June 26, 2018 at 6:00 PM - Goal Setting Workshop
Agenda |
1. Call to Order
2. Announce Quorum
3. Goal Setting Workshop
4. Closed Session
4.A Personnel (Gov't 551.074)
4.A(i) Resignations
4.A(i)(a) Intermediate Teacher
4.A(i)(b) Junior High Teacher
4.A(ii) Employment
4.A(ii)(a) Junior High Reading Teacher
4.A(ii)(b) Junior High Theatre/Speech Teacher
4.A(ii)(c) High School Social Studies Teacher / Boys' Coach
4.A(ii)(d) High School English Teacher
4.A(ii)(e) High School Health Sciences Teacher
5. Open Session: Action, if any on items discussed in closed session
5.A Consider approval to accept resignations and/or the hiring of new employees as presented
6. Adjourn Meeting