March 21, 2023 at 7:00 PM - Regular
Agenda |
1. Call to Order - Establishment of Quorum
2. Prayer and Pledge of Allegiance
3. Recognition of Visitors
3.A. Silsbee High School Robotics
4. Public Forum
5. Campus Principal Reports
5.A. Upcoming Events
6. Attendance and Enrollment Report Only
7. Consent Action Agenda
7.A. Minutes
7.B. Financial Reports and Bills.
7.C. Tax Reports
7.D. Utility Usage Graphs
7.E. Budget Amendment # 6
7.F. Open RFP for Instructional Material, Equipment, Supplies, and related items.
7.G. Tax Refunds
7.G.1. $1,743.03 to Coy Fancher for 006640-003501.
7.G.2. $724.99 to Thomas Voightman for 003250-006600.
7.G.3. $512.34 to Sammy Saltalamacchia for 003400-002300.
7.G.4. $512.34 to Sharon Arline for 002800-005400
7.G.5. $512.34 to Justin Wright for 004705-000040.
7.G.6. $566.21 to Mary Vincent for 000035-005850.
7.G.7. $640.42 to Kathi Nerren for 003250-005300.
7.G.8. $683.20 to T V Creekmore for 004600-000300.
7.G.9. $582.05 to T V Creekmore for 2021 004600-000300.
7.G.10. $512.34 to John Murray for 003800-000850..
7.G.11. $1593.60 to Paul Thibodeaux for 000160-000450.
7.G.12. $512.34 to Jennifer Fields for 006640-000340.
7.G.13. $512.34 to Karla Pipes for 013625-001000.
8. Discussion Only
8.A. ESSER Update
9. Reports from the Superintendent - Information/Discussion Items only:
9.A. SFE (Food Services) Annual Report.
9.B. Summer Leadership Institute Registration April 18th.
10. Regular Action Agenda
10.A. Approve Certification of Unopposed candidates for the May 6, 2023 Election.
10.B. Cancel the May 6, 2023 Trustee Election, for two (2) Trustees, one for each Place One (1) and Place Two (2), in which candidates for all positions are unopposed.
10.C. Consider and act on Resolution for Certified Teachers and Professional Employee Retention Incentive.
10.D. Consider and act on Resolution Regarding Retention Bonus for Auxillary, Clerical, and Paraprofessional Employees.
10.E. Consider and act on Resolution for Transportation Retention Bonus.
10.F. Consider and act to approve early renewal of Workers' Compensation Insurance with Claims Administrative Services effective September 1, 2023.
10.G. Consider and act to approve RFP for Convection Steamers.
10.H. Consider and act to approve RFP for Cafeteria Generators.
10.I. Consider and act to approve a purchase order for Kommercial Kitchens in the amount of $62,967.00 for Convection steamers at Silsbee High School, Edward-Johnson Silsbee Memorial Middle School and Laura Reeves Primary.
10.J. Consider and act to approve a purchase order for All-Pro Electrical in the amount of $115,298.66 for Generators.
10.K. Consider and act to approve a purchase order to Studies Weekly in the amount of $36,536.40 for a three-year contract for social studies grades K-5.
10.L. Consider and act to approve payment to the Texas Education Agency in the amount up to $58,592.79 for overpayment of August and September 2021 food service claims.
10.M. Consider and act on granting hiring authority to Dr. Gregg Weiss, Superintendent, from March 21, 2023 through August 31, 2023.
10.N. Consider and act to approve Donations
10.N.1. $8,282.00 to SHS Baseball program for supplies and equipment from the SHS Baseball Booster Club.
10.N.2. $3,617.47 to SHS Baseball program for Rodgers and Lufkin Tournaments from the SHS Baseball Booster Club.
10.N.3. $500 from Carole Seabrooke to the SHS Boys Basketball for Charter bus to Regional Tournament.
10.N.4. $500 from Jobie Irvine to the SHS Boys Basketball for Charter bus to Regional Tournament.
10.N.5. $2800 from Doyle and Edna Brown to the SHS Boys Basketball for Charter bus to Regional Tournament.
11. Executive Session - Gov't Sec. 551.074 - Personnel Matters
11.A. Personnel (Texas Gov't Code 551.074)
11.A.1. Discussion of Employment
11.A.2. Reassignment and Resignations
11.A.3. Recommendation of renewal and extension of Administrator Contracts.
12. The Board of Trustees will reconvene in open session for action to be taken on items discussed in closed session.
12.A. Consider and act on employment.
12.B. Consider and act on the recommendations, renewals or extensions to Administrator contracts.
13. Adjournment