January 16, 2025 at 7:00 PM - Regular Meeting
Agenda |
1. Call to Order
1.A. Moment of Reflection and Pledge of Allegiance
1.B. Welcome Visitors
2. Special Presentations and Recognitions
2.A. Recognitions
2.B. President's Report
2.C. Committee Reports
2.D. District Announcements
2.E. Update from PTA
2.F. Update from Education Foundation
3. Audience for Guests
4. Non-Action Items for Discussion
4.A. Financial Update
4.B. Facilities Master Plan Update
5. Consent Agenda
5.A. Consider/Approve Requests for Carrollton-Farmers Branch Students to Travel Out-of-State
Priority #1: Optimize Engaging and Diverse Learning
Background: In accordance with Policy FMG (LOCAL), students may be permitted to take out-of-state school-sponsored trips for the following purposes: 1. Instructional purposes (field trips and excursions). 2. Activities of school-sponsored or sanctioned clubs or organizations. 3. Other sanctioned competitions. Recommendation: It is recommended that the Board of Trustees approve the above Out-of-State Travel Request(s).
5.B. Consider/Approve Personnel Report
Priority #1: Optimize Diverse and Engaging Learning
Background: The District employs full-time professional employees in positions requiring a certificate from the State Board of Educator Certification (SBEC), nurses under a probationary or term contract and other designated employees. The purpose of this agenda item is to facilitate Board approval of these contracts. Recommendation: It is recommended that the Board of Trustees approve the employment of these individuals as indicated on the list provided. |
5.C. Consider/Approve Financial Reports
Background: The monthly financial reports presented to the Board for consideration will include budget amendments (when applicable), budget summary year to date reports, construction summary report, outstanding investments, and tax office reports.
This report includes the following items: 1. Budget Amendments Year-to-Date as of January 16, 2025 a. Proposed Budget Amendments for Official Budgets - none 2. Budget Summary Year-to-Date as of November 30, 2024 a. Unaudited Revenue Summary including: i. Adopted Budget ii. Current Amended Budget iii. Realized to-date Revenue iv. Unrealized Revenue v. Percentage Revenue Realized b. Unaudited Expenditure Summary including: i. Adopted Budget ii. Current Amended Budget iii. Cumulative to-date Expenditures iv. Unencumbered Balance v. Percentage of Budget Expended for the following funds: 1. General Funds 2. Special Revenue Funds 3. Debt Service Funds 4. Capital Projects Funds c. Construction Summary including: i. Total Project Plan ii. 2024-25 Project Plan iii. 2024-25 Expenditures iv. Balance v. Percentage of Budget Expended 3. Outstanding Investments as of November 30, 2024 4. Tax Office Reports for November 2024 a. Year-to-Date Collection 2024-25 Report for November b. Refunds of over $500.00 for Board Approval for November - none Recommendation: It is recommended that the Board of Trustees accept the financial reports for November 2024, as presented.
5.D. Consider/Approve Donation of Gifts to Carrollton-Farmers Branch ISD
Priorities: Optimize All Available Resources
The District receives donations from a variety of sources including parents, PTA’s, area businesses, and other groups. Many organizations within the District benefit from donations, such as campuses, student groups, teachers, and classes. All donations made to the District must be approved by the Board of Trustees. The attached report summarizes these donations and states the intended purpose of each donation. The total value of donations for the period August–December 2024 is $49,800.38. Recommendation: It is recommended that the Board of Trustees approve and accept the donations made to the District as presented.
5.E. Consider/Approve Purchasing Report for the Period of November 1, 2024, Through November 30, 2024
The attached report is a summary of the purchases valued over $25,000 but not exceeding $100,000 that were made from November 1, 2024, through November 30, 2024.
Recommendation: It is recommended that the Board of Trustees accepts the Purchasing Report for the period of November 1, 2024 through November 30, 2024, as presented.
5.F. Consider/Approve Purchasing Cooperative Fee Report for Calendar Year 2025
Priority #5: Optimize All Available Resources
There are cooperatives formed under Section 791 of the Texas Government Code which enables CFBISD to enter into an inter-local agreement with them. Pursuant to the Texas Government Code: §791.001 Authority is granted under Texas Government Code §791.001 et seq as amended to enter into Interlocal agreements with said educational entities, as well as other statues and regulations, under this Agreement are extended to all Texas State, City or County Government Agencies, or any other Government Entity as defined in the Texas Government Code §791.001-791.029. Sub paragraph (3) stipulates "Governmental functions and services" means all or part of a function or service in any of the following areas: (N) other governmental functions in which the contracting parties are mutually interested. (4) "Local government" means a: (A) county, municipality, special district, junior college district, or other political subdivision of this state or another state; (5) "Political subdivision" includes any corporate and political entity organized under state law. General Budget funds will be used for this purchase. Recommendation: It is recommended that the Board of Trustees approve the Purchasing Cooperatives Fees Report and authorize the Superintendent or her designee to participate in cooperatives and interlocal agreements for the 2025 calendar year.
