August 25, 2008 at 4:30 PM - Facility Committee
Agenda |
1. Call to Order and Determination of Quorum Following Special Called Meeting
2. Discussion/Possible Action Item(s):
2.A. YMCA (Information Only)
2.B. Discussion of Release of Retainage for Projection and Audio Systems at Dripping Springs Elementary School and Walnut Springs Elementary School
2.C. Discussion of Granting Electric Utility Easements to Pedernales Electric Cooperative, Inc.
2.D. Discussion of Annexation of Dripping Springs Elementary School Into the City of Dripping Springs
2.E. Discussion of the City of Dripping Springs Granting the Dripping Springs Water Supply Corporation an Easement of the Karhan Park Property
2.F. Status Report on Current Construction Projects
2.G. Project Priorities
2.H. Shared Use Agreement Between DSYSA, DSISD, and City of Dripping Springs
2.I. Discussion of the Facility Use Policy
3. Approve Minutes:
3.A. July 14, 2008
4. Closed Session
4.A. Discussion of Real Estate Matters
4.A.1. Property Acquisition/Sale
5. Open Session
5.A. Possible Action on Real Estate Matters Pursuant to Discussion in Closed Session
5.A.1. Property Acquisition/Sale
6. Adjournment.