December 1, 2022 at 7:00 PM - Regular Meeting
Agenda |
1.A. Moment of Reflection and Pledge of Allegiance
1.B. Welcome Visitors
2.A. Recognitions
2.B. Teachers of the Nine Weeks
2.B.(1) Blair Elementary - Morgan Black
2.B.(2) Blanton Elementary - Genesis Trigueros
2.B.(3) Carrollton Elementary - Prisma Rangel
2.B.(4) Central Elementary - Cassidy Hall
2.B.(5) Country Place Elementary - Rose Ohanian
2.B.(6) Davis Elementary - Alejandra Carmona-Guzman
2.B.(7) Farmers Branch Elementary - Abby Beasley
2.B.(8) Freeman Elementary - Kaitlynn Begley
2.B.(9) Furneaux Elementary - Katie Jerue
2.B.(10) Good Elementary - Maria Diaz
2.B.(11) Kent Elementary - Megan Crume
2.B.(12) Landry Elementary - Staricia Buckner
2.B.(13) La Villita Elementary - Jennifer Vasquez
2.B.(14) Las Colinas Elementary - Fatima Mohammad
2.C. District Announcements
2.D. Update from PTA
4.A. SpEd/Dyslexia Report
4.B. Digital Learning, Library & Coding Update
4.C. Bond 2023 Update
5.A. Consider/Approve Requests for Carrollton-Farmers Branch Students to Travel Out-of-State
Priority #1: Optimize Engaging and Diverse Learning
Background: In accordance with Policy FMG (LOCAL), students may be permitted to take out-of-state school-sponsored trips for the following purposes: 1. Instructional purposes (field trips and excursions). 2. Activities of school-sponsored or sanctioned clubs or organizations. 3. Other sanctioned competitions. Recommendation: It is recommended that the Board of Trustees approves the above Out-of-State Travel Request(s).
5.B. Consider/Approve Personnel Report
Priority #1: Optimize Engaging and Diverse Learning
Background: The District employs full-time professional employees in positions requiring a certificate from the State Board of Educator Certification (SBEC), nurses under a probationary or term contract and other designated employees. The purpose of this agenda item is to facilitate Board approval of these contracts. Recommendation: It is recommended that the Board of Trustees approve the employment of these individuals as indicated on the list provided. |
5.C. Consider/Approve Financial Reports
Priority #5: Optimize All Available Resources
Background: Budget Amendments Year-to-Date as of December 1, 2022 a. Proposed Budget Amendments for Official Budgets - See Agenda 2. Budget Summary Year-to-Date-as of October 31, 2022 a. Unaudited Revenue Summary including: i. Adopted Budget ii. Current Amended Budget iii. Realized to-date Revenue iv. Unrealized Revenue v. Percentage Revenue Realized b. Unaudited Expenditure Summary including: i. Adopted Budget ii. Current Amended Budget iii. Cumulative to-date Expenditures iv. Unencumbered Balance v. Percentage of Budget Expended for the following funds: 1. General Funds 2. Special Revenue Funds 3. Debt Service Funds 4. Capital Projects Funds c. Construction Summary including: i. Total Project Plan ii. 2022-23 Project Plan iii. 2022-23 Expenditures iv. Balance v. Percentage of Budget Expended 3. Outstanding Investments as of October 31, 2022 4. Tax Office Reports for the month of October 2022 a. Year-to-Date Collection 2022-23 Report for October b. Refunds of over $500 for Board Approval for October - None Recommendation: It is recommended that the Board of Trustees accepts the financial reports for October 2022.
5.D. Consider/Approve Purchasing Report for the Period of October 1, 2022 Through October 31, 2022
Priority #5: Optimize All Available Resources
Background: The attached report is a summary of the purchases valued at over $25,000 but not exceeding $100,000 that were made from October 1, 2022, through October 31, 2022. Recommendation: It is recommended that the Board of Trustees accepts the Purchasing Report as presented.
5.E. Consider/Approve Purchasing Report for Major Budgeted Items for 2022-2023
Priority #5: Optimize All Available Resources
Background: This Purchasing Report of blanket/project purchase orders is a summary of major budgeted items approved during the budget process for the 2022-2023 fiscal year. These items include utilities, solid waste and recycling services, and copiers in order to ensure the operations of CFBISD Facilities. This is a one-time annual report of these scheduled purchases for the Board’s awareness. These items are separate from the standard purchasing report brought monthly. The funding source will be the general operating budget. Recommendation: It is recommended that the Board of Trustees approves the Purchasing Report for Major Budgeted Items as presented.