5.G. Consider/Approve the Recommendation by the SHAC for Curriculum Regarding Topic of Child Abuse, Family Violence, Dating Violence and Human Trafficking
Priority #1: Optimize Engaging and Diverse Learning
The following SHAC members were appointed to the curriculum review committee at the October 8, 2024, meeting: Zoher Bharmal, Kelly Taylor, Johnathan Wilk, Sylvia Mazuera, April Hooper-Christenson, and Cristal Retana. Based on SB9, the committee was tasked to review public school instruction and materials regarding the prevention of child abuse, family violence, dating violence, and human trafficking. Parents have to opt in for students to receive instruction on these topics. The committee reviewed the curriculum provided by the CFBISD Counseling Department and met on September 26, 2024, and October 24th, 2024, for discussion and a vote. The curriculum committee recommended that SHAC approve the curriculum as presented in the attachment. SHAC has approved the curriculum. The District is seeking Board approval. Recommendation: It is recommended that the Board of Trustees approve the curriculum as presented.
5.H. Consider/Approve Interlocal Agreement with Region 10 ESC for Participation in the Multi-Regional Commodity Processing Program
Priority #5: Optimize All Available Resources
Texas Government Code 791 and Texas Education Code 44.031 allows for governmental entities, i.e. state agencies, local governments, and school districts, to enter into a cooperative agreement to allow the procurement process to be performed by a single entity on behalf of all districts electing to participate. The benefit of the agreement is to reduce administrative costs for each participating member. CFBISD’s Student Nutrition Department would like to continue using this Multi-Regional Cooperative for Commodity Processing. Federal Funds will be used for this purchase. This agreement is for one-year, beginning July 1, 2025 for commodity processing services. The District has utilized Region 10 Cooperative for many years with continued success. Recommendation: It is recommended that the Board of Trustees approve the interlocal agreement with Region 10 ESC for the participation in the Multi-regional Commodity Processing Program and authorize the Superintendent or her designee to execute purchases and/or contracts in the best interest of the District as presented.
5.I. Consider/Approve Memorandum of Understanding for a Go Center Work-Study Student Mentorship Program with the University of North Texas
Priority #1: Optimize Engaging and Diverse Learning
The University Go-Center/G-Force/Student Mentorship projects are designed to bring college access and career awareness to high school students and parents. The program will establish a Go-Center on the campus staffed with collegiate G-Force members who will provide a general overview of the college experience, including college selection, completion of financial aid and admissions applications. Go-centers are supervised by CFBISD staff and may also assist CCMR staff in evening and weekend parent and student events pertaining to college access and success. Students will interact with the G-Force University mentors both virtually and in person. There will be no cost associated with the agreement. The contract is renewed annually and is valid for the 2024-2025 school year only. Recommendation: It is recommended that the Board of Trustees approve the updated Go-Center agreements and renewals as presented.
5.J. Consider/Approve New Vendors for RFP 2022-10-031 for Outside Contracted Services
Priority #5: Optimize All Available Resources
Request for Proposal 2022-10-031 provides for outside contracted services, such as maintenance and operational vendors needed to make repairs, as well as other contracted services to address various needs throughout the District, which are unknown at this time. This is a perpetual RFP and new vendors will be brought to the Board for monthly awards or, as needed, to increase the District’s variety of approved vendors for necessary services. CFBISD staff will request quotes from the awarded vendors and make selections that are in the best interest of the district. All local, state and federal funding sources may be used for these purchases. This RFP is ongoing. Recommendation: It is recommended that the Board of Trustees approve the perpetual RFP 2022-10-031 for Outside Contracted Services with the attached vendors and to authorize the Superintendent or her designee to execute purchases and/or contracts within this RFP in the best interest of the District as presented.
5.K. Consider/Approve New Vendors for RFP 2022-10-033 for Administrative, Educational Consultants, & Professional Development Services
Priority #5: Optimize All Available Resources
Request for Proposal 2022-10-033 provides for administrative and/or educational consultants, along with professional development to be used throughout the District. This is a perpetual RFP and new vendors will be brought to the Board for monthly awards or as needed, to increase the District’s variety of approved vendors for necessary items and services. CFBISD staff will request quotes from the awarded vendors and make selections in the best interest of the District. Local, State and Federal funding sources may be used for these purchases. This RFP is ongoing. Recommendation: It is recommended that the Board of Trustees approve the perpetual RFP 2022-10-033 for Administrative, Educational Consultants, & Professional Development Services with the attached vendors and to authorize the Superintendent or her designee to execute purchases and/or contracts within the RFP in the best interest of the District as presented.
