June 6, 2019 at 7:00 PM - Regular Meeting
Agenda |
1.A. Moment of Reflection and Pledge of Allegiance
1.B. Welcome Visitors
2.A. Tara Hrbacek
2.B. Guillermo Ramos
2.C. Randy Schackmann
3.A. Board Officer Election - Board President
3.B. Board Officer Election - Board Vice President
3.C. Board Officer Election - Board Secretary
3.D. Board Officer Election - Board Assistant Secretary
4.A. Kacie's Run Check Presentation
4.B. Student Recognitions
4.B.(1) 2-D Artwork from R. L. Turner High School
4.C. New Administrators
6.A. Consider Approval of Election of Personnel
Background: The District employs full-time professional employees in positions requiring a certificate from the State Board of Educator Certification (SBEC), nurses, and other designated employees under a probationary or term contract. The purpose of this agenda item is to facilitate Board approval of these contracts. Recommendation: It is the recommendation of the Superintendent that the Board of Trustees approves the employment of the individuals as indicated on the list provided.
6.B. Consider Approval of the Purchasing Report for the Period of April 1 - April 30, 2019
Background: The attached report is a summary of the purchases valued over $25,000 but not exceeding $50,000 that have been made from April 1, 2019, through April 30, 2019. Recommendation: It is the recommendation of the Superintendent that the Board of Trustees accepts the Purchasing Report as presented.
6.C. Consider Acceptance of Financial Reports
Background: The monthly financial reports presented to the Board for consideration will include budget amendments (when applicable), budget summary year-to-date reports, construction summary report, outstanding investments, and tax office reports. Recommendation: It is the recommendation of the Superintendent that the Board of Trustees accepts the financial reports for April 2019.
6.D. Consider Time, Place, and Location of a Public Meeting to Discuss Budget and Proposed Tax Rate for the 2019-2020 Budget Year
Background: In accordance with Texas Education Code Section 44.004, the District must set the date, time and place of a “public meeting to discuss the budget and proposed tax rate." At the scheduled meeting, the District must accept public input before adoption of the final budget and tax rates. Administration proposes the meeting to be held on August 22, 2019, at 6:00 pm, in the Board Room of the Administration Building, 1445 N. Perry Road, Carrollton, Texas. Recommendation: It is the recommendation of the Superintendent that the Board of Trustees approves the Time, Place, and Location of a Public Meeting to Discuss Budget and Proposed Tax Rate for the 2019-2020 Budget Year, as presented.
6.E. Consider Appointment of Tax Assessor, Anna Brady, to Calculate Rollback Tax Rate and Publish Notice of Public Meeting to Discuss the 2019-2020 Budget and Proposed Tax Rate
Background: Texas Property Tax Code Section 26.04 (c) and (e) requires the governing body to designate an officer or employee to calculate the effective tax rate and the rollback tax rate for the unit and publish the rates. This agenda item designates the District’s Tax Assessor, Anna Brady, to comply with this requirement. Recommendation: It is the recommendation of the Superintendent that the Board of Trustees approves the Appointment of Tax Assessor, Anna Brady, to Calculate Rollback Tax Rate and Publish Notice of Public Meeting to Discuss the 2019-2020 Budget and Proposed Tax Rate, as presented.
6.F. Consider Extension of Interlocal Agreements with the Carrollton, Farmers Branch, and City of Irving Police Departments Under a Memorandum of Understanding for School Resource Officers
Background: The District wishes to continue the practice of providing school resource officers assigned to select District campuses for the 2019-2020 school year. The attached extensions reference the original agreements executed by the CFBISD Board of Trustees on August 1, 2013, for municipal officers. These extensions will provide for six officers and one sergeant provided by the Carrollton Police and one officer provided by the Farmers Branch Police. Two officers will be provided by the City of Irving under a Memorandum of Understanding. Carrollton officers will be assigned to Turner High School, Smith High School, Polk Middle School, Perry Middle School, Blalack Middle School and Creekview High School. The Farmers Branch officer will be assigned to Field Middle School. The Irving officers will be assigned to Bush Middle School and Ranchview High School. Recommendation: It is the recommendation of the Superintendent that the Board of Trustees approves the Interlocal Agreements and Memorandum of Understanding with the identified municipalities for School Resource Officers as presented.
