February 24, 2020 at 6:00 PM - Regular Meeting
Agenda |
1.A. Call to order and establish a quorum
1.B. Invocation
Owen McKnight, First United Methodist Church
1.C. Pledge of Allegiance
2.A. All-State Band
2.B. All-State Choir
2.C. State Art VASE qualifier
2.D. CX Debate
2.E. Glen Rose ISD Campus Counselors
3.A. Superintendent's Report
3.A.1. District Enrollment
3.A.2. District and Campus Activities
Time is set aside to hear public comments regardless of whether the topic is an item on the agenda posted with notice of the meeting. Any complaint brought against a district employee or involving the discipline of a student shall be heard in closed session(Texas Government Code, Sections 551.074 and 551.082) |
Items included ar of a routine and/or recurring nature that are grouped together to be voted on by one vote, unless a Board member requests that an item be withdrawn for individual consideration. The remaining items shal be adopted by one vote.
5.A. Minutes of January 27, 2020 Regular Board Meeting
5.B. January District Monthly Investment Report
5.C. January Financial Report
5.D. Region 10 ESC Child Nutrition MRPC Membership and Bid Participation Agreements
Jill Lawson, Child Nutrition Director
Background Information:
The Education Service Center Region 10 has a Multi-Region Purchasing Co-Op (R10MRPC) that organizes and administers the child nutrition cooperative purchasing and commodity processing program for CE's Contracting Entities) located in the state of Texas. The goal of the cooperative is to obtain substantial savings on food service items through volume purchasing. The MRPC does not charge a membership fee. Administrative Consideration: The General Membership Agreement is a multi-year membership in the R10MRPC. The membership agreement is for a single year term that will renew automatically each year unless terminated by either party. Upon signing the Interlocal Bid Participation Agreement each year, CE's are allowed to participate in any or all of the following bids: (1) Commodity Processing (2) Commercial/Full-Line Grocery Purchasing (3) Manufacturer Direct-to-Direct Delivery (4) Small-wares (5) Kitchen chemicals & Cleaning Products (products) (6) Safety Training and Sanitation Systems (services) (7) Fresh Meats and Produce (8) Fresh Bread (9) Milk/Dairy Products (10) Ice Cream Novelties (11) Chips and Snacks (12) Beverages (dispensed, canned, and plastic container) Budget Impact: None |
6.A. Consider approval of the District and Campus Improvement Plans
Susan Wright, Asst. Supt. of Instruction
Background Information:
Each school district shall have a district and campus improvement plan that is developed, evaluated and revised annually, in accordance with district policy. The purpose of the plans are to guide district and campus faculty and staff in the improvement of student performance. Administrative Consideration: The Board is asked to consider the updates and revisions of the plans.
6.B. Consider approval of district auditor for Glen Rose ISD financial records and activities for the fiscal year 2019-2020.
Kayla O'Quinn, Finance Director
Background Information: A financial audit is required annually for all school districts. Snow, Garrett, Williams, CPA’s has audited the district’s financial records since the 2001-2002 school year. Lindsey Kennimer will be the engagement contact of the firm who works with Glen Rose ISD. She is present at least for 1-2 days during the audit and does sign off on the audit as well and usually presents the report to the Board. Even though Glen Rose ISD has retained the same audit firm for several years, our data has been reviewed by different auditors during that period of time.
Administrative Consideration: The audit firm of Snow, Garrett, Williams CPA’s has been professional, efficient, and accommodating. They have been available at any time that advice is needed during the school year. During the audit, a team of 4-5 members are here for approximately 5 days during the fall months plus another 2-3 days during the month of July. They get most of their audit data while at the physical location during those days in July and October. Follow-up requests for additional information might be requested by phone or email following their initial visit to complete the audit. The audit report is usually completed by the end of November or early December and the report is made to the board in December. The data must be submitted to TEA by the end of January. The audit firm also reviews the PEIMS data, which includes data from the annual audit report. Budgetary Impact: Glen Rose ISD has been billed a total of $36,760 for the 18-19 audit. The cost of the 17-18 audit was $35,100, resulting in an increase of $1,660 between the two years.
6.C. Consider approval of a resolution to nominate G. Wayne Rotan for the Texas Association of School Boards Superintendent of the Year award.
Kelley Snodgrass, Board President
The Texas Association of School Boards (TASB) is accepting nominations for the Superintendent of the Year award. This honor is bestowed on a superintendent who has served a district since September 1, 2017, is a member of the Texas Association of School Administrators (TASA), is certified and meets the State Board for Educator Certification continuing professional education requirement, and is an active superintendent at the time of the 2020 TASA/TASB Convention. Additionally, the nominee must have exhibited leadership in his or her school district in (1) Leadership, Management, and School Climate, (2) School Board-Superintendent Relations, (3) School Improvement and Instructional Leadership, (4) Fiscal Management, and (5) School-Community Relations.
As part of the nomination process, TASB requires the Board to formally nominate the superintendent at a board meeting by approving a resolution. This resolution, along with the Board's official entry form, must be submitted to the district's educational service center by Friday, April 10.
7.A. Deliberate superintendent contract (TX Gov't. Code 551.074)
8.A. Consider superintendent's contract