5.L. Consider/Approve Extension of RFP 2021-10-045 for Electrical Supplies and Equipment
Priority #2: Optimize Facility, Safety & Security, and Infrastructure to Adapt to Student Needs
This is the renewal of a non-exclusive contract with approved vendors that provides as-needed electrical supplies and equipment to be utilized throughout the Carrollton-Farmers Branch Independent School District. This is a vendor qualifying bid only. Local funds will be utilized for this contract. This is the second (2) extension of four (4) one-year renewal options as specified in the RFP Recommendation: It is recommended that the Board of Trustees approve the extension of RFP 2021-10-045 for Electrical Supplies and Equipment with the recommended vendors and authorize the Superintendent or her designee to execute purchases and/or contracts in the best interest of the District as presented.
5.M. Consider/Approve Amendment No. 2 to Construction Manager At-risk Contract #2023-10-050 with Balfour Beatty
Priority #2: Optimize Facility, Safety & Security, and Infrastructure to Adapt to Student Needs
In alignment with District Priority 2 and in support of the work identified in the 2023 Bond Program, we have completed the third step of a three-step process in negotiating and contracting for a final cost associated with Construction Package #9 . Step 1: Approval of the Construction Delivery Method: Construction Manager at Risk (CM-R) delivery method approved at November 2, 2023 meeting of the Board of Trustees, Agenda Item #5.Y. Step 2: Selection of Construction Manager: Sought Qualification Statement submissions and subsequently selected Crossland Construction as the most qualified Construction Manager at Risk (CM-R), approved at the December 7, 2023, Agenda Item #5.J Step 3: Approval of a Guaranteed Maximum Price (GMP): Contracted CM-R to develop defined scopes of work and solicit bids for the assigned project. Ultimate costs negotiated, in tandem, with District personnel and contracted architects, to assure the best value to the District. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Step 3: Approval of Guaranteed Maximum Price (GMP): The Board of Trustees approved the selection of Balfour Beatty to perform the necessary construction services to renovate several school sites as part of Package #9 in the Bond 2023 initiative. This approval included the execution of a base agreement between the District and Balfour Beatty to provide construction management services for this work. On May 2, 2024, the board approved an amendment to that contract to procure the Rooftop Units (RTUs) at McLaughlin Strickland Elementary School as well as roof replacement work at Stark Elementary School and Vivian Field Middle School. Approval of Amendment No. 2 will amend the base contract to establish a preliminary guaranteed maximum price (GMP) for the final phase of these renovation projects as $3,514,208.00. This work will include the remaining architectural renovation work at Blair ES, McLaughlin Strickland ES, Stark ES, and Vivian Field MS. Total project costs exclude architect and engineering fees, geotechnical investigation and fees, materials testing, inspections, site surveys, printing and any other miscellaneous fees outside of the CMAR responsibility. Bond 2023 Funds will be used for this purchase. Recommendation: It is recommended that the Board of Trustees approve Amendment No. 2 to the base Construction Manager At-Risk Contract #2023-10-050 with Balfour Beatty for an initial phase of their contracted scope of work on Package #9.
5.N. Consider/Approve of Amendment No.2 to Construction Manager At-Risk Contract #2023-10-050 with Jackson Construction
Priority #2: Optimize Facility, Safety & Security, and Infrastructure to Adapt to Student Needs
In alignment with District Priority 2 and in support of the work identified in the 2023 Bond Program, we have completed the third step of a three-step process in negotiating and contracting for a final cost associated with Construction Package #2 . Step 1: Approval of the Construction Delivery Method: Construction Manager at Risk (CM-R) delivery method approved at November 2, 2023 meeting of the Board of Trustees, Agenda Item #5.Y. Step 2: Selection of Construction Manager: Sought Qualification Statement submissions and subsequently selected Jackson Construction as the most qualified Construction Manager at Risk (CM-R), approved at the December 7, 2023, Agenda Item #5.J Step 3: Approval of a Guaranteed Maximum Price (GMP): Contracted CM-R to develop defined scopes of work and solicit bids for the assigned project. Ultimate costs are negotiated in tandem with District personnel and contracted architects to ensure the best value to the District. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Step 3: Approval of Guaranteed Maximum Price (GMP): The Board of Trustees approved the selection of Jackson Construction to perform the necessary construction services to renovate several school sites as part of Package #2 in the Bond 2023 initiative. This approval included the execution of a base agreement between the District and Jackson Construction to provide construction management services for this work. On February 4th 2024, the board approved an initial GMP to Jackson Construction’s contract to procure portable units for Blalack MS. Approval of Amendment No. 2 will amend the base contract a second time, to establish a revised guaranteed maximum price (GMP) for the second phase of these renovations project as $8,612,240.00. This work will include the Davis ES and Thompson ES renovations also included in Construction Package 2. Total project costs exclude architect and engineering fees, geotechnical investigation and fees, materials testing, inspections, site surveys, printing and any other miscellaneous fees outside of the CMAR responsibility. Bond 2023 funds will be used for this purchase. Recommendation: It is recommended that the Board of Trustees approve Amendment No. 2 to the base Construction Manager At-Risk Contract #2023-10-050 with Jackson Construction for an initial phase of their contracted scope of work on Package #2.