6.G. Consider Approval of Resolution to the Board of Trustees Regarding Hazardous Traffic Conditions
Background: In accordance with Board Policy CNA (LOCAL) and in order for the District to apply for the additional transportation allotment provided by the state for students who live within two miles of a school campus but receive transportation because of hazardous traffic conditions, the Board must adopt a resolution to identify the hazardous or high risk areas in which transportation shall be provided. The Board of Trustees must adopt a revised resolution when necessary to accurately reflect changes to the conditions. The Transportation Department has identified an additional hazardous traffic condition in the Irving/Ranchview area. The District will provide safe transport of the students in the area even though it is within a 2 mile radius of a school and will also qualify for eligible transportation funding. Recommendation: It is the recommendation of the Superintendent that the Board of Trustees approves the Resolution to the Board of Trustees Regarding Hazardous Traffic Conditions, as presented.
6.H. Consider Approval of Purchase of Words Their Way Program for Grades 2-5 for 2019-2020
Background: At the April Board meeting, the Board of Trustees approved the purchase of instructional materials for English Language Arts for K-12. Additionally, CFB’s Textbook Adoption Committee recommended the purchase of Pearson Words Their Way/Palabras a su Paso for spelling instruction. At the April meeting, we indicated a hold on purchase of these items so that the appropriate quote from the vendor could be obtained. At the June meeting, the Board will consider purchase of Pearson Words Their Way/Palabras a su Paso spelling materials for 2nd through 5th grade. The Board will be provided the final cost information in the Executive Summary. The purchase of the Instructional Materials for spelling will be funded through the Instructional Materials Allotment. Recommendation: It is the recommendation of the Superintendent that the Board of Trustees approves the Purchase of the Words Their Way Program for Grades 2-5 for 2019-2020 as presented.
6.I. Consider Purchase of Measures of Academic Progress (MAP) Software From NWEA
Background: This vendor provides norm-referenced, standardized assessments for students in CFBISD in grades K-8. This contract is a one-year license agreement with the Northwest Evaluation Association (NWEA). MAP tests are online assessments administered three times a year: fall, winter, and spring. Comparative data is used to provide feedback on where a student is on the learning continuum and provide guidance to teachers to inform instructional decisions. Student scores are based on rate of academic growth related to the prior MAP performance in three content areas: Reading, Math, and Science. Campus and district personnel use MAP reports to inform students, parents, and teachers on performance trends through grade level measures. Licenses will be purchased for grades K-2, 3-8 for Math, Reading and Language, and grades 4-8 for Science. Recommendation: It is the recommendation of the Superintendent that the Board of Trustees approves the Purchase of Measures of Academic Progress (MAP) Software From NWEA, as presented.
6.J. Consider Purchase of College Board: Advanced Placement Testing, Preliminary Scholastic Aptitude Test (PSAT) Continuum of Assessments, SAT College-Bound Senior Reports, and Fees Associated With College Board Professional Development
Background: This vendor provides CFBISD with standardized tests by specific Advanced Placement (AP) content each May and preliminary SAT assessments for students in grades 8-11 in October. Qualifying scores on AP exams allow students comparable course college credit. PSAT scores for 11th graders qualify students for National Merit Scholarship and recognition opportunities. The College Board’s Early Participation Program is an initiative to support the involvement of high school students in the college-going process. Students are connected to colleges, scholarship providers, and recommendations for AP subject area enrollment based on test scores and survey responses. Annual reports by this vendor for AP, PSAT, and SAT student performance provide feedback for campus and district instructional improvement. Scores on the AP, PSAT, and SAT exams provide college readiness benchmark to CFBISD students, parents, and staff. Recommendation: It is the recommendation of the Superintendent that the Board of Trustees approves the Purchase of College Board Materials, as presented.
6.K. Consider Purchase of Learning Management System
Background: A learning management system (LMS) is a software application for the administration, documentation, tracking, reporting and delivery of electronic educational courses. This learning management system allows teachers to become facilitators and orchestrators of learning while encouraging students to become engaged with and to own their learning. With most university systems using an LMS, this is another step of preparation for our students for life beyond high school. The ability to interface with web pages provides more updated information and fosters quality communication between teachers, students and parents. Canvas by Instructure is the software application selected to be used in CFBISD. This purchase will be made using EPCNT contract Region XI RFP #2017-5-2022 Digital Learning Software and Peripherals. This purchase will be made using the Instructional Material Allotment. The Board will be provided the final cost information in the Executive Summary. Recommendation: It is the recommendation of the Superintendent that the Board of Trustees approves the Purchase of Learning Management System, as presented.
