June 10, 2024 at 7:00 PM - Regular Meeting
Agenda |
1. Call to Order
1.A. Invocation
1.B. Pledge of Allegiance
2. Administer Oath of Office to elected Board of Trustees
3. Elect Board officers for 2024-2025
4. Open Forum
5. Superintendent Reports
5.A. Contracts issued to New Hires
5.B. Balance Sheet
5.C. Statement of Revenues & Expenditures
5.D. Cash & Investments
5.E. Tax Collection Summary
5.F. Transportation
5.G. Resignations
5.H. Construction Update
5.I. 2024-25 Board Meeting Dates
6. Consent Items: (All items under this subheading will be adopted with one motion unless removed from the Consent Agenda by a trustee for discussion.)
6.A. Consider approval of minutes, May 13, 2024, Regular meeting
6.B. Consider approval of minutes, May 30, 2024, Special meeting
6.C. Consider an addition to the vendor and purchasing cooperative list
6.D. Consider Region 17 ESC Contracts
7. Consider approval of the PowerSchool SIS software extension for 2024-2025
8. Consideration of TASB Localized Policy Manual Update 123 affecting LOCAL policies: BBD, BBFA, CKC, CKED, CQC, DCE, DGBA, EEH, EF, EFA, EFB, FNG, GF
9. Review TASB employee compensation plan study
10. Public meeting to discuss 2024-2025 budget
11. Consider approval of the 2024-2025 budget
12. Consider approval of the 2023-2024 final budget amendments
13. Consider and possible action regarding Resolution Authorizing the Purchase of Real Property (including delegation of authority to the Superintendent or his designee to finalize and execute a Real Estate Purchase and Sale Agreement and other authority related to the District’s purchase of the property as set out in the resolution) for the property described below: A part of Section 188, Block G, W.T. Ry. Co. Survey, Gaines County Texas as recorded in Document No. 2023-03223 of the Gaines County Property Records (Gaines CAD Property ID No. 56864).
14. Executive Session
14.A. Deliberation of appointment, employment, compensation, evaluation, reassignment, duties, discipline, or dismissal of employees (Texas Gov't Code §551.074)
14.B. Deliberations regarding the purchase of real property described below, including possible discussion with legal counsel related to same: A part of Section 188, Block G, W.T. Ry. Co. Survey, Gaines County Texas as recorded in Document No. 2023-03223 of the Gaines County Property Records (Gaines CAD Property ID No. 56864) (Texas Gov't Code §551.072, 551.071, and 551.129)
15. Action after reconvening in open session (if needed)
16. Adjourn