5.O. Consider/Approve Minutes of Pre-Meeting Briefing Held December 5, 2024
Recommendation: It is recommended that the Board of Trustees approve the minutes of the December 5, 2024, Board of Trustees Pre-Meeting Briefing.
5.P. Consider/Approve Minutes of the Board of Trustees Regular Meeting Held December 5, 2024
Recommendation: It is recommended that the Board of Trustees approve the minutes of the December 5, 2024, Regular Board of Trustees Meeting.
5.Q. Consider/Approve Amending Minutes of the August 1, 2024 Regular Board of Trustees Meeting
6. Items for Discussion and/or Action
6.A. Items Removed from Consent
6.B. Consider/Approve District’s Annual Comprehensive Financial Report (ACFR) for the Period Ending August 31, 2024
Priority #5: Optimize All Available Resources
The Audit Committee is scheduled to review the ACFR at a meeting scheduled for 5:30 pm on January 9, 2025. This committee will make a recommendation to the full Board. The ACFR will be provided to the Board under separate cover. Recommendation: It is recommended that the Board of Trustees approve the District's Annual Comprehensive Financial Report for 2023-2024, as presented.
6.C. Consider/Approve 2025-2026 Academic Calendar
Priority #1: Optimize Engaging and Diverse Learning
Each year, the District Improvement Council presents two calendars to members of the CFB community for their feedback. This year, the Council and district staff considered three (3) calendars and narrowed those down to two (2) based upon feedback from the entire district staff, as well as the district improvement council, and a district committee meeting with a variety of district departments and administration. Two surveys were sent to the entire CFB community on December 20, 2024, for their input. The calendar, being provided under separate cover, having received the greatest amount of endorsement, is being recommended to the Board for consideration. Recommendation: It is recommended that the Board of Trustees approve the calendar provided for the 2025-2026 school year as presented. |
6.D. Consider/Approve to Apply and Utilize Staff Development Waivers from TEA
Priority #1: Optimize Engaging and Diverse Learning
The District is requesting approval to apply for and utilize Staff Development Waivers according to the days noted on the 2025-2026 academic calendar as Professional Development. This waiver allows the district to train staff on various educational strategies designed to improve student performance in lieu of student instruction during the school year. The waiver provides for a maximum of 2,100 total waiver minutes to use for professional development for districts that provide operational and instructional minutes. Recommendation: It is recommended that the Board of Trustees approve the submission for and utilization of Staff Development Waivers as presented. |
6.E. Consider/Approve Resolution for Emergency Closure Due to Winter Weather
Priority #1: Optimize Engaging and Diverse Learning
Due to severe weather experienced in Dallas and Denton County, CFBISD ordered emergency closures of all district facilities from January 9, 2025, through January 10, 2025. The attached Resolution addresses the need for wage payments for employees who were idled and those who were required to work during emergency closures. Recommendation: It is recommended that the Board of Trustees approve the Resolution as presented.
7. Closed Meeting as Authorized Under Texas Government Code, Including but Not Limited to Section 551.071 – Consultation with Attorney; 551.072 – Real Property; 551.074 – Personnel Matters; 551.076 – Security Devices; 551.082 – School Children/District Employee/Disciplinary Matter or Complaint; 551.0821-Personally Identifiable Student Information; 551.084 – Investigation
7.A. Discuss Intruder Detection Audit Findings Report
7.A.(1) Key Procedure Distribution Process
7.B. Conduct the Superintendent's Summative Evaluation
7.B.(1) 2025-2026 Superintendent Goals
8. Reconvene in Open Meeting for Possible Action Regarding Items Discussed in Closed Meeting
9. Comments from Board Members Regarding Posted Agenda Items
10. Adjournment