March 5, 2007 at 8:00 PM - Special
Agenda |
1. Call to Order and Determination of Quorum
2. Discussion/Possible Action Items
2.A. To Adopt a Resolution Authorizing the Adminisration to Participate in the Texas Building and Procurement Commission Purchasing Cooperative
2.B. To Award the Educational Supplies Proposal
2.C. To Award the Maintenance & Operational Supplies Proposal
2.D. To Approve Change Orders for DSISD #3 Construction Project
2.E. To Approve Additional Staffing for 2007-2008 School Year
3. Closed Session
3.A. Discussion of Personnel, Legal, Student Discipline and/or Real Estate Matters
3.A.1. Consideration of Hiring of Head Football Coach
3.A.2. Employment of Personnel and Professional Employment Contracts
3.A.3. Property Acquisition/Sale
4. Open Session
4.A. Possible Action Regarding Personnel, Legal, Student Discipline and/or Real Estate Matters Pursuant to Discussion in Closed Session
4.A.1. Hiring of Head Football Coach
4.A.2. Employment of Personnel and Professional Employment Contracts
4.A.3. Property Acquisition/Sale
5. Adjournment.