September 13, 2021 at 7:00 PM - Regular Meeting
Agenda |
1. Call to Order
1.A. Invocation
1.B. Pledge of Allegiance
2. Open Forum
3. Superintendent Reports
3.A. Enrollment
3.B. Balance Sheet
3.C. Statement of Revenues and Expenditures
3.D. Cash and Investments
3.E. Tax Collection Summary
3.F. Transportation
3.G. TCLAS Grant Award
3.H. TASB Board Convention Report/Legislative Update Requirement
4. Consent Items
4.A. Consider approval of minutes, August 9, 2021, Regular Meeting
4.B. Consider approval of the silent auction on October 16, 2021, and delegate authority of auction details to Superintendent
4.C. Consider approval of the 2021-22 Student Health Advisory Committee
4.D. Consider approval of an addition to the vendor list and purchasing cooperative list
5. Campus Reports by principals at FJ Young and Seminole Jr. High
6. Discussion of Joint meeting for Redistricting of Single Member Districts
7. Consider approval to purchase Imagine Learning digital language, literacy, and math programs.
8. Consider approval to purchase the Istation comprehensive e-learning program
9. Consider approval of interlocal agreement with Choice Partners Purchasing Cooperative
10. Consider approval of proposals for security access control system upgrades
11. Consider nominations for individuals to serve on the Gaines County Appraisal District Board of Directors
12. Presentation on compliance with state programs
13. Discuss and consider approval of Standing Board Committees
14. Discuss and consider approval of the 2021 M&O and I&S tax rates
15. Discuss and consider early resignation notice incentive plan
16. Consider approval of depository contract extension
17. Discuss and consider approval of annual investment policy review
18. Discuss and consider assigning fund balance in the General Fund
19. Executive Session
19.A. Deliberation of appointment, employment, compensation, evaluation, reassignment, duties, discipline, or dismissal of employees (Texas Government Code ยง551.074)
19.B. Considering the deployment, specific occasions for, or implementation of, security personnel or devices. (Texas Government Code §551.076)
20. Action after reconvening in open session (if needed)
21. Adjourn