6.L. Consider Purchase of Digital Library Resources
Background: This is a non-exclusive contract which provides digital library resources throughout the Carrollton-Farmers Branch Independent School District. Digital library resources are selected to provide resources for our students and staff on a wide range of educational materials for appropriate grade levels. They include online encyclopedias, digital periodicals for research, social studies databases and maps, biography database, educational video streaming and books online. These yearly subscriptions have been available to students for several years on a 24/7 basis. Home access is available with passwords provided by school librarians. Purchases under this authorization total $158,601.90 and will be made using available cooperative and CFBISD contracts as identified on the tabulation that will be included with the executive summary. Subscriptions under this purchase will be in effect from August 1, 2019 through October 30, 2020 and will be utilized to provide digital library resources at campuses as needed for the 2019-2020 school year. Recommendation: It is the recommendation of the Superintendent that the Board of Trustees approves the Purchase of Digital Library Resources, as presented.
6.M. Consider Purchase of Instructional Materials For Career and Technology Education
Background: This is a non-exclusive contract which provides for as-needed purchases of instructional materials for career tech to be utilized throughout the Carrollton-Farmers Branch Independent School District. This purchase provides updated instructional materials for the Career and Technical Education (CTE) program. Due to the nature of CTE courses, the renewal of several software products must be done on an annual basis. These purchases provide for the renewal of curriculum software for the CTE adoption that the Board approved in June of 2017. Purchases under this authorization total $161,306.68 and will be made using available cooperative and CFBISD contracts. Recommendation: It is the recommendation of the Superintendent that the Board of Trustees approves the Purchase of Instructional Materials For Career Tech, as presented.
6.N. Consider Purchase of Gaggle Safety Management for Google
Background: Gaggle is a safety management system that integrates with Google to provide cyber monitoring for Google Apps in Education. Learning to use email in a professional manner is one of the technology Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills (TEKS), that prepares students for a global workforce environment. Gaggle aids in making the cyber environment safe for student use. This purchase provides a safe communication/collaboration environment for students. Gaggle provides twenty-four hour human monitoring for cyber-bullying and monitoring of inappropriate access to sites and images allowing district personnel to intervene and address digital citizenship and ethics. This management system also protects student data and information as required by the Children’s Internet Protection Act (CIPA). This purchase is to be made from Gaggle.Net, Inc. in the amount of $108,750 under The Interlocal Purchasing System (TIPS) contract number 1022516. This purchase adheres to all requirements for expenditures under Federal Education Department General Administrative Regulations (EDGAR). This agreement is the final renewal option (beginning July 1, 2019) under the provisions included in the RFP issued by the Purchasing Cooperative administered by TIPS. Recommendation: It is the recommendation of the Superintendent that the Board of Trustees approves the Purchase of Gaggle Safety Management for Google, as presented.
6.O. Consider Purchase of Paving Improvements for the Carrollton-Farmers Branch ISD Service Center
Background: This project will provide for needed pavement improvements to the parking lot at the Service Center. The Service Center has been in use since CFBISD purchased it in 1982. This facility was originally a lumber yard, which was not designed for the heavy traffic that has been experienced due to the number of buses and rolling stock that enters and exits this lot each day. Because of this, the pavement to the main drive has deteriorated significantly, which results in heaving of broken pavement slabs and weeping of water. The continual weeping of water through the broken pavement contributes to the breakdown of this drive, perpetuating an unsafe condition for buses and our white fleet its current state of disrepair. CFBISD contracted with Glenn Engineering to provide plans and specifications for paving improvements to the east side of the parking lot at the Service Center which is the main drive for vehicular ingress and egress. Quotes were received on May 14, 2019 from prospective vendors. Evaluations were conducte according to the evaluation criteria published in the Request for Quote document. After the evaluation was completed and compiled, it was determined that the solution offered by Overland Services represents the best value to the District. The cost for this project offered by the recommended is $198,671.28 and includes all costs for completion of this project according to the specifications. This purchase will include a $6,500 owner's controlled contingency, making this purchase not to exceed $205,171.28. Recommendation: It is the recommendation of the Superintendent that the Board of Trustees approves the purchase with Overland Services for the pavement improvements to the Service Center and authorizes the Superintendent or his designee to negotiate and execute a contract as provided in the quote request.
6.P. Consider Extension of RCSP #16-20 Asphalt Paving and Patching
Background: This bid allows for the purchasing of asphalt paving and patching services on an as needed basis for parking lots and play surfaces throughout the district. This contract may be used for larger projects as well, in the event there is a need. This is a pre-approved set of vendors that quote individual projects and are completed according to best price, availability and experience. Recommendation: It is the recommendation of the Superintendent that the Board of Trustees approves the Extension of RCSP #16-20 Asphalt Paving and Patching, as presented.
