August 11, 2003 at 6:30 PM - Budget Workshop
Agenda |
1.A. Call to order
1.B. Establish that a quorum of the Board is present
1.C. Invocation
2. DISCUSSION ITEMS (Discussion only. The Board will not take action on these items)
2.A. Discussion of 2003-2004 budget information and tax rate for the 2003-2004 school year
2.B. Discussion of Capital Improvement needs
3. ACTION ITEM (The Board will discuss and may vote on action items on the agenda)
3.A. Consider approval of preliminary financing plan for the sale of bonds.
3.B. Consider proposed tax rate for 2003-2004
4. EXECUTIVE SESSION (Closed session pursuant to the Texas Open Meetings Act, Texas Government Code Sections 551.071 to 551.086)
4.A. Closed meeting to deliberate the employment of personnel (code 551.074)
4.B. Consider any action from closed session