December 16, 2024 at 6:00 PM - Regular Business Meeting
Agenda |
Call to order
National Anthem
Moment of Silence
Superintendent Update
Board Member Reports
President's Report
Board Activity Report
Public Comment
Intruder Detection Report
Gibson Construction Audit Report
2025 CCMR Data and CTE Outcomes
Cell Phone Policy: Discussion about Policy FNCE (Local) regarding student cell phone usage.
Communication Equipment and Services: Consideration and approval for the purchase of communication equipment and services under a cooperative contract with Motorola Solutions, Inc. through the Houston-Galveston Area Council (H-GAC) cooperative for an amount not-to-exceed $742,998 and authorization for the Superintendent to negotiate and execute the agreement through December 2029.
Consent Agenda
All items under the Consent Agenda are acted upon by one motion. Upon a Board Member's request, any item on the Consent Agenda shall be moved to the Action portion of the regular agenda. |
International Student Travel: Consideration and approval of international travel during the summer of 2025 by Clements High School students to participate in the 2025 Chiba City, Japan Student Exchange Program.
Board of Trustees Meeting Minutes: Consideration and approval of the minutes of Fort Bend ISD Board of Trustees meetings and/or public hearing on the following dates:
October 7, 2024 - Special Called Meeting: Listening Tour
October 7, 2024 - Called Meeting and Agenda Review
October 15, 2024 - Special Called Meeting
October 21, 2024 - Regular Business Meeting
Deletion, Adoption, and Revision of Policies: FFA (Local), GRA (Local), and BQAA (Local).
FFA (Local) - Student Welfare: Wellness and Health Services
GRA (Local) - Relations with Governmental Entities - State and Local Governmental Authorities
BQAA (Local) - Planning and Decision-Making Process: District Level
Fixed Rate Bond Order for New Money and Refunding Bonds & Commercial Paper: Consideration and approval of an order authorizing the issuance of Fort Bend ISD Fixed Rate Unlimited Tax School Building and Refunding Bonds, which may be issued in one or more series in accordance with specified parameters; and enacting other provisions relating thereto (the "Fixed Rate Order").
Variable Rate Bond Order for New Money and Refunding Bonds and Commercial Paper: Consideration and approval of an authorizing the issuance of Fort Bend ISD Variable Rate Unlimited Tax School Building and Refunding Bonds, which may be issued in one or more series in accordance with specified parameters; and enacting other provisions related thereto (the "Variable Rate Order").
Conversion Order for Series 2020B Bonds: Consideration and approval of an order authorizing the conversion of the Fort Bend Independent School District Variable Rate Unlimited Tax School Building and Refunding Bonds, Series 2020B to a new rate period; authorizing the preparation of a remarketing memorandum; and enacting other provisions relating thereto (the "Conversion Order").
Bond Reimbursement Resolution: Consideration and approval of a Resolution expressing the intent to finance expenditures ("Reimbursement Resolution") to be incurred in conjunction with the 2023, 2018 and 2014 Bond Programs.
Investment Pool Resolutions: Consideration and approval of a resolution for changes to the District's authorized signers at three (3) investment pools.
First Quarter Financials: Consideration and approval of the first quarter 2024-25 Financial Report.
2025-26 Staffing: Consideration and approval of new positions in the General Fund to open a new Elementary campus in 2025-26.
Bond 2023 Program Contingency: Consideration and approval for the use of 2023 Bond Program Contingency as proposed by Administration.
Consideration and approval of proposed expenses that exceed $50,000: Specifically for:
Construction Services for Marshall High School Renovations (BP029): Consideration and approval of a Construction Services Agreement with Prime Contractors, Inc. for Marshall High School Renovations (BP029) for a stipulated lump sum amount of $18,269,000 and authorization for the Superintendent to negotiate and execute or terminate the agreements.
Construction Services for HVAC MEP East Central 1 Renovations and Upgrades at Multiple Campuses (BP042): Consideration and approval of a Construction Services Agreement with Prime Contractors for HVAC-MEP East Central 1 renovations and upgrades at multiple campuses (BP042), for a not-to-exceed amount of $9,168,000 and authorization for the Superintendent to negotiate and execute or terminate the agreement.
Construction Services for HVAC-MEP East Central 2 Renovations and Upgrades at Multiple Campuses (BP043): Consideration and approval of a Construction Services Agreement with M. Scott Construction, Inc, for HVAC-MEP East Central 2 renovations and upgrades at multiple campuses (BP043), for a not-to-exceed amount of $9,294,000 and authorization for the Superintendent to negotiate and execute or terminate the agreements.
Donations over $50K: Consideration and approval of cash and non-cash donations.
Concealed Weapons Detection (Increase): Consideration and approval to increase the existing contract awarded under 23-002AR Concealed Weapons Detection by $851,991 for a total not-to-exceed amount of $976,991 to continue purchasing Concealed Weapons Detection equipment through May 2027.
Band Uniforms and Related Items - Hightower High School: Consideration and approval for the purchase of band uniforms and related items from Fred J. Miller, Inc. through the Buy Board cooperative contract for an amount not-to-exceed $109,884 and authorization for the Superintendent to negotiate and execute the agreement through May 2025.
Band Uniform and Related Items - Willowridge High School: Consideration and approval for the purchase of band uniforms and related items from DeMoulin Brothers and Company through Buy Board cooperative contract for an amount to exceed $106,989 and authorization for the Superintendent to negotiate and execute the agreement through May 2025.
Convene in closed session under Texas Open Meetings Act, Texas Government Code, Chapter 551 under the following sections: 551.071 - For the purpose of a private consultation with the Board's attorney on any or all subjects or matters authorized by law; Section 551.072 - Consider purchase, exchange, lease, or value of real property, Section 551.074 - Personnel matters, Section 551.076 - Security matters, Section 551.082 - Student discipline matter or complaint, or Section 551.0821 - Personally identifiable information about public school student
Consult with legal counsel regarding the hearing officer's recommendation in the Level Three FNG grievance appeal of Bayode B.
Reconvene in Open Session
Consider Action on Closed Session Items
Deliberate hearing officer's recommendation in the Level Three FNG grievance appear of Bayode B.
Future Meeting Discussion