6.Q. Consider Extension of RFP #16-19 Concrete Patching, Paving and Curbs
Background: This bid allows for the purchasing of Concrete Paving and Patching on an as needed basis for parking lots, curbs and play surfaces throughout the district. This contract may be used for larger projects as well, in the event there is a need to re-pave a large area, parking lot or hard surface. This is a pre-approved set of vendors that quote individual projects and are completed according to best price, availability and experience. Recommendation: It is the recommendation of the Superintendent that the Board of Trustees approves the Extension of RCSP #16-19 Concrete Patching, Paving and Curbs, as presented.
6.R. Consider Extension of RFP 17-05-181-4 for Signs, Banners, Decals & Miscellaneous Printing
Background: Campuses and departments utilize this agreement for the purchase of printed material, promotional items and custom print jobs as needed to support the instructional and operational needs of the District. In addition to printing, this agreement allows for the purchase of signs, banners and decals for various uses, such as parking decals for assigned parking, tickets for events and custom signs for instructional and promotional use. This purchase is compliant for use with all fund sources, including Federal and Local Funds. This is the second of four extension options for this agreement. Recommendation: It is the recommendation of the Superintendent that the Board of Trustees approves the Extension of RFP 17-05-181-4 for Signs, Banners, Decals & Miscellaneous Printing, as presented.
6.S. Consider Extension of RFP 16-27 For Cabling Fiber Locate and Repair Services
Background: This is an annual agreement to provide locating and repair services for the District’s Wide Area Network. This is an exclusive service agreement with Fulcrum Consulting, Inc. at an annual amount of $68,208. CFBISD installed its own fiber network in 2000, which requires it to respond to dig request as a public utility since the fiber network is located in rights of way for the nine municipalities that CFBISD serves. Additionally, fiber cuts are experienced during construction projects, downed power lines and other accidents that require locating and repairing the damage. Fulcrum Consulting responds to all calls for Texas 811, formerly known as “Dig Tess,” which is the official contact service for locating utilities prior to digging in any right of way. Fulcrum Consulting, Inc. responds to locate requests on behalf of CFBISD and performs all repairs of cut or damaged fiber under this agreement. This is the third of four extension options under this agreement. Recommendation: It is the recommendation of the Superintendent that the Board of Trustees approves the Extension of RFP 16-27 For Cabling Fiber Locate and Repair Services, as presented.
6.T. Consider the Extension of RFP 16-28 Child Nutrition Kitchen Sanitation Supplies and Services
Background: To be in compliance with the federal, state and local purchasing laws, the Carrollton Farmers Branch Independent School District solicited competitive proposals for the purchase of kitchen sanitation supplies and services, which includes food safety, sanitation and warewashing service for all cafeterias as needed. This contract is for “on-site delivery” of food service sanitation supplies and materials to the CFBISD cafeterias. Purchases will be made on a purchase order as needed. This is an exclusive agreement with PortionPac to provide sanitation supplies and training. PortionPac provides a full service sanitation program to include all surface / all purpose cleanser, manual warewashing detergent, sanitizing agent suitable for manual and surface sanitization, germicidal disinfecting agent, floor cleaner, degreasing agent, de-liming agent, high temperature dish machine detergent, rinse agents and dispensable hand soap. This agreement also includes a training program on safe food handling as a required element of this service. Recommendation: It is the recommendation of the Superintendent that the Board of Trustees approves the Extension of RFP 16-28 Child Nutrition Kitchen Sanitation Supplies and Services, as presented.
6.U. Consider Extension of RFP #16-26 For Day Care Catering
Background: In conjunction with the District’s Day Care Program, it is necessary to provide meal service for the Child Development Academy (Kelly Pre-Kindergarten Center) for the children enrolled in the Academy. This agreement requires the vendor to provide meals and snacks at a fixed price of $2.30 per student per day with a minimum guarantee of 150 students. Additional meals and snacks above the 150 minimum are provided at $1.40 for each lunch and are provided at $0.45 for each additional snack. The minimum number of meals and snacks guaranteed daily is 150. The Academy exceeds this number, although the number of students served will vary each day. The high enrollment mark at the Child Development Academy for 2018-2019 was estimated at 275; however, the number of students served fluctuates depending on the age of the child and time of year. For example, infants that are enrolled at the beginning of the year may not be ready for solid food and are not served under this agreement; however, as they grow and develop they will be included in the daily service. Recommendation: It is the recommendation of the Superintendent that the Board of Trustees approves the Extension of RFP #16-26 for Day Care Catering, as presented.
6.V. Consider Extension of RFP 17-04-241-4 for Plumbing Services
Background: Trustees will be asked to extend the first of four extension options for this contract, which provides contracted plumbing services for multiple firms to complement the CFBISD Facility Services Department with performing plumbing repairs on an as-needed basis. This contract allows for after hour services for emergency needs, as well as augmenting District staff in providing timely plumbing maintenance and repairs. Recommendation: It is the recommendation of the Superintendent that the Board of Trustees approves the Extension of RFP 17-04-241-4 for Plumbing Services, as presented.
