June 28, 2005 at 6:30 PM - Regular
Agenda |
1. Call to order, roll call and declaration of quorum.
2. Pledge of Allegiance.
3. Recognition.
4. Public Forum: Affording members of the public to address the board on issues not related to individual personnel concerns.
5. Approve and/or correct minutes from previous board meetings: May 17 and May 23, 2005.
6. Consent Agenda.
6.A. Financial information.
6.B. Budget amendments.
7. New Business.
7.A. Discussion/action on Property & Casuality, General Liability, Workers Compensation, and Student Insurance renewals for 2005-2006.
7.B. Discussion/action on Alternative Erate Funding Methods.
7.C. Discussion/action on setting targeted student/teacher ratio district wide.
7.D. Discussion/action on class offering guidelines based on a minimum enrollment of students.
7.E. Discussion/action on reimbursement resolution for QZAB funding.
8. Policy.
8.A. Adoption of resolution regarding investment policy CDA (LOCAL).
8.B. TASB Localized Policy Manual Update 75: Review updated (LEGAL) policies and act on (LOCAL) policies-second reading.
8.B.1. BDAE (LOCAL):Officers and Officials-Duties and Requirements of Depository
8.B.2. BDB (LOCAL):Board Internal Organization-Internal Committees
8.B.3. BDD (LOCAL):Board Internal Organization-Attorney
8.B.4. CLB (LOCAL):Buildings, Grounds, and Equipment Management-Maintenance
8.B.5. CNA (LOCAL): Transportation Management-Student Transportation
8.B.6. DAA (LOCAL):Employment Objectives-Equal Employment Opportunity
8.B.7. DH (LOCAL): Employee Standards of Conduct
8.B.8. DHB (LOCAL): Employee Standards of Conduct-Harassment
8.B.9. DHC (LOCAL): Employee Standards of Conduct-Sexual Harassment/Sexual Abuse
8.B.10. DIA (LOCAL): Employee Welfare-Freedom From Harassment
8.B.11. EIE (LOCAL): Academic Achievement-Retention and Promotion
8.B.12. FB (LOCAL): Equal Educational Opportunity
8.B.13. FFD (LOCAL): Student Welfare-Student Insurance
8.B.14. FFH (LOCAL): Student Welfare-Freedom From Harassment
8.B.15. FNC (LOCAL) Student Rights and Responsibilities-Student Conduct
8.B.16. FNCE (LOCAL): Student Conduct-Telecommunications Devices
8.B.17. FNCJ (LOCAL): Student Conduct-Sexual Harassment/Sexual Abuse
8.B.18. FNCL (LOCAL): Student Conduct-Harassment
9. Superintendent's Agenda.
9.A. Upcoming date(s) for board meeting(s).
9.B. 2005-2006 In-service/staff development dates.
9.C. Upcoming TASB/TASA Convention dates.
10. Closed Session.
10.A. Consider and discuss personnel recommendations for new hires.
11. Reconvene/Action After Closed Session.
11.A. The board may take appropriate action regarding personnel recommendations for new hires.
12. Adjournment.