January 14, 2009 at 6:30 PM - Regular
Agenda |
1. Call to order
2. Pledge of Allegiance
3. Open Forum
3.A. Special Recognition
3.A.1. Elementary UIL Students
Terri Wilson
3.A.2. Student Award
Terri Wilson
3.A.3. Gold Performance Acknowledgments
Linda Moore
4. Construction update and change orders
5. Reports
5.A. Special Reports
5.A.1. Campus News
5.A.2. Quarterly Investment Report
Darla Putman, Business Manager
5.B. Superintendent's Report
5.B.1. Enrollment and ADA
5.B.2. Sale of portable buildings update
6. Technology Purchase
6.A. Microsoft School Agreement Renewal
6.B. SAN (Storage Attached Network) purchase
7. Annual review of investment policy
8. Staffing and Personnel
8.A. Superintendent's evaluation, contract extension, and salary
8.B. Resignation of professional personnel
8.C. Employment of professional personnel
9. Action on items from closed session
10. Consent Agenda
10.A. Approve minutes of December 10, 2008 board meeting
10.B. Approve December bills
10.C. Approve budget amendment
11. Items for future agendas
12. Adjourn