchase of Operations Parts, Supplies, Equipment, and Contracted Services
Anne Darr: Where is the description, cost, vendor, and rationale for this agenda item?
Response: Documentation has been added to include description, quote, cost, funding source, etc. |
10.E.1.d. Approve LED Lighting Conversion for High Schools
Anne Darr: Where is the description, cost, vendor, and rationale for this agenda item?
Response: Documentation has been added to include description, quote, cost, funding source, etc. |
10.E.2. Capital Improvement Program, Kellie Spencer, Deputy Superintendent
10.E.2.a. Approve Authorization to Negotiate with a Construction Manager At Risk for a GMP Amendment(s) for Construction Services for Applied Learning Academy Renovations in Conjunction with the 2021 Capital Improvement Program
10.E.2.b. Approve Authorization to Negotiate with a Construction Manager At Risk for a GMP Amendment(s) for Construction Services for Monnig Middle School in Conjunction with the 2021 Capital Improvement Program
10.E.3. Athletics, Jimmy Calderon, Executive Director
10.E.3.a. Approve Purchase of Athletics Uniforms, Supplies, Equipment, and Contracted Services
No information provided.
Response: Documentation has been added to include description, quote, cost, funding source, etc. Anne Darr: Where is the description, cost, vendor, and rationale for this agenda item? Response: Documentation has been added to include description, quote, cost, funding source, etc. |
10.E.4. Transportation, Myron Wilson, Executive Director
10.E.4.a. Approve Purchase of Fleet Parts, Supplies, and Contracted Services
No information provided
Response: Documentation has been added to include description, quote, cost, funding source, etc. Anne Darr: Where is the description, cost, vendor, and rationale for this agenda item? Response: Documentation has been added to include description, quote, cost, funding source, etc. |
10.F. Approve Waiver of Provision of Board Policy CW (LOCAL) Related to the Naming or Renaming of District Facilities