April 23, 2024 at 5:30 PM - Regular Board Meeting
Agenda |
Led by the Polytechnic High School J.R.O.T.C. Cadets |
3.A. Recognition of Student Greeters
3.B. University Interscholastic League (UIL) CX Debate Team Students
3.C. Arlington Heights High School Cheerleading Team
5.A. Public Notice of Federal Grant Applications Submitted Between January 1, 2024 and March 31, 2024
Presenter: Carmen Arrieta-Candelaria, Chief Financial Officer
Trustee Anne Darr: Has FWISD been awarded all three grants, or is this simply a notice of application?
Response: LASO Cycle....................Awarded - in negotiation EPA Clean Bus.................Awarded - in negotiation Improving Adolescent Health and Well-Being..........Only submitted
5.B. 2024-2025 Budget Presentation
Presenter: Carmen Arrieta-Candelaria, Chief Financial Officer |
5.C. Middle Schools Presentation
Presenter: Dr. Charles Garcia, Associate Superintendent |
5.D. Notice of Compliance with Board Member Training Requirements
The Board will convene in closed session as authorized by the Texas Government Code Chapter §551. |
9.A. Seek the Advice of Attorneys (Texas Government Code §551.071)
9.B. Deliberation Regarding the Appointment, Employment, Evaluation, Reassignment, Duties, Discipline, or Dismissal of a Public Officer or Employee, Including but Not Limited to Action Items Related to the Recommendation to Terminate Certain Continuing Contract Employees for Good Cause, the Recommendation to Terminate Certain Term Contract Employees for Good Cause and the Recommendation to Terminate Certain Probationary Contract Employees for Good Cause (Texas Government Code §551.074)
9.B.1. Executive Director of Risk Management
9.C. Security Implementation (Texas Government Code §551.076)
9.C.1. Intruder Audit Findings and Corrective Action
9.D. Real Property (Texas Government Code §551.072)
(Action by the Board of Education in adopting the "Consent Agenda" means that all items appearing herein are adopted by one single motion, unless a member of the Board requests that such item be removed from the "Consent Agenda" and voted upon separately.) |
10.A. Board of Education Meeting Minutes
10.A.1. March 26, 2024 - Regular Minutes
10.B. Governance and Strategic Communications, Toni Cordova, Chief
10.B.1. Approve Board of Education Meeting Dates for the 2024 - 2025 School Year
Trustee Anne Darr: Will the Board be voting on April 23, 2024, on either the Tuesday schedule or the Thursday schedule? What is the rationale for moving the meetings to Thursdays instead of Tuesdays?
Response: Yes, the Board will consider and vote on either the Tuesday schedule or the Thursday schedule for the next year. The rationale includes the consideration that on Tuesdays the City Council meetings are held and a variety of sports hold games on Tuesday evenings. Trustee Dr. Michael Ryan: There are also athletic contests on Thursdays. Did we consider Mondays or Wednesdays? Response: Regarding the meeting dates, they remain at the discretion of the Board. |
10.C. Administrative Services, Dr. Karen Molinar, Deputy Superintendent
10.C.1. Business and Finance, Carmen Arrieta-Candelaria, Chief Financial Officer
10.C.1.a. Approve Debt Service Budget Amendment for the Period Ending March 31, 2024
10.C.1.b. Approve Budget Amendment for the Period Ending March 31, 2024
10.C.1.c. Approve Purchase of External Financial Audit Services
10.C.2. Safety and Security, Daniel Garcia, Executive Director
10.C.2.a. Approve Purchase of Updated Public Safety Radios for the Safety and Security Department
10.C.2.b. Approve Additional Purchase of Emergency Responder/Key Access Box
10.C.2.c. Approve Purchase of Next Generation Metal Detectors
10.C.2.d. Approve Emergency Communication/Access Control Integration Hardware
10.D. Learning and Leading Networks
10.D.1. Service Network #2, Charles Garcia, Associate Superintendent
10.D.1.a. Approve Curriculum for Junior Cadet Corps Programs
10.D.1.b. Approve Purchase of Software Licenses for Math Intervention and Professional Development
Trustee Dr. Michael Ryan: Is Dreambox worth the $800,000+ investment?
