June 8, 2016 at 6:30 PM - Regular
Agenda |
1. Call Meeting to Order
2. Invocation
3. Public Comments
4. Consider Approval of Trustee Resignation
5. Consider Appointment of Trustee
6. District Updates
6.A. Facilities Report
6.B. Financial Report
7. Consent Agenda
7.A. May 9, 2016 Regular Meeting Minutes
7.B. May Budget Report
7.C. May Monthly Bills
8. Amend Design-Build One Step Evaluation Criteria and Weighting System for Construction of a Concession/Restroom Facility as follows:
8.A. (25%) Resume of proposed job superintendent
8.B. (25%) Past experience of projects of similar scope, size, complexity and location.
8.C. (50%) Any other relevant factor or additional information that you feel is important for the evaluation committee to know and not addressed in items A through C above.
9. Consider Procurement of Construction Services for Concession/Restroom Facility
10. Discuss and Approve Meal Pricing
11. Consider Authorization of Bid for Milk for the 2016-2017 School Year
12. Consider Approval to Exercise Option 3 to Equalize Wealth Level for 2016-2017
13. Discuss and Consider Action of Waiver for Texas Assessment Management System
14. Discuss and Consider Action on Board Meeting Calendar
15. Discuss and Consider Approval of Renewal of Lease Agreement of Property Held in Trust by GISD
16. Discuss and Authorize Superintendent to Implement Driver's Education Program
17. Closed Session: Personnel and Real Estate Matters (Texas Government Code Section 551.074 & 551.072)
18. Personnel
18.A. Resignations/Reassignments/Retirements
18.B. Employment of Staff
19. Superintendent's Report
19.A. Summer Leadership Institute
20. Adjournment