March 27, 2023 at 7:00 PM - Regular Meeting
Agenda |
1. Announcement by the Board President calling this meeting of the Taft Independent School District to order.
Let the record show that a quorum of Board Members is present, that this meeting has been duly called, and that notice of this meeting has been posted in accordance with the Texas Open Meetings Act, Texas Government Code, Chapter 551.
2. Invocation
3. Recognition of Campus Teachers of the Year
Taft High School - Javier Castillo Ricardo L. Treviño Junior High - Enrique Treviño Woodroe Petty Elementary - Adriana Yanez |
4. Public Comments
5. Consent Agenda
5.A. Approve Minutes of Board Meetings for Monday, February 20, 2023.
5.B. Approve Investment Report for February 2023.
5.C. Approve Total Expenditures by Function Ending February 2023.
5.D. Approve Summary of Taxes paid to Taft ISD ending February 2023.
5.E. Approve Taft ISD Child Nutrition February 2023.
5.F. Approval of budget amendment for annual assessment fees.
5.G. Approval of budget amendment for property and windstorm insurance coverage.
5.H. Approval of Budget Amendment Functions 32 Social Work Services, Function 35 Food Services.
5.I. Approval of budget amendment for high school band uniforms.
6. Discussion
6.A. Discuss the 2023 Taft ISD Education Foundation Golf Tournament
7. Items for Individual Consideration
7.A. Approval of Wireless Access Point Upgrade for Taft ISD Campuses as part of E-Rate Category 2 project.
8. Closed Session
Board will adjourn into Closed Session pursuant to the following sections of the Texas Open Meetings Act. The Board will convene in Closed Session as authorized by the Texas Government Code, Chapter 551. et. seq TGC 551.071 and 551.074.
8.A. Conduct the annual Superintendent evaluation and discuss possible contract modifications.
8.B. Discussion on Employment Contracts for the 2023-2024 School Year.
8.C. Employee Resignation(s)
8.D. Employee(s) Retiring
9. Reconvened from Closed Session
The Board will take appropriate action on items, if necessary, as discussed in Closed Session.
9.A. Consider approval of the Superintendent evaluation and possible contract modifications.
9.B. Approve administrative contract recommendations as presented.
10. Important Dates to Remember
10.A. Regular Board Meeting, Tuesday, April 17, 2023, at 7:00 p.m. at Taft High School Library.
11. Future Board Agenda Items from Board Members
12. Adjourn