6.W. Consider Extension of RFP 16-21 Child Nutrition Milk and Dairy
Background: This is the third and final extension option under this bid to supply milk and dairy products to the CBISD Child Nutrition Department, which will be effective from July 1, 2019 through June 30, 2020. Products supplied are nonfat, low fat, chocolate and lactose free milk, as well a regular and nonfat blended fruit and vanilla yogurt. Recommendation: It is the recommendation of the Superintendent that the Board of Trustees approves the Extension of RFP 16-21 Child Nutrition Milk and Dairy, as presented.
6.X. Consider Extension of RFP 16-22 For Mainline Groceries, Bread and Paper Products and Other Related Materials
Background: The primary source of groceries purchased for the Food Service program at CFBISD is furnished through this bid. The exclusive vendor for this agreement is Sysco Systems of North Texas and has been the awarded vendor since the original award date of June 2, 2016. This is the final year of this agreement, which adheres to USDA rules for acquisition that restricts contracts funded with USDA funds to be extended for no more than three years. Recommendation: It is the recommendation of the Superintendent that the Board of Trustees approves the Extension of RFP 16-22 For Mainline Groceries, Bread and Paper Products and Other Related Materials, as presented.
6.Y. Consider Extension of RFP 18-05 For Advertising and Media Services
Background: This bid allows for the purchase of advertising and media services utilized by all District departments. The primary intent of this agreement is for all required annual advertisement, such as bid and legal notices, tax rates notices, election notices, as well as placement of personnel advertisement for open positions. Additionally, this allows for media services for advertising campaigns, as well as custom mailing efforts to publicize District programs and offerings. This bid allows for various advertisement outlets to be used, depending on the type of ad being placed. Ad costs are tied to a set price list to help hold pricing to a consistent amount based on the size and type of advertisement. This is the first of four extension options under this agreement, which includes the Belo Media Group (Dallas Morning News), Daily Commercial Record, Star Local Media and BrandEra, Inc. BrandEra, Inc. is used primarily for ad campaigns, billboard, television and radio advertising; Belo Media Group and Daily Commercial Record are for print advertisement, while Star Local Media is utilized for mailing campaigns. Recommendation: It is the recommendation of the Superintendent that the Board of Trustees approves the Extension of RFP 18-05 For Advertising and Media Services, as presented.
6.Z. Consider Extension of RCSP 16-17 for Paint Services
Background: This agreement allows for contracting with awarded vendors to perform painting services on an as-needed basis. This agreement may be utilized to supplement the District’s Facility Services paint crew, as well as perform painting services for specific projects based on a scope of work established by the Facility Services Department. In many cases, CFBISD furnishes the paint needed and contracts with firms awarded under this bid to provide labor based on a proposed hourly rate. This contract may be used for routine and emergency projects. Recommendation: It is the recommendation of the Superintendent that the Board of Trustees approves the Extension of RFP 16-17 for Paint Services, as presented.
6.AA. Consider Extension of eSped Software Agreement for the Special Education Department
Background: Trustees will be asked to extend this agreement with Frontline Education for the continued use of the sSped Special Education Records Management software system. eStar by Frontline is a web-based special education records management system. All required special education compliance documents, including notices, consents, admission, review, and dismissal (ARD) paperwork, full and individual evaluation (FIE) reports, individual education plan (IEP) goals and objectives, progress reports, Medicaid data, etc., are created to assist in programming for our students. The system generates administrative reports and can communicate with the District’s TEAMS system for data purposes. The system also updates regularly to comply with federal and state regulations. The cost for the system for the 2019-2020 school year is $84,312.81 and is being purchased through the Region 19 ESC Allied States Purchasing Cooperative. Recommendation: It is the recommendation of the Superintendent that the Board of Trustees approves the Extension of eSped Software Agreement for the Special Education Department, as presented.
6.AB. Consider Renewal of Auto Parts and Parts Management Services
Background: NAPA Integrated Business Solutions is currently providing parts and on site store personnel for the Transportation Department. There is a NAPA parts/counter manager and delivery driver assigned to CFBISD. The manager’s duties include parts requests, inventory replenishment, loss prevention, adjustment of minimum and maximum quantities, ensuring 85% of inventory needs are readily available, and completion of all required paperwork for warranty, rebates and documentation of purchases for vehicle repair and maintenance. Parts under this agreement will be utilized to perform repairs to buses and the District’s white fleet. This agreement is being made as a cooperative purchase through the National Joint Powers Alliance (NJPA) Purchasing Cooperative under Contract No. 061015-GPC. This extension is for a one (1) year term (beginning August 1, 2019). There are no additional renewal options remaining on the NJPA Contract; however, it is anticipated that this cooperative will issue a replacement bid that CFBISD can utilize, if needed. Recommendation: It is the recommendation of the Superintendent that the Board of Trustees approves the Extension of Auto Parts and Parts Management Services, as presented.