5.F. Consider/Approve Donation of Gifts to Carrollton-Farmers Branch ISD
Priority #5: Optimize All Available Resources
Background: The District receives donations from a variety of sources, including parents, PTA’s, area businesses, and other groups. Many organizations within the District benefit from donations, such as campuses, student groups, teachers, and classes. All donations made to the District must be approved by the Board of Trustees. The attached report summarizes these donations and states the intended purpose of each donation. The total value of donations for the period August 1, 2022 - December 1, 2022, is $12,033. Recommendation: It is recommended that the Board of Trustees approves and accepts the donations made to the District as presented.
5.G. Consider/Approve the Review of Innovative Course for 2023-2024
Priority #1: Optimize Engaging and Diverse Learning
Background: Innovative Courses in the TWEDS (Web-Enabled Data Standards) are required to be approved annually by the CFB Board in order to be offered at our campuses in the 2023-2024 academic year. These are offered as state-approved innovative courses to enable students to master knowledge, skills, and competencies not included in the essential knowledge and skills of the required curriculum (Texas Administrative Code [TAC] Section 74.27). Innovative courses will be for state elective credits at the high school campuses and meet certain endorsement requirements on the Foundation High School Program. The proposed courses have been reviewed by the CTE department and should not require additional funding outside of the regular school needs. Recommendation: It is recommended that the Board of Trustees approve the offering of the proposed Innovative Courses for t 2023-2024 school year.
5.H. Consider/Approve RFP 2022-10-031a for Outside Contracted Services
Priority #5: Optimize All Available Resources
Background: This is a non-exclusive contract that provides for outside contracted services, such as maintenance and operational vendors needed to make repairs, as well as other contracted services to address various needs throughout the District, which are unknown at this time. This is a perpetual RFP that will be awarded monthly, as needed, to increase the District’s variety of approved vendors for necessary services. CFBISD staff will request quotes from the awarded vendors and select based on what is in the best interest of the District for the service necessary. Purchases made under this contract will utilize multiple local, state, and federal funding sources. The estimated spend is not to exceed $250,000 at this time. This amount will increase as vendors and needs arise. This is an ongoing contract and can be renewed annually for up to four (4) one-year extensions. Recommendation: It is recommended that the Board of Trustees approves the perpetual RFP 2022-10-031a for Outside Contracted Services with the recommended vendors and authorize the Superintendent or his designee to negotiate contracts within the RFP in the best interest of the District through the term of this contract.
5.I. Consider/Approve RFP 2022-10-032a for Grocery and Catering Services
Priority #5: Optimize All Available Resources
Background: This is a non-exclusive contract that provides grocery and catering services. This contract will supplement the existing contract and eventually replace it, putting it on a five (5) year cycle for renewal. This contract will approve vendors needed to be used throughout the District for various events. This is a perpetual RFP that will be awarded monthly, as needed, to increase the District’s variety of approved vendors for necessary items and services. CFBISD staff will request quotes from the awarded vendors and select based on what is in the best interest of the District. Purchases made under this contract will utilize multiple local, state, and federal funding sources. The estimated spend is not to exceed $250,000 at this time. This amount will increase as vendors and needs arise. This is an ongoing contract and can be renewed annually for up to four (4) one-year extensions. Recommendation: It is recommended that the Board of Trustees approves the perpetual RFP 2022-10-032a for Grocery & Catering Services with the recommended vendors and authorize the Superintendent or his designee to negotiate contracts within this RFP in the best interest of the District through the term of this contract.
