March 19, 2018 at 7:00 PM - Regular
Agenda |
1. Call to Order - Establishment of Quorum
2. Prayer and Pledge of Allegiance
3. Recognition of Visitors
4. Public Forum
5. Consent Action Agenda
5.A. Minutes
5.B. Financial Reports and Bills.
5.C. Utility Usage Graphs
5.D. Tax Reports
5.E. Budget Amendment # 7
6. Regular Action Agenda
6.A. Reports from the Superintendent - Information/Discussion Items only:
6.A.1. Attendance/Enrollment Update (Goal 1)
6.A.2. Student Recognition (Goal 3)
6.A.3. Texas Department of Agriculture, 2017 Local Products Challenge, Best of the Bunch Award.
6.B. 2018-19 TDA Contract Renewal with Southwest Food Service Excellence (Goal 1)
6.C. Consider and, if appropriate, take action cancelling the May 5, 2018 Trustee Election, for three (3) Trustees one for each Place Three (3), Place Four (4) and Place Five (5).
6.D. Instructional Materials and TEKS Certification, 2018-2019 (Goal 2)
6.E. Policy Update 110, affecting local policies:
BBB(LOCAL) Board Members - Elections |
6.F. Approve Purchase Order in the amount of $108,595 to Game Court Services for replacement of gym bleachers at the Middle School. (Goal 2)
6.G. Budget Amendment #8 for Middle School gym bleacher replacement.
6.H. Approve Empower ED Grant in the amount of $75,000.00. (Goal 2)
6.I. Tax refund for 2017 taxes in the amount of $532.00 to Rex P Ayres and Sarabeth Agnew on account number 000039-004050. Adjustment due to homestead and over 65 exemption applied.
6.J. Tax refund for 2017 taxes in the amount of $2,416.34 to Joseph Biship on account number 013625-001500. Adjustment due to reinstating VA exemption..
6.K. $3,585.00 Donation from the George W. Bush Foundation to SHS AP/Honors Trips. (Goal 3)
6.L. $1,000.00 Donation from Hyundai of Silsbee to the SHS Boys Basketball Team. (Goal 3)
6.M. The open session of the meeting will recess and the Board of Trustees will convene in closed session for the following purposes.
6.M.1. Teacher and Administrators (Texas Gov't Code 551.074)
6.M.1.a. Discussion of Employment
6.M.1.b. Reassignment and Resignations
6.M.1.c. Teacher Contracts
6.M.2. Discussion for the purpose of a private consultation with the Board's Attorney on any or all subjects or matters authorized by law. (Tex. Govt. Code 551.071(2))
6.M.3. Discussion of Employment, Termination, Reassignment, Resignations, and Evaluation of Paraprofessional, Auxiliary and Support Staff (Tex.Gov't. Code 551.074)
6.M.4. Security (Gov't Code 551.076)
6.N. The Board of Trustees will reconvene in open session for action to be taken on items discussed in closed session.
6.O. Personnel
6.P. Adjournment