October 6, 2021 at 6:00 PM - Regular Meeting
Agenda |
I. Call to Order
II. Declare a quorum
III. Prayer
IV. Pledge of Allegiance & Honor the Texas Flag
V. Open Forum
VI. New Business
VI.A. Consent Agenda
VI.A.1. Approve $1000 donation to Girls Basketball
VI.A.2. Approve Minutes from previous meetings: September 8th, 13th, and 29th.
VI.B. Regular Agenda
VI.B.1. Discuss town hall meetings and open house for the bond.
VI.B.2. Discuss and consider action on a request for a waiver to use a reading diagnostic instrument that is not on the commissioner's adopted list.
VI.B.3. Discuss and consider action on a resolution to nominate one candidate for the Board of Directors for the Hutchinson County Appraisal District.
VII. Campus Reports
VII.A. Elementary Principal
VII.A.1. Student and Staff Information
VII.B. Junior High Principal
VII.B.1. Student and Staff Information
VII.C. High School Principal
VII.C.1. Student and Staff Information
VIII. Athletic Director
VIII.A. Student and Staff information
IX. District Reports
IX.A. Business Manager
IX.A.1. Monthly Financial Report
IX.A.2. Discuss Quarterly Investment Report
IX.A.3. Discuss the Federal and State procurement handbook.
IX.B. Superintendent
IX.B.1. District Information
IX.C. Board President
IX.C.1. Set date(s) for called or regular meetings
X. Closed Session
X.A. Discuss personnel. Tex. Gov't Code 551.074: Discussion regarding Superintendent contract.
XI. Open Session
XI.A. Consideration and possible action on superintendent contract
XII. Adjourn