6.AC. Consider Approval of RFP 2019-04-008 for Student Nutrition Temporary Staffing
Background: This is a non-exclusive contract which provides for temporary employees to cover for employees on leave and vacancies within the cafeterias in the Carrollton-Farmers Branch Independent School District. Historically, CFBISD has purchased temporary worker services to supplement staffing shortages in the Child Nutrition Department through cooperative contracts from available sources. However, due to contract restrictions for purchases utilizing USDA funds, expiring contracts and performance issues from existing agreements, CFBISD developed and issued its own Request for Proposal, which, when completed, will provide the needed services and compliance requirements that meet USDA rules and regulations. This RFP closes on May 9, 2019 and will be evaluated on May 10, 2019. The Board will be provided the final tabulation with the Executive Summary. Recommendation: It is the recommendation of the Superintendent that the Board of Trustees approves RFP 2019-04-008 for Student Nutrition – Temporary Workers, as presented.
6.AD. Consider Purchase of Wireless Download Infrastructure for Pupil Transportation Cameras
Background: Wireless download infrastructure, including access points in the bus barn, will allow the Transportation Department remote access, from their desktop computers, to the camera recordings on a bus. Currently, to gather video evidence, the Transportation Department would need to remove the camera system hard drive that is stored under a seat in the 77 passenger buses or at the back under the floor of the smaller buses. A new hard drive is installed when the old drive is removed. Viewing the recording by removing the hard drive is labor intensive. Remote access will provide the recording immediately to authorized personnel. The wireless download infrastructure total purchase is $49,469.72 from Safety Vision using BuyBoard Contract No. 523-17. In February 2019, a separate purchase of $46,580.04 for a bus camera system for the 16 new buses purchased this school year was made. Recommendation: It is the recommendation of the Superintendent that the Board of Trustees approves the Purchase of Wireless Download Infrastructure For Pupil Transportation Cameras, as presented.
6.AE. Consider Renewal of Microsoft EES Licensing Agreement
Background: The Microsoft Education Enrollment Solution (EES) licensing agreement allows the District to bundle multiple Microsoft products into a single annual fee. The list of products includes Office Suites, Windows Operating Systems, software for email protection, software deployment Dynamics365 (district’s help desk software), Minecraft for all students, and voice mail. This agreement also affords CFBISD staff the opportunity to purchase Microsoft Office for home use at a cost of $9.95. Microsoft Office is offered free of charge to students through this agreement. Current CFBISD students will have the ability to use Office on their personal (Apple and Android) mobile devices. The current agreement expires on June 30, 2018. The purchase of the Microsoft Education Enrollment Solution (EES) license is to be made from SHI Government Solutions under the provisions of Texas Department of Information Resources (DIR) Contract #TSO-4092 at a cost of $182,220.66. The term of this agreement is July 1, 2019 to June 30, 2020. Recommendation: It is the recommendation of the Superintendent that the Board of Trustees approves the Renewal of Microsoft EES Licensing Agreement, as presented.
6.AF. Consider Renewal of ST Math Program for Grades K-6
Background: At the June 7, 2018 Regular board meeting, Trustees approved the purchase of ST Math following a comprehensive review of available instructional systems by the instructional leadership staff. This purchase included a five year program based on a cost per license included in the original proposal. The year two cost for this is $354,375 and provides an all-inclusive learning system for grades K-6 which contains the following characteristics: * Aligned to state standards; * Enhances core curricula; * Contains embedded assignments in multiple languages for monitoring learning progress, preparation for standardized testing and tracking the results by the student, teacher and parents; * Provides detailed reports and tracking functionality for teachers, and; * Contains interactive manipulatives in a virtual format that are graphically rich to help students develop conceptual understanding of abstract concepts. Campuses use ST Math to supplement classroom instruction. Students may use ST Math in tutoring groups, small groups, or at home to continue skill building in mathematics. The District will use Instructional Materials Allotment Funds to purchase the product. This is the second year of a five year commitment with annual license fees based on a student enrollment of 13,500. This purchase will be made as a Cooperative Purchase under the Education Purchasing Cooperative of North Texas (EPCNT) utilizing a qualified contract from Richardson ISD RFP No. 1392 for Instructional Materials, which expires on 05/31/2021. Recommendation: It is the recommendation of the Superintendent that the Board of Trustees approves the Renewal of ST Math Program for Elementary Campuses, as presented.
