February 10, 2025 at 5:30 PM - Regular Meeting
Agenda | |
1. Call to Order and Announcement of a Quorum
2. Invocation and Pledge of Allegiance
3. Welcome Guests
4. Opportunity for Public Comment (including any item on the agenda)
5. Consideration and possible approval of a resolution approving a contingent fee contract for bond counsel legal services, considering those matters provided in the District’s public notice and approval of other matters related thereto.
6. Executive Session
7. Reconvene from Executive Session
8. Consideration and possible approval of an order calling a Bond election in the Venus Independent School District and approving other matters incident and related thereto
9. Presentation of Annual Performance Report (TAPR)
10. Presentation of Campus Reports and Recognitions
11. 4 day Instruction Survey Results
12. Executive Session
13. Reconvene from Executive Session
14. Consent Agenda
14.A. Approve previous month's board minutes
14.B. Approve 2024 State Racial Profiling Report
15. Consider Approval of the 2025-2026 Academic School Calendar
16. Consider Approval of Administrator Contracts
17. Consider Approval of VHS Innovative Course: AP Seminar
18. Consider Approval of VHS Targeted Improvement Plan
19. Consider Approval of Interactive Display Purchase
20. Consider Approval to Join 1GPA - Nonprofit National Governmental Purchasing Cooperative
21. Consider Approval of Budget Amendment
22. Consider approval of Matters Related to Personnel: Resignations, Employment, Position or Contract Amendment
23. Reports
23.A. Superintendent
23.B. Assistant Superintendent
23.C. Athletics
23.D. Chief Financial Officer
23.E. Child Care
23.F. Curriculum & Instruction
23.G. Maintenance
23.H. Technology
23.I. Venus ISD Police Department
24. Board request for additional items/next scheduled board meeting date:
25. Adjourn