June 11, 2018 at 7:00 PM - Regular Meeting
Agenda |
1. Call to Order
1.A. Pledge of Allegiance
1.B. Invocation
2. Administer Oath of Office to newly elected Board of Trustees
3. Elect board officers for 2018-2019
4. Executive Session
4.A. Consider Real Estate (Texas Government Code § 551.072)
5. Reports
5.A. Balance Sheet
5.B. Statement of Revenues & Expenditures
5.C. Cash & Investments
5.D. Tax Collection Summary
5.E. Transportation
6. Consent Items: (All items under this subheading will be adopted with one motion unless removed from the Consent Agenda by a trustee for discussion.)
6.A. Consider approval of minutes, May 21, 2018, Regular meeting.
6.B. Consider approval of minutes, June 4, 2018, Special meeting.
6.C. Consider an addition to the vendor list.
6.D. Consider Region 17 ESC Contracts
7. Consider approval of 2018-2019 Network Service Contract
8. Consider approval of Network Upgrades at the Technology Center
9. Public meeting to discuss 2018-2019 budget
10. Consider approval of adopting the budget for 2018-2019
11. Consider approval of the 2017-2018 final budget amendments
12. Consider approval of property and casualty, auto, and school board liability insurance for 2018-2019
13. Consider approval of student accident insurance renewal proposal for 2018-2019
14. Discuss Board Goals and Objectives for 2018-2019
15. District Needs Assessment
16. Consider approval of revisions to SHARS applications
17. Consider approval of District Parental Involvement Policy
18. Open Forum
19. Executive Session
19.A. Consider personnel (Texas Government Code
§ 551.074)