5.J. Consider/Approve RFP 2022-10-033 Administrative, Educational Consultants, & Professional Development Services
Priority #5: Optimize All Available Resources
Background: This is a non-exclusive contract that provides for administrative, educational consultants, & professional development. This contract will supplement the existing contract and eventually replace it, putting it on a five (5) year cycle for renewal. This contract will approve vendors needed to be used throughout the District for various events. This is a perpetual RFP that will be awarded monthly, as needed, to increase the District’s variety of approved vendors for necessary items and services. CFBISD staff will request quotes from the awarded vendors and make a selection based on the best interest of the District. Purchases made under this contract will utilize multiple local, state, and federal funding sources. The estimated spend is not to exceed $250,000 at this time. This amount will increase as vendors and needs arise. This is an ongoing contract and can be renewed annually for up to four (4) one-year extensions. Recommendation: It is recommended that the Board of Trustees approve the perpetual RFP 2022-10-033 for Administrative, Educational Consultants, & Professional Development Services with the recommended vendors and authorize the Superintendent or his designee to negotiate contracts within this RFP in the best interest of the District through the term of this contract.
5.K. Consider/Approve RFP 2022-10-035 for Transportation Services, Products & Repair
Priority #5: Optimize All Available Resources
Background: This is a non-exclusive contract that provides for as-needed purchases of transportation services, products, and repairs to be utilized throughout the District. This contract will be used on an as-needed basis, and the department will issue quotes to the approved vendors to provide the best value to the District. Purchases for this contract will not exceed $200,000 and will be funded using various sources from local, state, and federal funds. This agreement is for an initial one (1) year term and includes four (4) one (1) year extension options as specified in the RFP. The District reserves the right to rebid the RFP at any time. Recommendation: It is recommended that the Board of Trustees approves the award of RFP 2022-10-035 for Transportation Services, Products, and Repairs for the initial one (1) year term with the recommended vendors and authorize the Superintendent or his designee to execute renewals as provided in the RFP in the best interest of the District throughout the term of this contract.
5.L. Consider/Approve RFP 2022-10-034 for Maintenance and Operations Services, Products and Repairs
Priority #2: Optimize Facility, Safety & Security, and Infrastructure to be Adaptable to Student Needs
Background: This contract is non-exclusive and allows for a variety of vendors for maintenance and operations repair parts, equipment, and services. This is a multi-award contract that will be used on an as-needed basis, with the department getting quotes from the approved vendors and making the selection based on the best interest of the District. Invitations went out to five hundred thirty-six (536) vendors; we received thirty-two (32) responses and three (3) no-bids. This agreement has an initial one-year term and includes four (4) one-year renewal options as specified in the RFP. This contract will utilize local budgeted funds. Recommendation: It is recommended that the Board of Trustees approves RFP 2022-10-034 for Maintenance & Operations Services, Products & Repair for the initial one-year contract period with the recommended vendors and to authorize the Superintendent or his designee to execute contracts and renewals as provided in the RFP in the best interest of the District throughout the term of this contract. |
5.M. Consider/Approve RFQ 2022-11-037 for Construction Manager at Risk (CMAR) for Summer 2023 Elementary Schools Renovation Work
Priority #2: Optimize Facility, Safety & Security, and Infrastructure to Adapt to Student Needs
Background: Request for Qualifications (RFQ) 2022-11-037 for Construction Manager at Risk (CMAR) was issued as a two-step process to solicit prospective firms to serve as construction manager for the 2023 summer Elementary Schools Renovations projects. The scope of work involves renovations at twelve (12) elementary campuses to encompass building improvements for mechanical, safety and security, and technology. This scope of work was developed and designed by the assigned architect, LPA, Inc. Qualification statements were received on November 18, 2022, from four (4) respondents. Evaluations were conducted according to the evaluation criteria published in the proposal document. After the evaluations were completed and compiled, the top three respondents were selected to advance to step two of this process, which included the submission of a cost proposal and interviews to be performed on November 28, 2022. Following the initial tabulation, best and final offers were requested from all three firms under consideration, representing a reduction in price in response to the request. This project will be funded by the 2018 Bond Program, and a Guaranteed Maximum Price (GMP) will be brought to the Board of Trustees prior to the start of the project, scheduled for Summer 2023. Final committee evaluation and price tabulation will be provided to the Board of Trustees at the scheduled meeting. Recommendation: It is recommended that the Board of Trustees approves the award of the contract to the firm brought under separate cover for this meeting to serve as Construction Manager at Risk (CMAR) - RFQ 2022-11-037 for the 2023 Summer Elementary Schools Project Renovation Work and to authorize the Superintendent or his designee to negotiate and execute a contract as provided in the proposal in the best interest of the District. |
5.N. Consider/Approve Extension of RFP 2019-09-017 for College Level Textbooks
Priority #1: Optimize Engaging and Diverse Learning
Background: This is a non-exclusive contract that provides for as-needed purchases of College Level Textbooks to be utilized throughout the Carrollton-Farmers Branch Independent School District. CFBISD staff determines which vendor to use from the awarded vendors under this contract based on the campus or departmental needs and district standards. This is the third extension (3) of four (4) one-year extension options as specified in the RFP. Funding will be from local budgeted funds not to exceed $90,000. Recommendation: It is recommended that the Board of Trustees approves the option to extend the agreement of RFP 2019-09-017 College Level Textbooks for the third one-year extension term, with the recommended vendors and to authorize the Superintendent or his designee to execute renewals as provided in the RFP in the best interest of the District through the term of this contract.