6.AG. Consider Purchase of Instructional Materials and Furniture
Background: This purchase will provide delivery and installation of classroom and instructional furniture and supplies for various new elementary classrooms and Pre-Kindergarten classrooms and future Pre-K classroom additions as needed. This will also provide for instructional materials to be utilized in new elementary and Pre-K classrooms. CFBISD staff determines which vendor to use from the awarded vendors under this contract based on the campus or departmental needs and District standards. Staff will continue to work closely with the Purchasing Department by obtaining competitive quotes from vendors awarded under this agreement, where practical, to ensure the District receives the best value for each purchase. Projections are currently underway to determine where new classrooms are needed and quotes have been solicited from vendors under purchasing contracts available to CFBISD. Recommendation: It is the recommendation of the Superintendent that the Board of Trustees approves the Purchase of Elementary and Pre-Kindergarten Furniture, Furnishings and Instructional Materials, as presented.
6.AH. Consider Purchase of Hardwood Floor Refinishing and Repair Services
Background: Middle School and High School gym floors are currently being evaluated for summer refinishing and repair work. Several floors have incurred water damage and will require more extensive repairs and refinishing work. Other floors to be evaluated will include high school dance floors. Four quotes were received in March and staff recommends Quality Hardwood Flooring to complete the work. The estimated cost for all work will not exceed $82,000. All work is to be done over the summer per a pre-determined schedule and must have three days for finish to cure. Recommendation: It is the recommendation of the Superintendent that the Board of Trustees approves the Purchase of Hardwood Floor Refinishing and Repair Services, as presented.
6.AI. Consider Declaration of Records Management Equipment Surplus and Authorizing it for Disposal by Inter-Agency Transfer to Dallas ISD for Fair Market Value
Background: The Dallas Independent School District has expressed interest in the Industrial Shredder currently assigned to the Records Management Department. This shredder was originally purchased in 2007 at a cost of $28,353.79, and used to shred records that fulfilled all records retention requirements that were eligible for destruction. Since 2015, records retention requirements have been sent out to be destroyed by a third party vendor as an in kind service at no cost to CFBISD. The utilization of a third party for high volume shredding reduces the risk of injury to staff as well as saves the district labors hours. For these reasons, the shredder has become obsolete and no longer suitable for use in our Records Management Department. State law allows for inter-agency transfer by Resolution by the transferring agency. A resolution for adoption to transfer the identified equipment will be presented at the Board meeting. Dallas ISD has indicated a commitment to purchase this item for a fair market value of $15,000 once the Board has designated this as surplus and authorized it for disposal by this method. Recommendation: It is the recommendation of the Superintendent that the Board of Trustees approves the Declaration of Records Management Equipment Surplus and Authorize it for Disposal by Inter-Agency Transfer to Dallas ISD for Fair Market Value, as presented.
6.AJ. Consider Approval of Interlocal Agreement Between the Dallas County Community College District and Carrollton-Farmers Branch ISD for Early College High School
Background: The agreement between Dallas County Community College District and Carrollton-Farmers Branch ISD will allow for continued operation of Early College High School (ECHS) at Brookhave College beginning the fall of the 2019 academic year. Recommendation: It is the recommendation of the Superintendent that the Board of Trustees approves the Interlocal Agreement Between the Dallas County Community College District and Carrollton-Farmers Branch ISD for Early College High School.
6.AK. Consider Approval of Cooperative Program Agreement Between the University of Texas OnRamps and Carrollton-Farmers Branch ISD
Background: The agreement between University of Texas OnRamps and Carrollton-Farmers Branch ISD will allow for continued opportunities for our students to take dual enrollment courses to earn University of Texas college credits that will transfer to any university. Recommendation: It is the recommendation of the Superintendent that the Board of Trustees approves the Cooperative Program Agreement Between the University of Texas OnRamps and CFBISD, as presented.
