March 22, 2011 at 5:00 PM - Finance Committee
Agenda |
1. (5:00pm) Call to Order and Determination of Quorum
1.A. Approve Minutes:
1.A.1. February 15, 2011 Minutes
1.B. Discussion/Possible Action Items:
1.B.1. 2011-2012 Budget
1.B.1.a. State and Federal Funding
1.B.1.b. Salary Survey
1.B.1.c. TASB Compensation Plan Update
1.B.1.d. Job Classification and Pay Ranges
1.B.1.e. TRS Healthcare
1.B.1.f. Staffing Guidelines
1.B.1.g. New Positions
1.C. Monthly Finance Reports
1.D. Discuss and Recommend to the Full Board to Approve the Waiver Applications for Low Attendance Days in the Walnut Springs Elementary School, Dripping Springs Elementary School, and Dripping Springs High School
2. Adjournment.