5.O. Consider/Approve the Purchase of Special Education Contracted Services by a Licensed Specialist in School Psychology (LSSP)
Priority #1: Optimize Engaging and Diverse Learning
Background: The district is currently unable to staff all positions through the normal interview process. It became necessary to investigate every avenue to fill high-needs positions. Licensed Specialists in School Psychology (LSSP) is one of those high-need positions. As a result, we utilized the contracts we had through the district to look for qualified people to hire through the Contracted Services option provided by the district. Sunbelt staffing is the selected vendor for these services. All campuses will benefit as LSSPs work with student cases throughout the district. The cost of this contract is estimated to be $110,220 (33 weeks, 40 hours a week, $83.50 per hour), and it will be funded by the general operating budget. This contract will be for the 2022-2023 school year. Recommendation: It is recommended that the Board of Trustees approves the purchase of contracted services for special education by the recommended vendor and authorize the Superintendent, or his designee, to execute any contract or agreement in the best interest of the District.
5.P. Consider/Approve the Purchase of Above-Ground Fuel Tanks
Priority #2: Optimize Facility, Safety & Security, and Infrastructure to Adapt to Student Needs
Background: The District currently has inground fuel tanks, one (1) for diesel fuel and one (1) for unleaded fuel, that have reached the end-of-life cycle for storage. The District needs to replace these tanks and would like to replace them with above-ground tanks, which are more economical to maintain. This purchase will provide for the complete installation of the tanks, along with the fuel island pump station and software to manage and track fuel consumption. This purchase will utilize the TASB Buyboard contract with Stovall Commercial Contractors. This is a one-time purchase for $1,047,721.18 with a 10% contingency. The funding will come from the general fund. Recommendation: It is recommended that the Board of Trustees approves the purchase of the above-ground fuel tank storage system and authorize the Superintendent, or his designee, to execute any contract or agreement in the best interest of the District.
5.Q. Consider/Approve the Purchase of a Long-term Contract for an Electricity Provider
Priority #5: Optimize All Available Resources
Background: Due to the increased inflation in the market for electricity, the District would like to lock in electrical rates beginning January 1, 2024, for the next five (5) to seven (7) years. CFBISD is currently working with consultants to project and secure the best rate for electricity, as the rates continue to climb. The District would like to ask the Board of Trustees for approval for the Interim Superintendent to commit the District by negotiating and executing a contract for guaranteed electrical rates for the future. As rates fluctuate daily, this would give the District the ability to lock in a lower rate based on the best interest for no more than seven (7) years. Recommendation: It is recommended that the Board of Trustees approve the authority for the Interim Superintendent to negotiate and execute an agreement to secure electrical rates for the District for five to seven years from January 1, 2024, in the best interest of the District. |
5.R. Consider/Approve the Purchase of Professional Development Sessions
Priority #1: Optimize Engaging and Diverse Learning
Background: Solution Tree offers two PD sessions that support the work that campuses have begun as they collaborate to improve student learning. 1. Professional Learning Communities at Work two-day symposium. The PLC process is recognized as a powerful strategy for sustained, substantive school improvement. This symposium will provide the knowledge and tools for elementary and secondary campus administrators and staff to improve this powerful process in CFB. 2. Response to Intervention (RTI) enables staff to know students by name and need. This work reinforces the need for high-quality Tier 1 instruction that can only be achieved by staff working together in Professional Learning Communities. Comparative quotes were evaluated for this purchase. Solutions Tree is the preferred vendor for this work and the cost for this professional development is $174,317 using the contract RFP 2020-10-024 for Staff Development. This is a one-time purchase for the 2022-2023 school year utilizing both Title II funds for campus-based staff, and general operating funds for non-campus-based staff. This training will be repeated annually over the next few years as Professional Learning Communities are a major part of the instructional improvement strategy for CFBISD as funds are available pending board approval. Recommendation: It is recommended that the Board of Trustees approves the purchase of Professional Development Sessions from Solution Tree and authorize the Superintendent or his designee to execute agreements in the best interest of the District through the term of this contract.