Response: Yes, we believe it is. While the investment in DreamBox Learning is significant, the potential benefits for our students and teachers are substantial. DreamBox brings coherence and alignment to core instruction and assessment. When supplemental resources align with the core curriculum (Eureka) and assessment tools (NWEA MAP), students receive consistent instruction and reinforcement of key concepts. This consistency helps students build a strong foundation and reduces confusion that may arise from conflicting approaches or terminology. Recent data shows promising growth among FWISD students using DreamBox Math, with an average of 1 grade level of growth. Students completing 5+ lessons per week achieve an even higher average of 1.3 grade levels of growth. We believe that by investing in DreamBox, we are providing our students with tools that align with their core instructional resources, supporting their ability to become strong critical thinkers and problem solvers, essential skills for mastery on the STAAR assessment and success beyond the classroom. Trustee Dr. Michael Ryan: Is this a supplement to our regular curriculum? Response: Yes, DreamBox Learning is a supplemental resource designed to enhance our core curriculum. It helps students fill learning gaps by building foundational skills, which in turn elevates their understanding of the lessons taught by their classroom teachers. Teachers across FWISD have reported students making connections between DreamBox lessons and core curriculum concepts, demonstrating the positive impact on their overall understanding. Trustee Dr. Michael Ryan: What makes this promising to raise low math scores? Response: DreamBox Learning has shown promising results in raising math scores among our students. The platform's ability to personalize learning experiences, fill learning gaps, and develop critical thinking and problem-solving skills directly contributes to improved student performance on assessments like the STAAR test. Furthermore, DreamBox's embedded professional development support empowers our teachers to effectively utilize the platform and prioritize instruction for students who need it most. Ensuring consistent usage and measuring impact through an Academic Return on Investment process (AROI) is something else we believe is important to consider. To maximize the benefits of our investment in DreamBox Learning, it is crucial to ensure consistent usage across all schools and grade levels. Setting clear expectations and providing ongoing support for teachers and administrators will foster a culture of regular DreamBox usage, leading to more significant growth and improvement in student outcomes. Moreover, measuring the true impact of DreamBox Learning through AROI processes is essential. Successful implementation of a new educational program requires time, consistency, and ongoing support. As we enter the third year of DreamBox Learning implementation, we are well-positioned to see the full impact of the program on student outcomes. While the investment in DreamBox Learning is significant, the potential benefits for our students and teachers justify the expense. By ensuring consistent usage, measuring impact through AROI processes, and allowing sufficient time for implementation based on research findings, we can optimize our resources and achieve our goals of providing high-quality math education to all students in Fort Worth ISD. |
10.D.1.c. Approve Uniform Purchase for Secondary Choir Programs
10.D.1.d. Approve Portable Sound System Purchase for High School Marching Bands
10.D.2. Service Network #3, Dr. Gracie Guerrero, Associate Superintendent
10.D.2.a. Approve Submission of Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills Certification
10.D.3. Service Network #4, Dr. Tamekia Brown, Associate Superintendent
10.D.3.a. Approve Single Software Platform to Allow Enhanced Functionality in Post-Secondary Preparedness and Planning for Secondary Students
Trustee Dr. Michael Ryan: Does this software gain us enough information on CCMR to justify its initial and continuing cost?
Response: We are not seeking approval to purchase the CCMR tracking component. This software will be used to support HB18 requirements to provide lessons to middle school students on 4-year planning, transcript management for counselors, career exploration for students, and provide parents a way to digitally sign and acknowledge 4-year plans (TEC 28.02121). Moreover, this product will create continuity for students to create 4-year plans from middle school to high school without changing platforms. |
10.E. Operations, Kellie Spencer, Deputy Superintendent
10.E.1. Operations, Carl Alfred, Senior Officer Operations
10.E.1.a. Approve Ratification and Purchase for Continued Use of Work Order and Facility Scheduling Software
10.E.1.b. Approve Additional Repairs of Fire Sprinkler and Backflow Systems
10.E.1.c. Approve Additional Funds for the Purchase of Heating, Ventilation, and Air Conditioning Filter Replacement Service
10.E.1.d. Approve Purchase of Playground Assessment Services
Trustee Dr. Michael Ryan: After this evaluation, are we budgeting funds to meet these recommendations? Without a plan, this is a waste of $’s (monies).
Response: After receipt of the report, a plan will be developed to address identified needs. |
10.E.2. Capital Improvement Program, Kellie Spencer, Deputy Superintendent
10.E.2.a. Approve Change Order No.1 for Construction at Eastern Hills High School Betterment with Wesson Construction Services in Conjunction with the 2017 Capital Improvement Program
10.E.2.b. Approve Authorization to Enter into a Contract with a Construction Manager at Risk for Pre-Construction Services for Monnig Middle School Renovations in Conjunction with the 2021 Capital Improvement Program
Trustee Dr. Michael Ryan: We approved bond funds before the survey of district facilities was complete. Based on those feeder middle schools were the only middle school in that attendance pyramid. Since the AHHS pyramid has 2 middle schools, isn’t it prudent to wait on the results of the survey to determine what should be done (leads into the question regarding past approval of Stripling, if Monnig could be built large enough, could that eliminate the need to do work on Stripling or even do the work on Stripling so it could hold 2 elementary schools)?
