December 19, 2023 at 5:30 PM - Regular Meeting
Agenda |
1. Call to Order - Roll Call
2. Verification of Compliance with Open Meeting Law - this is to certify that the provisions of Section 551.001 of the Texas Government code have been met in connection with public notice of this meeting.
3. Moment of Silence
4. Pledge to the US Flag and Texas Flag
4.A. Midland High School
4.A.1. Principal: Dr. Jennifer Seybert
4.A.1.a. Pledge Leaders, Wyatt Collins and Marguerite (Margie) Altany
5. Presentations, Recognitions, Awards, Announcements
Presenter: Lyndsey White
5.A. Rolling Baristas and Diamondback Energy
5.B. Jane Long Elementary - ESL School of the Year Finalist
5.C. National Board Certification Candidates
5.D. Midland High School Culinary Arts
5.E. Texas Association of Future Educators State Qualifiers
5.F. Young Women's Leadership Academy - Youth in Philanthropy Award
5.G. Athletics Academic All-State
5.H. Texas State Thespian National Qualifiers
5.I. MISD Christmas Card Contest Winners
5.J. Bond Planning Committee and Bond Advisory Committee
6. Public Forum
7. Superintendent's Update
Presenter: Dr. Stephanie Howard
8. District Reports
8.A. Bond 2023 Monthly Report
Presenters: Tucker Durham & Cortney Smith
8.B. Student Services Departmental Update
Presenter: Melissa Horner
8.C. CCMR\Career and Technical Education Departmental Update
Presenter: Jeff Horner
8.D. Review of the 2024-2025 Budget Preparation Timeline and Priorities
Presenters: Dr. Stephanie Howard and Mr. Tucker Durham
9. Action Items
9.A. Discussion of and Request for Approval of Non-Renewal of Senate Bill 1882 Partnership REACH Network
Presenter: Roberto Cedillo
9.B. Discussion of and Request for Approval of Lone Star Governance Goal 5 - Four Year Graduation Rates and CPM 3.1 - Percentage of Students who Met TSI Math and English Language Arts Criteria
Presenters: Shannon Torres & Jeff Horner
9.C. Discussion of and Approval for the RFP #23-205 Charter Bus and Student Group Travel Services
Presenter: Cortney Smith
9.D. Discussion of and Approval of the RFP #23-161 Integrated Pest Management/Herbicide services
Presenter: Cortney Smith
9.E. Discussion of and Approval for Competitive Sealed Proposal (CSP) #23-140 Midland ISD Elementary School R.O. Water Implementation-Phase 3
Presenter: Cortney Smith
9.F. Discussion of and Request for Approval of Architectural and Engineering Services Firm Related to Elementary School Associated with 2023 MISD Bond
Presenter: Cortney Smith
10. Closed session in accordance with Government Code Section 551.001 et. seq.
Section 551.071 - For the purpose of a private consultation with the Board’s attorney on any or all subjects or matters authorized by law. Section 551.072 - For the purpose of deliberating the purchase, exchange, lease, or value of real property. Section 551.074 - For the purpose of considering the appointment, employment, evaluation, reassignment, duties, discipline or dismissal of a public officer or employee or to hear complaints or charges against a public officer or employee. |
11. Action Arising from Closed Session
12. Consent Agenda
12.A. Board Meeting Minutes
12.B. Monthly Financials
12.C. Budget Amendment #4
12.D. Single Budgeted Purchases over $100,000
12.E. Donations over $5,000
12.F. Interlocal Agreement between Midland ISD and the University of Texas Permian Basin to Partner During the Implementation of the Registered Apprenticeship Program
12.G. 2024 MISD Texas Public Information Act (PIA) Calendar
12.H. Appointment of Standing Members of School Health Advisory Council (SHAC)
12.I. T-TESS 2nd Appraisers List Amendments
13. Information Items
13.A. Board Committee Report
13.B. Reportable Purchase Orders Over $100,000
13.C. Human Capital Update
14. Adjourn