6.AL. Consider Rescinding Board Award of Item 6.D from March 7, 2019 Regular Board Meeting
Background: At the March 7, 2019 Regular Board meeting, Trustees approved Agenda Item No. 6.D, which awarded the purchase of Network Switch Equipment for Eight Campuses to Centex Technologies under the Educational Purchasing Cooperative of North Texas (EPCNT) off of Mansfield ISD Contract No. 16-003. Since this action, District Administration has determined that the technology equipment previously quoted will not meet the District’s needs. Pursuant to the executive summary of the Board meeting on March 7, 2019, the District reserves the right to repurchase or re-procure this solution at any time according to any procurement method allowable under Texas Education Code Section 44.031 as the District’s needs require. The amount of this original purchase award was $888,326.77 and was awarded to Centex Technologies under the Educational Purchasing Cooperative of North Texas (EPCNT) off of Mansfield ISD Contract No. 16-003. Solicitations for alternate equipment have been made and will be presented to the Board as a separate action item at a later date. Recommendation: It is the recommendation of the Superintendent that the Board of Trustees approves to Rescind Board Award of Item 6.D from March 7, 2019 Regular Board Meeting, as presented.
6.AM. Consider and Take Possible Action Regarding Amendments to Board Policies AF (LOCAL), DBA (LOCAL), DK (LOCAL), and EB (LOCAL)
6.AN. Consider Approval of Board Meeting and Board Work/Study Session Dates for 2019-2020
Background: The following dates have been recommended for CFBISD School Board Meetings: --Eleven regular school board meetings: one each month except in July. The meetings will be held the first Thursday of the month at 7:00 PM except in January due to the district’s winter break schedule. The January 2020 meeting will be held on Thursday, January 16. --Three work/study sessions: These sessions will give the school board an opportunity to delve more thoroughly into topics to be identified. The dates selected for board work/study meetings are listed below: November 14, 2019 February 20, 2020 April 16, 2020 A special school board meeting is planned for the purpose of conducting a public hearing regarding the proposed budget for the 2019-2020 school year and to adopt said budget on Thursday, August 22, 2019. A Team of Eight Training will be scheduled in early fall to meet the statutory requirement of a team building training for the school board members and superintendent. Recommendation: It is the recommendation of the Superintendent that the Board of Trustees approves the board meeting and board work/study session dates for 2019-2020, as presented.
6.AO. Consider Approval of Minutes from the Board of Trustees Pre-Meeting Held May 2, 2019
Recommendation: It is the recommendation of the Superintendent that the Board of Trustees approves the minutes of the Board Pre-Meeting held May 2, 2019, as presented.
6.AP. Consider Approval of Minutes from the Board of Trustees Regular Meeting Held May 2, 2019
Recommendation: It is the recommendation of the Superintendent that the Board of Trustees approves the minutes of the Regular Board Meeting held May 2, 2019, as presented.
7.A. 2019-2020 Budget Update
Staff will provide an update on the status of the 2019-2020 budget. Information presented will include the following: 1) Legislative Update 2) Preliminary 2019-2020 Budget Final staff allotments, tax revenue estimates and student projections will be complete in July, 2019. The final 2019-2020 budget will be presented for Board of Trustees consideration in August, 2019.
8.A. Items Removed From Consent
8.B. Consider Purchase of Chromebooks and Storage Carts for Elementary Campuses
Background: To continue building digital literacy and to continue closing the digital divide, administration recommends the purchase of Chromebooks for elementary school students. This purchase will allow 1:1 usage of Chromebooks during the school day. National and regional resellers were solicited for quotes and the District received six (6) responses, two (2) of which were no bids. The quotes submitted by Delcom Group under the provisions of Department of Information Resource (DIR) cooperative purchasing contract number DIR-TSO-4159 HP, at a total cost of $1,066,994.10, was selected as providing the best value to the District. Recommendation: It is the recommendation of the Superintendent that the Board of Trustees approves the purchase of Chromebooks, licenses, storage carts and services from Delcom Group and authorize the Superintendent or his designee to negotiate and execute contracts for such purchases in the best interest of the District.
8.C. Consider Purchase of Auxiliary Grass Field Improvements
Background: A need has been identified to improve natural turf at high school practice fields. Requests for quotes were issued on May 9, 2019 utilizing cooperative contracts available to the District based on a scope of work developed by the Facility Services and Operations Departments. Eight (8) vendors were invited to respond. Quotes were received from two prospective vendors. Evaluations were conducted according to the evaluation criteria published in the proposal document. After completion of the evaluation, it was determined that the quote provided by RS3 represents the best value to CFBISD. The cost for this project is $118,837.00. This purchase will include a $25,000.00 owner's controlled contingency, making this purchase not to exceed $143,837.00. The owner’s controlled contingency will utilize any available contract to make needed repairs, including CFBISD’s Grounds Department. This project will begin on July 15, 2019 and will be completed by July 25, 2019. Recommendation: It is the recommendation of the Superintendent that the Board of Trustees approves the purchase with the recommended vendor for the purchase of auxiliary grass field improvements and authorizes the Superintendent or his designee to negotiate and execute a contract as provided in the quote request.