5.S. Consider/Approve Ratification for Purchase of Genetic System Upgrade
Priority #2: Optimize Facility, Safety & Security, and Infrastructure to Adapt to Student Needs
Background: This purchase will provide augmentation to the current Genetec System, which is the hub controlling the District’s security camera equipment footage storage. The current system will no longer handle the needs of what we currently have in place or any additional equipment needing to be added or upgraded for increased security of the District. In order to procure the equipment with the current supply chain deliveries being months out, we would like to ratify the authority for this purchase to ensure the delivery of equipment as soon as possible. The District is utilizing the State of Texas DIR contracts to make the purchase. This will be a one-time purchase and will be made using TIF Funds for $278.563.27. Recommendation: It is recommended that the Board of Trustees approve the Ratification for Purchase of Genetec System Upgrade from Dell and authorize the Superintendent, or his designee, to execute any contract or agreement in the best interest of the District.
5.T. Consider/Approve Minutes of Board of Trustees Pre-Meeting Briefing Held November 3, 2022
Recommendation: It is recommended that the Board of Trustees approves the minutes of the November 3, 2022, Pre-Meeting Briefing.
5.U. Consider/Approve Minutes of the Board of Trustees Regular Meeting Held November 3, 2022
Recommendation: It is recommended that the Board of Trustees approves the minutes of the November 3, 2022, Regular Board of Trustees Meeting.
5.V. Consider Approval of Minutes of Board of Trustees Work/Study Session Held November 10, 2022
Recommendation: It is recommended that the Board of Trustees approves the minutes of the November 10, 2022, Work/Study Meeting.
6.A. Items Removed from Consent
6.B. Consider/Approve 2023-2024 District Instructional Calendar & Professional Development Waiver
Priority #3: Optimize Community Engagement
Background: The District Improvement Council (DIC) met in September to begin a dialogue around four (4) draft calendars. This information was sent to school district staff to get their feedback prior to the second meeting in November. At the November meeting, the DIC considered the feedback provided and narrowed the final calendars down to two that were sent to all staff, parents, and students in the district. The calendar chosen by the DIC and the community as a whole features four (4) early release days for all students. These days will be used for Professional Learning Communities to meet and plan as they continue to know each student by name and need. The calendar also includes two (2) additional early release days for high school students only. One day is placed at the end of each semester. This will allow high school staff to grade exams and ensure all end-of-semester documentation is completed. The calendar survey was open for a week and was completed by 1,497 individuals. Of these, the breakdown is as follows: 1,155 parents, 271 staff, 60 parents/staff, and 11 students/others. 68% of the respondents chose the attached calendar. When further broken down, 72% of parents voted for the calendar with four (4) early release days, and 86% of all respondents agreed that we should provide two (2) additional early release days for high school only. As in the past, the calendar includes two (2) professional development days. The first will occur in October and the second in February. TEA requires districts that choose to include professional development days to apply for a waiver. With Board approval, the District’s PEIMS department will submit this through the state’s online waiver process. Recommendation: It is recommended that the Board of Trustees approves the adoption of the 2023-2024 school calendar as proposed, as well as approval of the submission of the required professional development waiver.
6.C. Consider/Approve the Purchase of Updates for Playgrounds at the Child Development Academy
Priority #4: Optimize Social and Emotional Health of All Students
Background: This purchase is for updating the existing playground equipment at the Child Development Academy. The purchase will provide age-appropriate updated equipment for the playground. This purchase will utilize the TASB Buyboard contract, totaling $296,573.00 with a 10% contingency. Funds used will be from the general fund. Recommendation: It is recommended that the Board of Trustees approve the purchase of updating the playground equipment at the Child Development Academy and authorize the Superintendent, or his designee, to execute any contract or agreement in the best interest of the District.