Response: The Board Facilities Committee reviewed the information for the campuses within the AHHS feeder pattern. These campuses have site constraints that limit the feasibility of expansion. Administration recommends that these projects continue as planned. |
10.E.2.c. Approve Budgets and Transfer of Funds from Completed Project, Interest, Land Acquisition, and Unused Funds to Accommodate Program Needs for Several Bond Projects within the 2021 Capital Improvement Program
Trustee Dr. Michael Ryan: I will ask this to go onto Action Agenda. I have asked at numerous meetings that we find 50-65 acres for a future Benbrook High School, knowing that there will be over 4,500 new homes in the Benbrook attendance zone planned over the next 10 years. We have 2 elementary tracts that have been purchased and every day we put this purchase off results in higher land prices. If we are justifying the delay in the purchase as waiting on the survey, then should we have waited for the results before we did any additional work? My concern comes from moving funds from land purchase. Are the $’s remaining adequate to cover not only land for a new high school but also for other elementary schools that will be necessary when the Ventana and Veale areas are built out?
Response: This amendment reflects budget needs of the current bond program. It is necessary to accomplish the priorities of the projects. The district continues to evaluate the need for additional land in the Benbrook area for a high school. We recognize that land prices may continue to increase; however, this priority does not supersede the necessity to appropriately complete renovation and expansion projects as part of the 2021 Bond Program. |
11.A. Item/Items Removed from Consent Agenda
11.B. Personnel
11.B.1. Executive Director of Risk Management
11.C. Administrative Services, Dr. Karen Molinar, Deputy Superintendent
11.C.1. Legal and District Records Management, Lynda Jackson, Senior Counsel
11.C.1.a. Approve Recommendation to Terminate Certain Probationary Contract Employees at the End of the Contract Period, in the Best Interest of the District Pursuant to Chapter 21 of the Texas Education Code
11.C.1.b. Consider and Take Action to Void the Contract of Certain Employees for Lack of Texas Educator Certification Pursuant to Chapter 21 of the Texas Education Code
11.C.1.c. Approve Proposed Termination of Certain Probationary Contract Employees for Good Cause Pursuant to Chapter 21 of the Texas Education Code
11.C.1.d. Approve Proposed Termination of Certain Term Contract Employees for Good Cause Pursuant to Chapter 21 of the Texas Education Code
11.C.1.e. Approve Proposed Non-Renewal of Certain Term Contract Employees Pursuant to Chapter 21 of the Texas Education Code and Board Policy DFFB(LOCAL)
11.C.1.f. Approve Proposed Termination of Certain Continuing Contract Employees for Good Cause Pursuant to Chapter 21 of the Texas Education Code
11.C.1.g. Approve Renewal and Awarding of Probationary and Term Chapter 21 Contracts of Specified Certified Employees for the 2024-2025 Contract Year
11.C.2. Business and Finance, Carmen Arrieta-Candelaria, Chief Financial Officer
11.C.2.a. Approve Texas Education Agency Waiver Request for "Low Attendance" Due to Safety Related Concerns
11.C.3. Talent Management, Woodrow Bailey III, Chief Talent Officer
11.C.3.a. Approve and Renew of Probationary and Term Chapter 21 Contracts of Specified Certified Employees for the 2024 - 2025 Contract Year
11.D. Learning and Leading Networks
11.D.1. Service Network #2, Charles Garcia, Associate Superintendent
11.D.1.a. Approve Adoption and Related Purchase of Science, Technology Applications, Career and Technical Education, and Personal Financial Literacy and Economics Instructional Resources Called for in Proclamation 2024
11.D.1.b. Approve Purchase of Math Instructional Materials and Professional Learning Support
11.D.1.c. Approve Purchase of Math Instructional Materials and Professional Learning Support
11.E. Operations, Kellie Spencer, Deputy Superintendent
11.E.1. Transportation, Myron Wilson, Executive Director of Transportation
11.E.1.a. Approve Fuel Supply and Storage Management Services Agreement
11.E.1.b. Approve Additional Student Shuttle Services
11.E.2. Capital Improvement Program, Kellie Spencer, Deputy Superintendent
11.E.2.a. Approve Authorization to Negotiate with Construction Manager at Risk for a GMP Amendment(s) for Construction Services for Leonard Middle School Renovations in Conjunction with the 2021 Capital Improvement Program